Dead Prince
since the sound design is great and works better with a headset. any recommendations on one?
How about the Reinhardt players who run out alone and use their shield. Like, what function are you serving right now exactly? No, I won't heal you because you're not helping.
To get more players on support/healing they should make another edgelord like Reaper and toss it on healing. Maybe like an Arthas style healer that AOE heals with the might of his rage.
How about the Reinhardt players who run out alone and use their shield. Like, what function are you serving right now exactly? No, I won't heal you because you're not helping.
Al this talk about bad Reinhardt players makes me wonder how could they be so bad. With 15 hours of Reinhardt under my belt, I think it's safe for me to say that he's one of the easiest heroes to play as. Just hold up your damn shield and advance while your teammates shoot from behind your shield.
I suck with healers but you know how it is, someones gotta do it when everyone else insta picks a damage dealer.
I also have >3 K/D with Soldier, Reaper and Roadhoag but I don't play them too often.
On PS4, can someone explain to me the difference between Team Voice Chat, Group Voice Chat, and what's the difference is between On and Auto-Join?
It takes a few seconds to recharge after breaking. If the shield is protecting anything, those things will either be dead or the formation will have to scatter. Either result is a good thing.
What do you mean multiplier of 1? What's the default sensitivity in windows? I see about a range of 1-10 I think in windows sensitivity.Assuming your sensitivity settings for your OS are at default (multiplier of 1), then can roughly estimate your cumulative sensitivity with DPI (mouse setting) and in-game sensitivity (a multiplier).
Seagull, for example, uses 1600 DPI and 4 sensitivity. Pros tend to express the cumulative sensitivity as inch/360 (the amount of distance you need to move your mouse to turn 360 degrees in game) but I find this too arbitrary to work with, even if it's more accurate. I just use DPI * sensitivity, so he's using 6400 "total sensitivity". This is a decent starting point. It's probably too slow for a lot of people (you need a big mouse pad and large sweeping movements) so I recommend going for 7000-8000. Anymore than that and you'll have trouble tracking people across the screen.
Naturally, some characters are more suited to a higher sens (Tracer, Pharah) while others are better at lower sens (Widowmaker, Hanzo).
They aim for a 50% w/l ratio so...if you're on a winning streak, expect to start losing
Gotta keep that precious 50ish% win rate.
With groups it's more like they pair your group up with an equally/less skillful group, then after amassing a win streak of like 5 games, they rebalance and pair your group up with what seems to be an MLG pro team.
Thanks. It took me a few matches playing Lucio to figure out that the number next to the sound wave is the # of people the song is affecting.lucio buffs doesn't stack.
The worst pub players are those dancing around in front of a shield and not emptying their clips at it. When I play McCree, the moment I see a shield, I am fanning at it non-stop until it breaks.
Thanks. It took me a few matches playing Lucio to figure out that the number next to the sound wave is the # of people the song is affecting.
I think... 6? On their ticky mark slider.What do you mean multiplier of 1? What's the default sensitivity in windows?
Yeah probably. I used to be a wrist player but for FPS, arm playing is the way to go and I had to adjust to that.Also probably should have mentioned that it also depends on whether you are an arm player or a wrist player. Seagull's sensitivity seems low but he is probably an arm player rather than a wrist player, wrist players require higher sensitivity because they don't move the mouse as much and use smaller mouse mats.
Yeah, I know they do, but it noticeable. You can be on teams that are so flippin bad you don't make it to the first objective...then you get paired with a team that is a fully functioning great team.
I've only had a few matches where I thought there was a legit battle of two solid teams going on. (That's when the game really does start to sing).
Al this talk about bad Reinhardt players makes me wonder how could they be so bad. With 15 hours of Reinhardt under my belt, I think it's safe for me to say that he's one of the easiest heroes to play as. Just hold up your damn shield and advance while your teammates shoot from behind your shield.
It's not really low for an arm player, it seems low if you compare it to wrist players though.Dang I didn't realize that pros were using sensitivities that low. I do have a hard time tracking sometimes and will need to adjust mine gradually to a sweet spot. Is the only way to turn down dpi on a mouse without a dedicated selector switch by installing the software for it?
You need to play with a group then. Most of the time, it feels like the game matches you up pretty good, but those times when it matches you up with MLG pro teams can really be demoralizing.
Al this talk about bad Reinhardt players makes me wonder how could they be so bad. With 15 hours of Reinhardt under my belt, I think it's safe for me to say that he's one of the easiest heroes to play as. Just hold up your damn shield and advance while your teammates shoot from behind your shield.
has anyone ran into a pro/mlg player? i wouldn't know because i don't really know anyone lol
I have no idea who those pro players are supposed to be, plus I doubt any of them play on the South American server.has anyone ran into a pro/mlg player? i wouldn't know because i don't really know anyone lol
In-game is a good start but the mouse settings do play a role as well. If you have a gaming mouse it most likely has driver software where you can adjust the settings.
If you want to see what pro OW players use for in-game sensitivity and mouse settings check this out:
Your mouse sensitivity depends on your
-Sensitivity under mouse settings in windows control panel
-Ingame se sensitivity
You have to play around all three to find the best fit. I keep my DPI at max my mouse allows i.e. 6500, windows sensitivity to 70% and ingame sensitivity between 11-16 depending characters (you can set individual sensitivity for each). So for Genji I have 16 but for McCree I keep it at 11 because I require a bit finer aiming for his gun.
Al this talk about bad Reinhardt players makes me wonder how could they be so bad. With 15 hours of Reinhardt under my belt, I think it's safe for me to say that he's one of the easiest heroes to play as. Just hold up your damn shield and advance while your teammates shoot from behind your shield.
Some of the shield mechanics in this game are not very intuitive.
Learning that you can shoot through friendly shields but not enemy shields is odd. Especially when you factor in that beam weapons CAN penetrate shields, while kinetic weapons can't.
Then you have to ask yourself what counts as a beam weapon.
Winston, Symmetra, Zarya...
Lucio seems like he should, but he doesn't.
Reinhardt mirror matches are hilarious. Especially if we charge at each other.
I think a stun melee would be cool for Mercy. Basically I'm in favor of any additional Mercy abilities and/or buffs.
Reinhardt mirror matches are hilarious. Especially if we charge at each other.
Symmetra should be #1 but I am still not confident enough to pick her in certain maps I want to pick her in the future. D.Va has no business on my Top 10 and I have no idea why Winston isn't there, I could swear I had at least three hours on him. Same goes to Zarya.
I think Winston's tesla cannon goes through Reinhardt's shield.Actually, none of those attacks go through Reinhardt's shield.
Beam weapons can't be deflected by Genji or blasted by D.Va's defense matrix, but Reinhardt's shield does not care about that stuff.
Only Symmetra's alt-fire goes through Reinhardt and Winston's shields.
Actually, none of those attacks go through Reinhardt's shield.
Beam weapons can't be deflected by Genji or blasted by D.Va's defense matrix, but Reinhardt's shield does not care about that stuff.
Only Symmetra's alt-fire goes through Reinhardt and Winston's shields.
Winston's gun does go through Rein/Winston shields
If anything, buff the damage boost. I feel like it's better for me to teamshoot behind reinhardt's shield than it is to boost one of the players most of the time.
Passive Reinhardts are the worst. I cringe when a Reinhardt hides behind wall once his shield breaks, instead of going rambo on the enemies in front. I can only understand that if there is a Bastion (or a Widowmaker) shooting at him, but depending on how close the Bastion is you can charge and take it down.Al this talk about bad Reinhardt players makes me wonder how could they be so bad. With 15 hours of Reinhardt under my belt, I think it's safe for me to say that he's one of the easiest heroes to play as. Just hold up your damn shield and advance while your teammates shoot from behind your shield.
Winston's gun goes through it and Symmetra's alt fore (which is absolutely terrible because of how slow it is).Actually, none of those attacks go through Reinhardt's shield.
Beam weapons can't be deflected by Genji or blasted by D.Va's defense matrix, but Reinhardt's shield does not care about that stuff.
Only Symmetra's alt-fire goes through Reinhardt and Winston's shields.