I don't understand what makes it a lazy design decision.If I could just remove Junkrat from this game, I might enjoy it a bit more. I will never, ever not even once respect blowing up on death as anything but a lazy, stupid design decision.
I don't understand what makes it a lazy design decision.If I could just remove Junkrat from this game, I might enjoy it a bit more. I will never, ever not even once respect blowing up on death as anything but a lazy, stupid design decision.
I've never noticed cuz I never die as him.If I could just remove Junkrat from this game, I might enjoy it a bit more. I will never, ever not even once respect blowing up on death as anything but a lazy, stupid design decision.
Is anybody else having disconnect issues right now?
The game has worked fine for me since launch, but now I'm suddenly having problems.
I can get into a game but after about a minute I get kicked back to the main menu telling me to log in to battle.net again...
Only thing I dislike about junkrat is his steel trap.
But that alone makes me hate him.
Only thing I dislike about junkrat is his steel trap.
But that alone makes me hate him.
His super is ridiculous as well. I find it very annoying that POTG is almost always high noon or junkrat spam. Both take zero skill to pull off.
His super is ridiculous as well. I find it very annoying that POTG is almost always high noon or junkrat spam. Both take zero skill to pull off.
This is in-sane!I knew Luciowere the real deal, but check this out, that's my favorite thing comin from the fans community, here goes the audio medic.and Mei
If I could just remove Junkrat from this game, I might enjoy it a bit more. I will never, ever not even once respect blowing up on death as anything but a lazy, stupid design decision.
You only get one at a time, it's not an insta-kill or even guaranteed kill unless you dedicated both of your abilities to it or camp it, it can be destroyed or avoided completely. Feels pretty fair to me compared to the other bullshit in this game lol
A 24 Eliminations and no deaths Genji run on KOTH Nepal. It was really fun.
KOTH mode is GOAT in this game.
Target Rich Environment
A 24 Eliminations and no deaths Genji run on KOTH Nepal. It was really fun.
KOTH mode is GOAT in this game.
Pair up with a Zarya, go ham. If no one can do that for you, hope that the enemy team is full of immobile heroes and hit them all during the final push a couple meters from the Payload. Another good area is the hut in Lijiang Assault.Any tip for the Winston hit every enemy member during your ultimate achievement?
Been playing D.va tonight and she's pretty awesome. I didn't realize her dash does damage, nor that I could also use my bullet blocker simultaneously. Been challenging low level reinhardts and harassing like a mofo.
LOL why is no one shooting at you....
Deathblossom still is deadly, but I haven't seen Riptire being very efficient at all in the last 100-or-so games. It generally gets taken out or the team manages to spread out before impact. Can't remember seeing a Junkrat POTG in a long time, Barrages are way more common to me.I've found the longer I play the less useful I see ultimates like Barrage, High Noon or Self-Destruct do anything and the harder it is for myself to pull them off as people become aware of their limitations.
But Riptire and Deathblossom still shred teams, mostly because of the huge up front sudden damage they cause. You can theorhetically prevent them but both abilities give you so little time to react before you're dead that they come off as OP and frustrating.
Is this a regular occurrence for you?Sorta same principle whenever a japanese guy is yelling at me.
The D.va appreciation on this page makes me happy.![]()
I just found that I got it naturally.Any tip for the Winston hit every enemy member during your ultimate achievement?
Ranking for highlight intros are as follows:
1-3. All Zenyatta intros
4. My Reality
5-infinity everything else
beyond the nether: the widowmaker butt shot
Dash + Defense Matrix is what makes D.Va worthwhile as a disruptor tbh. Definitely fun opening up Reinhardts, too. Can sneak through their shield and tack on a bunch of damage. They turn around to try to block you and the rest of your team gets their turn.Been playing D.va tonight and she's pretty awesome. I didn't realize her dash does damage, nor that I could also use my bullet blocker simultaneously. Been challenging low level reinhardts and harassing like a mofo.
I should go play another game...
Is this a regular occurrence for you?
It's cool that McCree 'seems fine to you' but Blizzard has already conceded that McCree's damage output is too overtuned and his problem isn't his stun anyways. It's being able to open up tanks and melt them in three seconds when his intended purpose is a check and balance against high mobility flankers like Tracer and Genji.Macree seems fine to me. If you look out for him and avoid his stun, he's dead after his roll.
D.VA doesn't seem like she needs buffs, she's fantastic at suppression which seems to be her main goal.
I feel like this too sometimes. More hours as Lúcio than anyone else, and I don't even love him. He can definitely be fun, but I frequently feel like I *have* to play him unless I'm on a full team of GAFfers. Alternating playing the healer definitely helps.Fuck off Lucio. One more hour and he won't be my most played character anymore. Heal your own damn selves.
If I could just remove Junkrat from this game, I might enjoy it a bit more. I will never, ever not even once respect blowing up on death as anything but a lazy, stupid design decision.
Hit level 81 and finally got 50 unlocks for the only character that matters.
My total unlocks so far: Orange = 12, Purple = 23, Blue = 52
Everything was free.
Master Overwatch stats:
I'm so good with D.Va now that I can use her for any non-healer role, and the only character capable of countering me is Zarya.