Went up to 195X, dropped back to 1893. Two losses in a row can really fuck with the rating lol.
Why are you so low?
I finally broke through 2500 today. SoloQ is still the way to go for ranking up for me. Way easier than playing with premades.
Went up to 195X, dropped back to 1893. Two losses in a row can really fuck with the rating lol.
Yeah speed boost is way better than the healing. Preventing damage is typically better so you don't let them build ult. Hurts your sound barrier though.I think the problem is that many people play lucio as the passive healer out of obligation but he can do so much more.
Which totally blows. I play very Obj heavy, denying capture and pay load pushing which leaves very little time to just sit there and shoot at people. I am usually the first in and last out of the points while still managing to out heal the average Lucio. Yet somehow that counts for nothing in the current point system. I average about 19 gain and 28 loss which makes me so much more irritated than any possible person playing the game badly can.
Lucio shouldn't be the first one in. He should be with the team. Also if you are dancing on the payload you can shoot and boop people off it. I don't recommend dancing on the payload unless the other team is pretty bad at aiming.I should record my matches, speedboost is my bread and butter.
Wait how is that possible? How much does a blank range headshot do? There's no way you can take 3 people solo in 8(?) shots.
Our Ana Nano Boosts a fucking Hanzo...
Our Ana Nano Boosts a fucking Hanzo...
Wait how is that possible? How much does a blank range headshot do? There's no way you can take 3 people solo in 8(?) shots.
Because most of the what the nano boost does isn't very valuable on Hanzo, and the damage boost is mostly wasted on a hero that already does very high burst damage. If the nano boost made your weapons autolock on targets, then yeah, it would have more value on Hanzo.I don't see why that's a bad choice. That Hanzo player may have been the best player in the game (or maybe he was just a friend of the Ana of course). The Hanzo hate is a tiny bit ridiculous.
Our Ana Nano Boosts a fucking Hanzo...
I don't see why that's a bad choice. That Hanzo player may have been the best player in the game (or maybe he was just a friend of the Ana of course). The Hanzo hate is a tiny bit ridiculous.
Because most of the what the nano boost does isn't very valuable on Hanzo, and the damage boost is mostly wasted on a hero that already does very high burst damage. If the nano boost made your weapons autolock on targets, then yeah, it would have more value on Hanzo.
Our Ana Nano Boosts a fucking Hanzo...
I was playing Ana once for the lulz and accidentally boosted a Lucio :<
In my defence he was jumping up and down behind the Rein, but my team were still probably thinking "wtf?"
Our Ana Nano Boosts a fucking Hanzo...
I still think the worst characters a Ana could Nano Boost will be the healers, specifically Lucio and Mercy.
Though I do love it when Symmetra gets pumped up, as a competent attack Symmetra can tear the opposing team apart with the buff.
I did that three times on Hollywood defense on the last point. Won us the game 2 of those times.Our Ana Nano Boosts a fucking Hanzo...
A boosted scattershot at least must be capable of some prime bullshit.
Not really. The only difference it would make is that he would be able to one shot Winston, Dva, Rein, and Roadhog, and three of those have some way to block it anyways.A boosted scattershot at least must be capable of some prime bullshit.
I would freak the fuck out if I saw a nano boosted Hanzo aiming at me as Roadhog lol.I mean.
Not really?
Thing about boosting abilities like scattershot is that they don't really need that extra bit unless you want to one shot a roadhog or something.
My friend inadvertently boosted me as Zenyatta which wouldn't be too bad had I not also been pressing my ult down at exactly the same time.
I mean.
Not really?
Thing about boosting abilities like scattershot is that they don't really need that extra bit unless you want to one shot a roadhog or something.
Not really. The only difference it would make is that he would be able to one shot Winston, Dva, Rein, and Roadhog, and three of those have some way to block it anyways.
I mean, there are so many things that could've happened there.I know Nano boosting a Hanzo isn't the worst. But we had our tanks and a Genji with an ultimate ready. Hanzo was a bad call IMO.
Our Ana Nano Boosts a fucking Hanzo...
Why are you so low?(No insult intended, just surprised)
I finally broke through 2500 today. SoloQ is still the way to go for ranking up for me. Way easier than playing with premades.
As someone that plays Ana a lot, I can tell you first hand that it's extremely annoying when another player runs in my line of sight when I'm about to nano boost.
Also, a powered up Mei with a Blizzard is the harbinger of death
No and there better not be.Are there any plans to nerf ana's ult charge or at least her shooting speed back to what it was because I'm sick of nano boosts every minute.
No and there better not be.
Blizz better leave my grandma alone ):
What? No. I think Widow and Torb need buffs and maybe Bastion. I don't think anyone needs to be nerfed though. Not Zarya, not Genji, not Ana. She's fine as she is. Her ult is the same as Zarya, focus fire and it can't do shit. There's a reason she gets so many. It's because most of her ults don't do anything. Her ult is probably one of the hardest to have work successfully.Do you just not want to change anyone?
Ana should be able to shoot through fully healed teammates.
Winning a comp match after a team mate leaves is inmensely satisfying.
6 minute hold out at Hanamura B after being steamrolled at A. Love it!
God tonight sucked. Managed to come out a bit higher than when I started (And finally got that damn Anger Management trophy), but had to send so many damn rage messages tonight.
Had one too many matches where people would all lock down characters, refuse to heal, and then refuse to swap to heals. (Even if they were terrible and we proved we could do better if they just healed). Even had one guy tell us to go back to quick play and stop being free, yet he was playing Hanzo on Ruins despite us begging him to heal or pick literally any other character.....
Went up to 195X, dropped back to 1893. Two losses in a row can really fuck with the rating lol.
SO IS THE GAME DEAD ON PC? on lower levels? cant find a single match in 20 minutes