As others have said, I think they use your highest rank to help inform subsequent placements.
That having been said, congrats on getting there! I have once again landed at 2112 for probably the 8th time this season (high is 2234) and am struggling to push to Plat. I'm not sure why I keep getting handed this Rush LP SR, but I get bounced back to it almost daily.
I finally did it, my first gold gun.
I finally did it, my first gold gun.
I finally did it, my first gold gun.
I finally did it, my first gold gun.
ETA on console Sombra ;_;
I finally did it, my first gold gun.
This is from the official forums but it was a fascinating read, especially when Jeff Kaplan chimes in.
I mean I know she's considered to be pretty dang terrible right now but she's my favorite hero. She's super fun and easily who I'm best with. And when her redesign rolls out, if she ends up great, it'll feel nice to have.
I have no idea whose weapon to work towards next now though lmao. Don't have the same odd attachment to any of the other heroes quite like Symmetra. Maybe Mercy or something idk.
also yes I know my computer is a potato, runs at a nice stable framerate though ����
I mean I know she's considered to be pretty dang terrible right now but she's my favorite hero. She's super fun and easily who I'm best with. And when her redesign rolls out, if she ends up great, it'll feel nice to have.
I have no idea whose weapon to work towards next now though lmao. Don't have the same odd attachment to any of the other heroes quite like Symmetra. Maybe Mercy or something idk.
also yes I know my computer is a potato, runs at a nice stable framerate though 👌🏼
Symmetra is actually pretty deadly in the right hands, she can melt an unsuspecting or Reinhard easily.
Symmetra is actually pretty deadly in the right hands, she can melt an unsuspecting or Reinhard easily.
I also like to play as Symmetra, unfortunately my teammates do not like when I play as Symmetra.![]()
I finally did it, my first gold gun.
Yeah, they're terrible looking. You may as well spend the pints if you've got them, but aside from the handful of skins they go well with, the golden weapons are just tacky.
has there ever been any word on if/when Comp points can be used for something other than golden guns?
has there ever been any word on if/when Comp points can be used for something other than golden guns?
Some of the golden weapons look pretty badass (excuse the IQ), I think I might pick up a golden axe next.
Limited run swimsuit skins last i heard.
lol so basically were forced to buy these crap guns not like you can roll over comp points until the next season anyway meh.
This is a good example. I also like Zarya's Violet & Weightlifter skins with her Golden Gun, as they both look pretty ace.Some of the golden weapons look pretty badass (excuse the IQ), I think I might pick up a golden axe next.
;_;It's seeming like Nov. 22nd. Tuesdays are patch days, and the recent announcement for the next free weekend (not this weekend, next) mentioned "twenty-two playable characters," and Sombra is the twenty-third. So, people are assuming that means she won't be out next week.
Back to my discussion on tanks...
How can you survive long enough as Winston without using your bubble? I mean, if I've dropped the bubble to help a push, I have to stay with it, because Winston just doesn't have the damage reduction to deal with focus fire unlike Rien/D.Va/Zarya.
I love Winston, I want to be a good Winston. I just can't main tank as Winston.
Back to my discussion on tanks...
How can you survive long enough as Winston without using your bubble? I mean, if I've dropped the bubble to help a push, I have to stay with it, because Winston just doesn't have the damage reduction to deal with focus fire unlike Rien/D.Va/Zarya.
I love Winston, I want to be a good Winston. I just can't main tank as Winston.
You have to know when and whom to engage, and when you have to jump out back to safety. I recommend watching Miro, the Korean Winston player, play, and see when he decides to engage or disengage.
Sombra is going to be so annoying on console, since you can't turn fast enough like on PC. If you can position yourself right behind the opponent, he will probably be dead before he can turn and put up a fight. The new dual-zone aim might help against this, but that's only for the people that prefer that aim-mode.
Back to my discussion on tanks...
How can you survive long enough as Winston without using your bubble? I mean, if I've dropped the bubble to help a push, I have to stay with it, because Winston just doesn't have the damage reduction to deal with focus fire unlike Rien/D.Va/Zarya.
I love Winston, I want to be a good Winston. I just can't main tank as Winston.
dual-zone aim shouldnt be a problem for 180'ing quick. i've done that with pharah to do concussion launch. people just need to play at a higher sensitivity and get use to it with muscle memory.
its almost the same as a tacer going behind you anyway. low awareness player always get killed even though tracer makes those blink sound behind him as a warning ahead of time.
Good evening guys and girls. To the console players: why my Mei gun like like is always depleted? It has change, the gun do not have the liquid ice now. Is this normal?