Anyone know where I could find other beginner players to do Quick Play with?
I'm only level 22, but I figure it'll be easier to learn with other like-minded players than playing with randoms all the time.
So watching some high-level Sombra gameplay, it would appear the strategy is to hack a forward health pack, drop your teleport on it, and then go harass squishies and hack important enemy targets and when you get focused you teleport, rinse and repeat until you get EMP and then drop it on their entire team when you're ready to make a big push.
Sound about right? She's kind of fun, I just wish her SMG did like 5% more damage or something. Feels like a peashooter
It doesn't sound like my kind of "fun".
So watching some high-level Sombra gameplay, it would appear the strategy is to hack a forward health pack, drop your teleport on it, and then go harass squishies and hack important enemy targets and when you get focused you teleport, rinse and repeat until you get EMP and then drop it on their entire team when you're ready to make a big push.
Sound about right? She's kind of fun, I just wish her SMG did like 5% more damage or something. Feels like a peashooter
So watching some high-level Sombra gameplay, it would appear the strategy is to hack a forward health pack, drop your teleport on it, and then go harass squishies and hack important enemy targets and when you get focused you teleport, rinse and repeat until you get EMP and then drop it on their entire team when you're ready to make a big push.
Sound about right? She's kind of fun, I just wish her SMG did like 5% more damage or something. Feels like a peashooter
I'm kind of leary on giving sombra a damage boost because man when I see top level sombras with great tracking the damage she outputs is kind of nuts.
So watching some high-level Sombra gameplay, it would appear the strategy is to hack a forward health pack, drop your teleport on it, and then go harass squishies and hack important enemy targets and when you get focused you teleport, rinse and repeat until you get EMP and then drop it on their entire team when you're ready to make a big push.
Sound about right? She's kind of fun, I just wish her SMG did like 5% more damage or something. Feels like a peashooter
This is frustrating. More frustrating is when your team doesn't immediately punish the shit out of a charging rein and their noob strat actually works.There's a ton of bad Reins out there too. Especially the ones that just charge into the enemy's back line and then get insta-focused to leave your team tank-less for 25 seconds.
Pharah is who I usually use because it's easy to land direct hits, but you need to be careful and try to keep your distance so you are out of the turrets range.Can anyone recommend me a decent counter to a Bastion/Torb combo? Seem to run up against it often (especially on Eichenwalde, where they sit on the balcony overlooking the first capture point) and it just seems like whoever I choose gets taken out almost immediately.
Any help appreciated!
This is frustrating. More frustrating is when your team doesn't immediately punish the shit out of a charging rein and their noob strat actually works.
Played a game yesterday and I looked like a noob rein cuz ana kept saying she was going to boost me so I'd charge and then she'd immediately get distracted as if I had even a second to spare, being surrounded by the enemy team, while she decided to go unfocused DPS. Twice I died looking like a complete noob while our team got completely steamrolled after I was dead.
Somethings changed. Maybe an algorithm in the matchmaking? My friends noticed this too that since the Oasis map got implemented we have only been matched with pretty bad players against MUCH MUCH better teams. I'm literally talking about 5 matches won out of like 40. This is super weird, it's like I'm in a surreal dream. I keep playing just to see if the whole thing really continues and it does. It's like I'm in a David Lynch movie. I've tried arcade and quickplay and same story everywhere. Before Oasis update it was business as normal and then suddenly BAM biggest loss streak for all of my friends both in our group sessions and their soloQ sessions. All 7 reporting the same thing that they get sudden epic loss streaks never experienced before and it's spot on after the Oasis thing.
Pre Oasis, my QP for the last week or so had pretty much been wins, like 4:1, so I would assume my mmr is pretty good...then I get grouped with sub 30s etc and I'm waiting for their icons to load etc, assuming its a glitch and they are actually 130...but no. Matchmaking feels weird atm.
Somethings changed. Maybe an algorithm in the matchmaking? My friends noticed this too that since the Oasis map got implemented we have only been matched with pretty bad players against MUCH MUCH better teams. I'm literally talking about 5 matches won out of like 40. This is super weird, it's like I'm in a surreal dream. I keep playing just to see if the whole thing really continues and it does. It's like I'm in a David Lynch movie. I've tried arcade and quickplay and same story everywhere. Before Oasis update it was business as normal and then suddenly BAM biggest loss streak for all of my friends both in our group sessions and their soloQ sessions. All 7 reporting the same thing that they get sudden epic loss streaks never experienced before and it's spot on after the Oasis thing.
I'm kind of leary on giving sombra a damage boost because man when I see top level sombras with great tracking the damage she outputs is kind of nuts.
Later today I'm gonna try and get on a win streak and hit Diamond. Its so close, I can practically taste it. Its actually quite nice when you chat about the comp in Team Chat and when someone asks you to change from Zen, people can point out we're maybe lacking in damage otherwise and the Discord Orbs can help in a big way. Then its like "Oh yeah, good point".
"Could we get another support please? I'm the only one" "Fuck you Mercy" "I'm DPS" "But i've already picked".
Finally got to level 20. I'm starting to enjoy using Lucio, I just wish I liked his skins a bit better. Still rolling with the default, because the christmas one just seems silly now.
Pharah is who I usually use because it's easy to land direct hits, but you need to be careful and try to keep your distance so you are out of the turrets range.
Mei can put up ice walls in front of them, Reinhardt's shield is a huge help for your team too. Genji's deflection is useful, Dva self destructs are really helpful for clearing them out. Snipers like Widowmaker and Hanzo are also usually pretty good too. These are what immediately come to mind for me, but good team coordination is mostly the key thing though.
Feels like this is happening to me and my friends as well since the update we have been getting so many losses and such terrible randoms. We had just put it down to bad luck but I have dropped almost 500 SR since the patch.
Am I just super unlucky or does quick play have like zero skill based matchmaking? It's just butt blasting over and over
Am I just super unlucky or does quick play have like zero skill based matchmaking? It's just butt blasting over and over
Am I just super unlucky or does quick play have like zero skill based matchmaking? It's just butt blasting over and over
So it's not just me then. Weird that a lot of people in this thread are all having lopsided matches/losing streaks.
So it's not just me then. Weird that a lot of people in this thread are all having lopsided matches/losing streaks.
I am chalking it up to Christmas injecting a bunch of new players. At least that's what I'm telling myself to feel better.
I mean they still have to play up to the required level to even attempt comp.![]()
Am I just super unlucky or does quick play have like zero skill based matchmaking? It's just butt blasting over and over
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. Makes me want to flip a table with how bad the matches have been.
Me and my friend get complete retards while the other team get ppl that play like a team even if they're not grouped together.
Game after game.....
If the turret or Bastion is stationed somewhere that can be shot at from a distance, then you don't need to get close. Get someone who can fire a few damaging shots from a distance before ducking back into cover.Can anyone recommend me a decent counter to a Bastion/Torb combo? Seem to run up against it often (especially on Eichenwalde, where they sit on the balcony overlooking the first capture point) and it just seems like whoever I choose gets taken out almost immediately.
Any help appreciated!
I'm off work today, so if anyone wants to get a few games together around the Platinum/Diamond level on PC send me a message.
Yeah I think she kinda sucks but I don't think her gun is the reason for that at all.I'm kind of leary on giving sombra a damage boost because man when I see top level sombras with great tracking the damage she outputs is kind of nuts.
I am chalking it up to Christmas injecting a bunch of new players. At least that's what I'm telling myself to feel better.
I'm used to getting my ass kicked a lot in these games by now but this latest streak is something different and it's not even just me anymore.
I often find that in entrenched areas such as last point on Route 66 as attacker, it's really hard as soldier to get anything done when they have Dva Rein. Of course it depends, but what can I switch to that is better?
Seems like a missed opportunity to not have a Butcher skin for Roadhog during this Diablo anniversary, no?
So watching some high-level Sombra gameplay, it would appear the strategy is to hack a forward health pack, drop your teleport on it, and then go harass squishies and hack important enemy targets and when you get focused you teleport, rinse and repeat until you get EMP and then drop it on their entire team when you're ready to make a big push.
Sound about right? She's kind of fun, I just wish her SMG did like 5% more damage or something. Feels like a peashooter