Man, I was really hoping arcade would move up to the live game today. I'm having a blast playing 3v3 on PTR.
Hopefully sometime soon, probably late November or early December 😞
Man, I was really hoping arcade would move up to the live game today. I'm having a blast playing 3v3 on PTR.
Hopefully sometime soon, probably late November or early December 😞
I can't see sombra finding a place in the meta as long as her damage remains as low as it is. Who's slot realistically is she going to take?
As for the current meta report, the fall of zen is spectacular. Meanwhile lucio/zarya remain staple. Such a shame lucio is boring to play and low impact.
I can't see sombra finding a place in the meta as long as her damage remains as low as it is. Who's slot realistically is she going to take?
As for the current meta report, the fall of zen is spectacular. Meanwhile lucio/zarya remain staple. Such a shame lucio is boring to play and low impact.
And yet Zen is a good, solid support/dps hybrid class. It just goes to show you that you can't take the Meta reports from the Pro's as some sort of game defining truth as to who's good and who isn't.
I'm of the opinion that the average Overwatch player taking those meta reports as some kind of insider guide to who's good and who isn't is doing more harm than good.
Man, I'm really hating the Amp It Up nerf on the PTR for Lucio. This is pointless, both in concept and the amount of healing, which isn't much. Lucio already has trouble keeping tanks healed up, so if he's the solo healer, it's now it's gonna be even tougher if they go through with that change. It's an idiotic nerf, & I don't really know what they are trying to accomplish. Supposingly trying to reduce Lucio's pick rate ?
To that I want to say : Lucio pick rate has nothing to do with him being strong. On the live server he's picked because every other support is a ''victim'' with no mobility. On a competitive level, he's picked because he touch to the most basic mechanic, which is engage/disengage.
He's not strong, just needed because no support hero has an alternative to that very basic mechanic, and they honestly should spend more efforts into introducing an alternative over nerfing a perfectly fine hero, all because they are too lazy to fix Mercy.
I hope this doesn't stay. Nerfing Lucio into the ground won't make Mercy more viable. Hell, the game needs more reliable AOE healing options.
Lucio most definitely is not boring to play.
I think Lucio's design is that he isn't supposed to be able to heal tanks. It's his main drawback.
Just like Mercy's drawback is single target.
Zen's drawback is single target with further range but less hps.
Ana's drawback is single target with further range, but line of site.
You can't have someone who can keep a tank alive just as good as every other healer, while at the same time healing the entire team.
No, boring is not the right word. Low impact and somewhat weak is a better description. Wall riding and boop'ing foes is quite fun, actually.
So this happened:
I subscribe to "Team Optimism" when I play competitive Overwatch. That means that I go into every match assuming the best, despite what my teammates may present me with.
Here is one such example:
This is a 3200SR game on PSN. The setup is:
Blue Team Vs. Red Team
Road Hog v Winston
Zarya v Zarya
Pharah v Genji
Widow v Tracer
Mei v McCree
Symmetra v Lucio
You can see the video here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
I realize this is an exception, and not the rule. But it still goes to show that throwing the game at the start would have guaranteed a loss. Yet each of us still played to the best of our abilities, and it worked out great. No healer needed.
So the PTR cycle is done. Sounds like a patch is imminent, I'd still guess tomorrow, but apparently Ana came out on a Monday, so who knows.
So this happened:
I subscribe to "Team Optimism" when I play competitive Overwatch. That means that I go into every match assuming the best, despite what my teammates may present me with.
Here is one such example:
This is a 3200SR game on PSN. The setup is:
Blue Team Vs. Red Team
Road Hog v Winston
Zarya v Zarya
Pharah v Genji
Widow v Tracer
Mei v McCree
Symmetra v Lucio
You can see the video here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
I realize this is an exception, and not the rule. But it still goes to show that throwing the game at the start would have guaranteed a loss. Yet each of us still played to the best of our abilities, and it worked out great. No healer needed.
So this happened:
I subscribe to "Team Optimism" when I play competitive Overwatch. That means that I go into every match assuming the best, despite what my teammates may present me with.
Here is one such example:
This is a 3200SR game on PSN. The setup is:
Blue Team Vs. Red Team
Road Hog v Winston
Zarya v Zarya
Pharah v Genji
Widow v Tracer
Mei v McCree
Symmetra v Lucio
You can see the video here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
I realize this is an exception, and not the rule. But it still goes to show that throwing the game at the start would have guaranteed a loss. Yet each of us still played to the best of our abilities, and it worked out great. No healer needed.
Anyone know how to link my account to my PSN so I can get Oni Genji tomorrow?
Anyone know how to link my account to my PSN so I can get Oni Genji tomorrow?
I think if you go under options and press R1 you should get to an option to link your battletag.
ThanksI believe you do that on under Account. Or you can load up and hit the "account" link which will take you to the same page on
they should limit how many things you can hack at the same time. Right now medkit hack is too strong, if you hacked a number of medkits, you shouldn't be able to hack players.
What's the point of balance? Remove all the audio clues from her camo and also the transitions in/out of it.Lol, yes pls!!
Or don't interrupt her hacking when she takes DMG. That is such a BS!
What's the point of Sombra then??
What's the point of Sombra then??
I hate it when area is contested by enemy, nobody dies in my team, and then they get the area anyway. Die by the area please?
The point is to pick your hack targets smartly, not hold right click and feel good about yourself.
The point is to balance the game because it's busted as hell.
When she hacks you it only lasts for 2-3... seconds? And you still have abilities left, it's not like both your hands are tied.
I don't think that Sombra need nerfs.
For a lot of heroes taking away their abilities is hand tying them like Mercy or Genji for example and then Sombra excels at close range combat. Like come on, she needs some limits to not make her overpowered.
But she is not. Hacking has a cooldown.
Also it's very easy to eliminate her with most of the heroes, specially tanks.
The post you were quoting was talking about allowing her to hack even when taking damage. The point of my post was that such a buff would make her overpowered.
In theory, if you know Sombra's locking down all of the health packs, you could just lie in wait at one to take her out right?
Her hacks vanish if she dies I assume.
They last one minute, it's not easy to do something useful until the exact moment the hack ends, and waiting by a hacked health pack means that she's gonna come back to an instantly regenerating health pack that she can use over and over until she kills you.In theory, if you know Sombra's locking down all of the health packs, you could just lie in wait at one to take her out right?
No.Her hacks vanish if she dies I assume.
Other than have your own team hack it.It doesn't. Healthpacks stay hacked for one entire minute and there's nothing you can do to change it.
It doesn't. Healthpacks stay hacked for one entire minute and there's nothing you can do to change it.
Well have Sombra in your team and be faster.![]()