the holder of the trombone
Still think soldier would be mostly fine once mccree can get squishies that he can 2-shot again.
You got carried.
I think the truth is that it lies somewhere in the middle. Climbing is skill with luck.You don't go from bronze to master because of luck. If you belong higher, you will go higher. ELO hell doesn't exist.
It happened, that's why I brought it up. If you are stuck in gold, it's because you belong there. I placed in gold last season and went up to diamond. Both teams will get shitty players, those who complain aren't special cases.
yeah, that explains why on overbuff or oversumo or any of those sites or apps I go to my mains and it lists me as being plat even before I grouped up yet I lost 5 straight games
I literally had a week where I was a master lucio in comp with the gaf 6-stack and before the 6-stack I plummeted to 2072 being the only support.
it's pretty fucking hard to carry 5 other players in overwatch
ELO hell is real and Blizzard's ranking system sucks
Not everyone will. Like you will probably end up moving in that direction but it is possible that matchmaking will just keep giving you shitty teams.
It's very unlikely it will give you shitty games for an extended period in a row, but it is a slight possibility.
This is not Call of Duty, your climbing depends on 5 people you see for the first time.
not in solo q?
it's hard to climb when you literally don't win games because of ELO hell
Try to play 90% games as Lucio (because nobody else wants to play some dumbass healer) and climb without being lucky.That's bad luck, not elo hell. You can get stomped at any elo.
No not really.
I play 90% solo queue and climb just fine, maybe you are where you belong?
I think the truth is that it lies somewhere in the middle. Climbing is skill with luck.
Losing 5 straight games != ELO hell. I lost 5 straight games in diamond, am I also in ELO hell? ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Try to play 90% games as Lucio (because nobody else wants to play some dumbass healer) and climb without being lucky.
I play 90% solo queue and climb just fine, maybe you are where you belong?
Or maybe you just got lucky teams considering any time I go on oversumo or overbuff I have at least platinum rankings with the people I use in comp and I can easily hold my own whenever I join the gaf stack despite the average match rating being around 2900. Maybe I just get medals and we win the game by accident?I play 90% solo queue and climb just fine, maybe you are where you belong?
No, that's going under the false assumption that both teams in a match have equivalent teamwork.I kind of agree, but, the fact of the matter is, everyone has to deal with the same players. The game isn't out to get 1 person. If you get screwed, others are getting screwed, too. It balances out.
When you have 4 gold medals as a tank and the next round is up and a teammate takes the tank you were playing:
Second time that's happened this week.
yeah, that explains why on overbuff or oversumo or any of those sites or apps I go to my mains and it lists me as being plat even before I grouped up yet I lost 5 straight games
I literally had a week where I was a master lucio in comp with the gaf 6-stack and before the 6-stack I plummeted to 2072 being the only support.
it's pretty fucking hard to carry 5 other players in overwatch
ELO hell is real and Blizzard's ranking system sucks
Why do you have to be Lucio? Also I'm pretty sure I could climb with Lucio, hes like one of the best heros lol.
Who else you gonna play with 4 DPSs for example? Ana? Good luck getting your ultimate.Why do you have to be Lucio? Also I'm pretty sure I could climb with Lucio, hes like one of the best heros lol.
supports get proven to have less SR gain over dps or tanks
you lost 1500 points?
I placed in diamond this season playing all 10 games as Zen. The less SR gain issue doesn't exist anymore.supports get proven to have less SR gain over dps or tanks
No, that's going under the false assumption that both teams in a match have equivalent teamwork.
put 2 teams with similar skill next to each other, one team has mics and communicates and has a nice comp, the other stays in group chat and goes 5 dps even though each individual is similarly skilled. Guess who comes out on top?
The problem is there's no algorithm in place to magically get you better teams after losing some games, in fact if you're consistently losing games you're just gonna get worse teams. It's pure luck. In addition now even though I've been playing at a high level with the GAF stack I'm never going to hit high plat let alone diamond this season because as our overall SR increases the matches are gonna be split 50/50 more, capping me at plat even if I put out diamond level performances.I think you missed the point entirely. You aren't the only person losing because you have a team of 5 DPS. You get screwed as much as anyone else gets screwed. Everyone is going to run into bad teams, but if you are as good as you think you are, you are going to rise up overall anyway.
Ah, to be fair I was playing mostly as Zarya, I just remember it being an issue in 2.I placed in diamond this season playing all 10 games as Zen. The less SR gain issue doesn't exist anymore.
Or maybe you've just been luckier with matchmaking?
Like I can see how someone who's as good as Master could carry a gold team to win, but if you're as good as Platinum there's no way you can do that. You're at the mercy of 5 random people you're matched up with.
People have given plenty of evidence to back up the ELO hell. It obviously exists. When you constantly get teams who refuse to switch blatantly obviously poor heroes, don't communicate, you're forced to pick a healer constantly because nobody else will so you can't really carry anyway, and so on, then the problem is bad luck more than you not being good enough to carry them.
supports get proven to have less SR gain over dps or tanks
In games like Overwatch or League of Legends, ELO hell is real. In a game like Hearthstone and Street Fighter it's 1v1 so you can only complain so much about luck or counters/being countered, but in team based games theres a lot more variables and you have to rely on random people on the internet being decent to each other when the chance of them ever meeting again is low, and thats a fun time
The problem is there's no algorithm in place to magically get you better teams after losing some games. It's pure luck
The more games you play, the more this evens out.
When I first started playing this game I got mad, too. I blamed teammates, Matchmaking, whatever. Eventually I stopped and looked at it logically, got a little better and ended up where I wanted.
You also play 3-4 games with a hero and this one website decides you're master level with him? What? How?
it's not a straight conversion obviously and like I said it was just a few performances. I'm saying I played a few soldier games where my critical hit accuracy, etc. were all way, way above the level I was playing at.
yeah and eventually I stopped relying on randoms to play the game well and just played with a group and I'm climbing to where my performances actually put me at
Sample size though. Trust me, I'm no grandmaster Ana, but it's convinced I am because I don't really play her on my smurf.
If you only climb within groups, I don't think it really helps your case, especially if you go on huge losing streaks afterwords.
I know, and I'm saying even if you put out grandmaster performances you don't automatically win a game.
Hence, you need to rely on teammates and communication to win games and climb rank.
Hence, ELO hell is inevitably a real thing that exists.
Its you put out a grandmaster performance in platinum you will win that game.
Its you put out a grandmaster performance in platinum you will win that game.
I literally have the receipts to show my master performances in low gold games despite losing.
That's not true.
I'm not saying I deserve to be in master, far from it. I realize the conversion isn't 1:1 because I'm playing against enemies who aren't master level.