It's a deliberate design decision made for game balance. Hanzo's arrows are not hitscan and they don't rapid fire. His projectiles have to be large. Hanzo saw zero play with the "fixed" hitboxes and that was also a problem.
You know how hitboxes work so what's the mystery when Hanzo hits you? This sounds like a 100% psychological issue on your end that your brain cannot handle art assets and hitboxes that do not match. Not an issue with actual balance.
Pharahs aren't getting an opportunity to be up in the air and lining up those shots. Projectile buff doesn't negate the issues that decreased her pick rate.
Another quick question: does Pharah's rockets disappear after she's been killed? I swear lot of times I fire a rocket directly to an enemy and it just vanishes on my death.
It's a deliberate design decision made for game balance. Hanzo's arrows are not hitscan and they don't rapid fire. His projectiles have to be large. Hanzo saw zero play with the "fixed" hitboxes and that was also a problem.
You know how hitboxes work so what's the mystery when Hanzo hits you? This sounds like a 100% psychological issue on your end that your brain cannot handle art assets and hitboxes that do not match. Not an issue with actual balance.
Mercy's laughing emote is too cute.
The mystery is why blizzard would change from the perfectly fine no one is complaining hitboxes we have now to the clearly it was broken and reddit/forums/this very OT is filled with salt complains from a shot which should not have hit. The issue here is fairness from a hit. If players see a shot that 100% should not have hit them killing them, it makes the game not fun.
'lining up those shots'
so Hanzo's hitbox is back to the bullshit hitbox he used to have? How fun. He's still bad though.
each screenshot i take for these is 700mb
each screenshot i take for these is 700mb
So she's staying grounded and shooting at a Reinhardt shield or helping Zarya build charge?
Or she flies up where she still gets discorded quickly and shot at?
Hanzo's Spirit Dragon voice line now plays when using his Okami and Lone Wolf skins
Wait, is this referencing his ult voice line that's really quiet at the start, or is it just some random voice line that occurs when he's in that skin?
she's not lining up shots, tho, there's no need to now that she's firing cars instead of rockets!![]()
At the end of the game one of the voting cards was for no one lol.
It turns your line into jokes like "I'm insecure and going through some issues, but thank you for playing with me."
nahI think McRee gets swapped with Hanzo now.
Mei to appear in the new batman movie. Complete with ice credit cards.What killed the ninjas?
If you're going to bring up situations where Pharahs know where to aim their rockets, then those situations will have opponents who also know where to aim.
Regardless if she needs to line up shots or not, how is she getting those shots off when she's still vulnerable in the air or the enemies are easily protected from shields and terrain when grounded?
Ian is showing a Kara cutscene on Slootbag's stream right now.
wrong blizzard game i think
she's getting fools (more easily) before they have a chance to get her (which would still be hard because vertical aiming sux on console)
wait, are you talking about PC (where aiming is super easy) or console? Because I'm talking console, where Pharah is still a very big threat, so if this comes to console it makes a problem worse, etc.
Where are the patch notes? Is genji finally nerfed?
I'm not sure what they can do but I hope Pharah's ult gets some love, right now it works like the murder-suicide ult. At most you can hope to kill one person but you'll pretty much always die cus the whole team auto look in the sky when they hear the call out.
i wish the mei buff hadn't been to her ult. it's hard to land but builds so fast you don't have to care and can just chuck it at anyone.
they should have buffed the speed of her left click, the ice stream feels like it takes forever to reach its max range.
Isn't the hitbox change a buff to Mei as well? Or am I remembering that incorrectly?
LMAO this is too good wtf haha
New Overwatch update filters "gg ez" into different, hilarious phrases
why take my triple jump
blizzard sucks lol
Can you do this one with the pink skin, pretty please?