Not true! I do most of my damage on junkrat after I'm dead!
Best play of the game I ever had was killing two with the tire ult then three more after I died on the point in a KOTH map, lol.
Not true! I do most of my damage on junkrat after I'm dead!
this is amazing. i hope to one day get a potg this good lmao
Haha this thread looks like a MOBA thread. When in doubt, it's always someone else's fault you lost.
You'll eventually realize you aren't as good as you think you are in your mind. You're not Seagull being held back by random pubs or a bad Hanzo/Widow/Mei. You're just as bad as they are.
All these Reinhardt posts are just reinforcing my deep belief that Reinhardt is a crutch that makes teams weaker unless both the Reinhardt and the whole team is very good.
Playing well with a Reinhardt is hard. Doing the right things against a Reinhardt is very easy. Not to mention that Reinhardt is countered by the exact characters who are already pubstompers!
Play somebody with better offense. Anybody can push the payload. You can push it faster if the enemy team is dead first.
Dammit, if you're the only person playing support, don't switch classes without saying something
You get a backfill 400xp and 250?xp for finishing the match. Been in those myself...not that bad for a minute of doing nothing..
Way too many randoms do the death chain thing. GROUP UP YOU IDIOTS. Stop running into the enemy team by yourself and keep dying. You're no hero.
Way too many randoms do the death chain thing. GROUP UP YOU IDIOTS. Stop running into the enemy team by yourself and keep dying. You're no hero.
I thought this too until I was keeping payloads in overtime by myself for minutes while my team kept wiping.
Played a game this morning with a troll symmetra on our team.
It was the night market for lijiang tower. She set up her teleported on the edge of the map facing death. She probably got 4"kills" from that thing alone.
Yeah, I was thinking in a similar shit until I played Payload modes a lot more. It is so damn dumb to watch it unfold and I started to just leave at the heroes selection screen with bad team comps for Payload.
I really just want KOTH matchmaking preference already. It is a lot more fun and more people actually work on the objective.
Played a game this morning with a troll symmetra on our team.
It was the night market for lijiang tower. She set up her teleported on the edge of the map facing death. She probably got 4"kills" from that thing alone.
That gives them kills? They need to fix that. No wonder the trolls do it. Probably hoping for a POTG
I have this strong feeling that I'll never get that one.Heh, just got the "Smooth as Silk" Achievement and don't even know how.
It doesn't, they're guessing based on people walking out the tele.
You should hear the shit my wife says about our random Reinharts we play with when she is Mercy.
"Where the fuck are you going...? You realize, I'm not going to follow your, right?"
"I guess we're just going to observe the objective from this safe distance over here."
"That's right, drop your shield... it's not like you have 3 teammates shooting from behind you from safety. But you really wanted that flame strike to whiff, huh?"
"Turn the fuck around!"
"Fuck this guy, I'm switching to Lucio..."
I wont play Reinhart because I get it even worse. D:
Team is for your whole team including any randoms you were matched with while Group is your private in game party. I think auto join will auto switch the channel for you, if both are set to auto join group chat will supersede team chat. You can manually switch between channels under the social menu.
I have this strong feeling that I'll never get that one.
Just started playing Zarya for the first time the other night, she's my new favorite.
When I play Roadhog make sick MLG plays, Zarya wins games. Both are awesome.
Both on score/min (performance).
Pretty proud of myself, especially since I've been kicked from a group lately after they had a defeat with me.
Didn't feel like it was my fault.
If anything, buff the damage boost. I feel like it's better for me to teamshoot behind reinhardt's shield than it is to boost one of the players most of the time.
Which stat tracker is this?
I leave every game that has a Widowmaker in it.
Just can't take it anymore.
I have this strong feeling that I'll never get that one.
Kill an enemy with a scoped headshot while airborne as Widowmaker in Quick or Competitive Play.
I leave every game that has a Widowmaker in it.
Just can't take it anymore.
I have this strong feeling that I'll never get that one.
Shit, that's a brilliant plan.Just get caught in a Zarya black hole then head-shot someone... Easy.
Same, incredible character. Having spent a considerable amount of time with her over the weekend I feel like a well played Zarya can impact a game like few others. Playing with her alongside a Roadhog is ridiculous.
I leave every game that has a Widowmaker in it.
Just can't take it anymore.
I leave every game that has a Widowmaker in it.
Just can't take it anymore.
Which stat tracker is this?
Yeah, I was thinking in a similar shit until I played Payload modes a lot more. It is so damn dumb to watch it unfold and I started to just leave at the heroes selection screen with bad team comps for Payload.
I really just want KOTH matchmaking preference already. It is a lot more fun and more people actually work on the objective.
On this Zarya talk, every time I hear her say her Ult line, I hear it as "I'm going to get Thomas's deal!" referencing some foodchain which is what someone said in this thread or OT1. Can't unhear that man
The worst Rein feeling is when your shield breaks and you realize not only are no enemies dead, but there was never anyone behind you fighting with you.
So even if I'm really good at sniping, should I just avoid the sniper characters so my teammates don't leave when I pick one? I wish they didn't get such a bad rep but whatever lol.
I hear "I'm going for the Torb' nest steal"...
Happiness is when: You play Lucio and just when an enemy Reaper starts doing his ULT, you push him...and he ULTS all the way to his death screaming die die die lol Glorious
So even if I'm really good at sniping, should I just avoid the sniper characters so my teammates don't leave when I pick one? I wish they didn't get such a bad rep but whatever lol.
Yeah I'm not even really trying to brag, it was all around horrible, the enemy team sucked and my own team mates were horrid, it was overall a terrible experience, I get this sort of rush when I get an evenly matches battle and enjoy it even if I lose, but most games are just bad all around.
A lot of the times I die in payload over time holds is from a junkrat lucky shot.