So Genji is pretty fun
Then the meis deserve it honestly. Pharah outdamages mei even with splash.
Yea, I still suck with his Ult but he's great to fuck around with.
Blizzard should give us one more month of these summer games as a sorry. And allow us to choose at least one item we'd like.
The main thing I had to get down was that I was getting the dash after each elimination. It feels a bit weird. Now I'm zipping around like mad man. With the ult I'm happy to kill one or both supports or their main dps. Anything after that is gravy. Although with the generous timing now (RIP) it's pretty easy to roam around and pick up all the non-tanks.
I keep forgetting about his dash. Started using it more often last night and it was good to get kills with it. I need to remember to use it more as a finisher or escape tactic. I really wanna get the 4 kills trophy but we had bad luck last night where most people kept playing Genji or we had a few really good ones. Made trying to get kills insanely hard.
Give us 1000 Summer credits that we can spend freely on only summer games items. Same prices as the other stuff (Legendary = 1000, Purple = 250, Blue = 75, White = 25). That allows everybody to get at least one Legendary summer skin, or some other stuff.
I want to get the Lucio purples and Torb's victory pose. Haven't gotten them in 150+ boxes which is kinda BS imo.
Zarya + _____ = 4 kill trophy
Same here. A ton of boxes and got everything except the main one I wanted.
But at least it gives me a ton of credits for the new stuff around the corner. Like Reins skin and DVas emote.
Zarya + _____ = 4 kill trophy
Wait until projectile nerf is reverted, she's back in a big way on PTR right now.
So Genji is pretty fun
Zarya + _____ = 4 kill trophy
In my experience, going against all-one-character teams is the easiest way to get the ult trophies.
I wish it were that easy. Sometimes other people end up killing the group inside before I get there. I think getting Nanoboosted is another good option.
Shoot rockets at them from afar.
Got the path is closed achievement earlier btw. They had someone stay on Symmetra all the way and I took the opportunity just hunting tps down with I destroyed four! this is probably the hardest achievement after Zen's one.
But then they will go into iceberg mode and just heal up as well as stall on the point before another member trickles in from respawn. It's impossible unless there's like 2 pharahs and 4 Reapers lol.
That depends on the character and the trophy. Good luck getting Pharah's trophy against 6 D.Vas.
Nanoboost was how I did it.
But then they will go into iceberg mode and just heal up as well as stall on the point before another member trickles in from respawn. It's impossible unless there's like 2 pharahs and 4 Reapers lol.
Got the path is closed achievement earlier btw. They had someone stay on Symmetra all the way and I took the opportunity just hunting tps down with I destroyed four! this is probably the hardest achievement after Zen's one.
I'm missing reapers 3 solo kill achievement too, it seems like you have to play badly to get that and don't reaload. uh..
I remember cuz I was the one who Nanoboosted you.Wanna help me out with it tonight? I'll be on.
There's several that are super insane, imo.
Lucio's wallriding one, the Zenyatta discord one, Reaper's kill 3 people solo in one clip one, both Symmetra teleporter ones (both the general one and her own), killing 2 people with a single 76 rocket, and Zarya's keeping 70+% charge for one minute.
Oh by the way, heard about a big tournament going down this past weekend, is there an archive of it? Never watched pro OW plays so far
Not like i have much to do atm anyway :/
There's several that are super insane, imo.
Lucio's wallriding one, the Zenyatta discord one, Reaper's kill 3 people in one clip one, both Symmetra teleporter ones (both the general one and her own), killing 2 people with a single 76 rocket, and Zarya's keeping 70+% charge for one minute.
There's several that are super insane, imo.
Lucio's wallriding one, the Zenyatta discord one, Reaper's kill 3 people solo in one clip one, both Symmetra teleporter ones (both the general one and her own - in fact her own is even harder), killing 2 people with a single 76 rocket, and Zarya's keeping 70+% charge for one minute.
They can only protect themselves individually with Ice Block, and Ice Wall is completely useless against Pharah.
No, all you need is some DPS and a Zenyatta. Then they're all sitting ducks. The only time people have trouble with gimmick teams is when their own team is too uncoordinated to deal with anything.
Is that considered to be one of the hard ones? I got that super early on just by playing normally, so I have no idea how rare that actually is.
Zarya hard counter Mei anyways, easiest game ever. just pick Zarya plus Reaper. Reaper 1 headshot 1 bodyshot kills mei, they are slow it's so easy to land.
You guys do understand that this is QP with randoms against a party of 6 players who are actually good and are using actual tactics to win the fight???
I remember getting the zarya charge one awhile ago by abusing a torb turret. It's really easy to keep the charge if you just keep walking in front so it's forced to shoot you. Though, yeah, I think if you play Zarya a good amount it'll come naturally.
The only ones I have left are the lucio wallride, the zen discord, junkrat mine into his trap(seriously how the fuck), reaper solo kills because I reload like a madman, and the widow air headshot since I never really play her.
Oh, forgot I need the ana nanoboost one as well.
You guys do understand that this is QP with randoms against a party of 6 players who are actually good and are using actual tactics to win the fight???
I was the only one using one of Mei's counters with Reaper. There was a Bastion on my team for god sake.
The one time we cleared the point, I go to the right exit to stall them but not a single person on my team thinks to go for the other side and they just go that way again and it was just impossible to recover.
It's rare that I'm able to catch 4 or more people in a Graviton Surge, and there's usually an enemy Zenyatta or Lucio ult ready whenever I do it. Add to that that Genji can still get killed just as easily during his ult, and this isn't at all as free as you're describing.
Then the problem isn't 6 Meis, the problem is your were matched into a shit team against a proper team. You would get wiped with pretty much any team comp. Solo queue QP is masochistic. Wait for friends to get online!
That's not supposed to happen. Like, that almost qualifies as a bug in my opinion. If you're team can't deal with enemy tactics, you're either just worse or it doesn't really count.
Of course, stacking isn't exactly balanced, so you're not entirely wrong either.
That's not supposed to happen. Like, that almost qualifies as a bug in my opinion. If you're team can't deal with enemy tactics, you're either just worse or it doesn't really count.
Of course, stacking isn't exactly balanced, so you're not entirely wrong either.
I got the Junkrat mine into trap by chance. There's no real way to get it easily in a chaotic battle. I recommend just playing him normally in KOTH maps where you have a pretty high chance with it.
Eh, even then, 6 meis is like one of the least viable same hero stacks I can think of.
Server is back up.
I mean that's fine, but this Mercy wasn't even healing her friend at the time. I walked up right in front of her since she had ignored me earlier and used the "I need healing" preset and she just wouldn't do it. Really weird.
Whenever I get on, there's only 1-2 people online and I usually can't get them to party up as they are in other parties. I am just eternally stuck with the degenerates in random QP. And the same will happen in competitive as well
I think I'm a decent player and whenever I'm with actually gaffers playing, we tend to win 9/10 but when I'm with randoms, I win 4/10 at best.
I know no team of barely competent players should be beaten by 6 Meis but man this is solo queuing in a nutshell (especially on console where you cant get any information across to the team). There is never anything positive coming out of it.
You don't play Mei to win. You play it to make the other team have a bad time.
Happens all the time on Solo Queue. The matchmaking works with groups well. When I have a group of 4 we are matched against a group of 4. Same with 5 and 6. But when you're solo, all bets are off. One KotH match after another, all of your team is solo, the other side has a group of 4. Yay! So fun!
i think i'll switch Lucio's jump back into L1 since I'm used to it more playing as Genji. I wanna wallrun like an asshole.
forget that lame pharmercy thing, that save is the best I've ever seen, incredible.
The problem is that at 25 unless someone is actually experienced in an fps game previously, the rank system placement can stick them in the 40's hell (or the new equivalent). They aren't really going to learn anything there other than contempt for their teammates. We got people in the thread that have to deal with that rank and the people there and can attest to what it's like.I totally disagree with this mindset. 25 is perfect. Having a higher barrier doesn't improve the game for anyone. A player who is lvl25 and actually wants to learn the game more can learn a lot and perform well on Comp. A player who doesn't will still be a liability at lvl250. The perception here is that you want less "trash" in ranked, but that trash are mostly stubborn dumbfucks who are lvl76 but still pick Hanzos, attack Torbs, and do jack shit.