It's hilarious how little of a shit some teams in QP give about anything
It's hilarious how little of a shit some teams in QP give about anything
Luciyatta still seems the best by far for support. Maybe I won't automatically loathe an Ana pick by a teammate, but she's still worse than the others.Meta predictions? All I know is that Genji is as dead as Widow and McCree after their nerfs. I'm really curious to see what happens to support, will all of them bar Symmetra see some good play time?
The amount of times I waited for a Genji to drop down after jumping above me and performing a wallclimb only for him to keep going and escape is pretty high. I don't see why he needs an additional jump when he can already jump, jump again, wallclimb, dash and fuck off into the sky. People have already a hard time dealing with him as it is, and that always looked like a wallclimb exploit, like his dash into a ledge to propel himself forward.Nah, it wasn't. Genji is about mobility and this hurts it massively and is hard to learn how to do it just right.
Like I've said, bring back triple jump and combo. Leave the dragon blade nerf alone, that's fine, but fix those two nerfs.
That's a pretty weak argument. It's not like everyone tests the game that way in a closed environment. If it happens during gameplay and you happen to notice something weird, you call bs and move on because it's lag/tickrate/a sporadic bug or whatever, if you see how it works and that it's consistently broken, of course you get upset. So, basically, if no one publicly calls out a broken mechanic, it's not an issue because the majority didn't notice it.Same thing happened when that video popped up showing the deflect hit box. Nobody complained about it before. As soon as the video shows up, everyone calls it bullshit. I don't get it. If it was never noticed or a problem before, how does a video change that?
i don't understand why in OVERTIME peeps don't jump on the point/payload...? Like, maybe, you'll die but if you don't jump on the point/payload you will surely lose, so wtf?!?
it's not brain science!
or make his nose light up red like Rudolph? Something. It's different for all his other skins, so... yeah. LOL
Luciyatta still seems the best by far for support. Maybe I won't automatically loathe an Ana pick by a teammate, but she's still worse than the others.
Maybe Mercy finds a niche with the heal boost? A mercy healed tank would be almost unkillable but that would rarely be worth the two character spots. Could Pharmercy 2.0 stand a chance against a McCree and 30% discord? Maybe.
Hanzo will probably get some play which could be interesting.
Typical Esports team:
With Reaper, Roadhog, Hanzo, Pharmercy(maybe) making situational appearances.
eh...i imagine you'll want a rein so that mcree and hanzo aren't picking off your supports for free
Excellent counter picking by your team.��
Luciyatta still seems the best by far for support. Maybe I won't automatically loathe an Ana pick by a teammate, but she's still worse than the others.
Maybe Mercy finds a niche with the heal boost? A mercy healed tank would be almost unkillable but that would rarely be worth the two character spots. Could Pharmercy 2.0 stand a chance against a McCree and 30% discord? Maybe.
Hanzo will probably get some play which could be interesting.
Typical Esports team:
With Reaper, Roadhog, Hanzo, Pharmercy(maybe) making situational appearances.
I'm saying that if the majority of e community didn't notice it, it wasn't a glaring issue.The amount of times I waited for a Genji to drop down after jumping above me and performing a wallclimb only for him to keep going and escape is pretty high. I don't see why he needs an additional jump when he can already jump, jump again, wallclimb, dash and fuck off into the sky. People have already a hard time dealing with him as it is, and that always looked like a wallclimb exploit, like his dash into a ledge to propel himself forward.
That's a pretty weak argument. It's not like everyone tests the game that way in a closed environment. If it happens during gameplay and you happen to notice something weird, you call bs and move on because it's lag/tickrate/a sporadic bug or whatever, if you see how it works and that it's consistently broken, of course you get upset. So, basically, if no one publicly calls out a broken mechanic, it's not an issue because the majority didn't notice it.
With the discord nerf and mercy buff I wonder if triple tank with Lucio and mercy would be decent. Roadhog can one shot and zarya with two other tanks should be easy to get charged up so there wouldn't be a lack of damage. Might try it out after the patch.
Meta predictions? All I know is that Genji is as dead as Widow and McCree after their nerfs. I'm really curious to see what happens to support, will all of them bar Symmetra see some good play time?
It just keeps happening!
I think ana can make the team very snowbally. Ult a Reinhardt and he'll pretty much get earth shatter. Earth shatter and your DPS finish the job and get their ults up. It could be pretty powerful in a coordinated team.I think triple support would be neater. Some permutation of Ana/Mercy/Zen or Ana/Mercy/Lucio as your support pick.
The thing about Ana/Mercy is that their ult charge rates are really fast right now. Ana will get hers first and start a fight with it. If your team wipes the fight, then Mercy rezes them and keeps it going. If your team wins with no rez required, Mercy has her ult for the next fight. If Mercy needs to rez the next fight, then Ana can ult post rez in order to extend or secure the fight. You could have Lucio for your engage or Zen for damage depending on what you want and which support ult you value more.
So like Zarya/Rein/McCree or Hanzo or whatever preferred DPS/Ana/Mercy/Zen or Lucio could be a potential 3 support comp. That's assuming that Ana/Mercy would want or need the third support and you couldn't run 2/2/2 with it.
I think triple support is maybe overkill though. The damage output would be too little. Triple tank at least would have decent damage.
The response last time I bothered to say something after the match was something like "admit it we already lost"
This came from a guy who in overtime decided it was better to plop down as bastion two feet from point woth half his team running in behind him...and get off maybe two shots before the defeat.
Some people really just don't understand the pros/cons of certain plays. They just think hitting people w bullets is how you win and if you can't do that you lose.
I haven't bothered saying anything post game since.
Finally got the summer spray[IMG][/QUOTE]
Still missing the 61st skin. :^)
Triple tank triple support?Damage output might not matter if you have constant Ana ult and can extend a fight forever. You basically are loading a lot of your damage into McCree/Zarya which is honestly enough, if the McCree can secure kills on other DPS you just win the fight anyways. You can also run Zen to get your damage up. Ana+Zen is actually a pretty decent damage boost even with 30% discord.
Anyways, there is a lot to play with when it comes to supports rn.
Edit: I guess you could run one tank and two DPS if you just want the damage over the tanks but I dunno. There's stuff there to experiment with.
Still missing the 61th skin. :^)
Triple tank triple support?
Oh you can buy those separately? I didn't know that.I can get it if I really want it once I get paid :v
Wouldn't triple support and triple tank be the set up to negate poke the most?
It's more like they won't win team fights right?
Oh you can buy those separately? I didn't know that.
The origins skins are pretty bad, anyway.
How are you gonna poke with Rein/Zarya/Winston/Ana/Mercy/Zen?
You're just not
You can pay the difference between the standard and origins edition to upgrade.
Really? I think most of them are pretty great.Oh you can buy those separately? I didn't know that.
The origins skins are pretty bad, anyway.
Is that due to speed boost and discord nerfs?I can get it if I really want it once I get paid :v
You'd just get eaten up by poke.
What I'm banking on this meta is for there to be more emphasis on poke and a lot less emphasis on hard engage for every single fight. You'll still need somebody like McCree/Hanzo to play around like that.
Oh, I see.You can pay the difference between the standard and origins edition to upgrade.
They're all a bit meh, imho. The only one that I like is the Widow one, but that's not even from the Origins edition, and Security Chief Pharah is ok, I guess.Really? I think most of them are pretty great.
Is that due to speed boost and discord nerfs?
Is that due to speed boost and discord nerfs?
His Emotes also suck.You know people keep complaining about zarya's lack of good skins but you know who has it worst?
Soldier 76.
None of them are good.
a bastion from a distance can melt tanks. + tanks will have trouble getting to a bastion, no?
thats why you need a good composition too.
I don't keep up with pro terms. What does "poke" and "flex" mean? I hear these terms a lot, but I don't know what they mean. They sound like simple terms, so I feel kinda dumb for not being able to figure these out![]()
His Emotes also suck.
So do his highlights.
Soldier 76 just sucks
You know people keep complaining about zarya's lack of good skins but you know who has it worst?
Soldier 76.
None of them are good.
So what would be a good way of negating poke damage?Yeah. Speed boost is nerfed just enough to make it so if a team chooses to hard engage without a pretty substantial advantage they are less likely to win the fight. Discord nerf also makes it less likely to burst down a target with that engage. It's still good, but probably not quite strong enough to just mash it out every fight the second somebody is out of position.
If you can just hard engage all the time you're gonna have to poke longer for picks or significant damage. If that becomes substantial enough people might even pick into those poke comps which then means the meta has to follow it.
That or Lucio/Zen is still mindless enough you can jump on anything, but it was really nerfed along with things like Mei getting buffed.
Poke is damaging from a safe distance hoping to get a kill.I don't keep up with pro terms. What does "poke" and "flex" mean? I hear these terms a lot, but I don't know what they mean. They sound like simple terms, so I feel kinda dumb for not being able to figure these out![]()
I like his GI Joe skins. His animations and poses are junk though.You know people keep complaining about zarya's lack of good skins but you know who has it worst?
Soldier 76.
None of them are good.
His Emotes also suck.
So do his highlights.
Soldier 76 just sucks
So what would be a good way of negating poke damage?
Switching characters fucks with Overbuff so bad.
Played 7 QP matches today. It says my stats are 5-2 (correct) and then for the individual heroes it adds up to 4-3. With 0-1 as D.Va and nothing as Winston.
The game in question was against 4 Bastions and two Symmetra's I switched to D.Va to deal with Bastion, but shortly after they went to 4 Symmetra's and one Bastion so I switched to Winson. We won the game.
So on my individual hero stats does D.Va have a loss and Winston nothing? It's not really a huge deal but my confidence in this site is dwindling very quickly. lol
With Reinhardt, couldn't a team poke at his shield till it was broken or near broken while theirs was intact before engaging/pusbing with speed boost.Having Rein on your team or something like Mercy that just quickly turns poke into ult charge. Just that and good positioning. Back in Pharmercy meta the game was still fast and had Lucio in it, but it was a lot more poke heavy in the sense that Pharah just poked around with rockets for a bit until it was time to collapse or go hunting for Mercy.
The problem with Lucio/Zen meta is there basically is little to no poking going on at higher levels. It's literally posturing for position and if any type of poke gets off, even damage without a kill, you mash speedboost and go flying in. It's stale, no diversity, easy to do, etc.
Tbf Ana + zen can actually destroy bastion real quick before he takes down rein's shield.