The grenade radius is pretty huge.
Live for everyone.Is that HOTS Nexus Challenge live on EU servers or US only?
Live for everyone.
The struggle was real, Sombra almost derailed my progress. Mercy/Ana main. Interestingly I hit diamond exactly one month ago.
whats the bug exactly?
Why torture yourself going to r/Overwatch?
Why torture yourself going to r/Overwatch?
It's 60% potg clips, 10% dank memes, 30% complaining about characters.Oh, don't be some sort of forum elitist. The Overwatch subreddit is fine for certain things. Mainly information sharing and decent highlight clips.
To be fair there isn't a page of this thread that doesn't have someone complaining about characters too lolIt's 60% potg clips, 10% dank memes, 30% complaining about characters.
Oh man. This play I made in 3v3. I love this mode.
Man, I feel like recently people just forget how to actually pick heroes. I have seen some of the dumbest locks recently.
Also r/Overwatch is kind of oddball. I've never seen a community so adverse to competitive play.
People on PS4 seem to have just stopped caring about composition. No one will pick a healer, people constantly pick stupid stuff like Symm attack or Widow KOTH. I don't even care about my rank anymore, it's pointless when something like that can dock you 30+ points regardless of how well you performed your role.
People on PS4 seem to have just stopped caring about composition. No one will pick a healer, people constantly pick stupid stuff like Symm attack or Widow KOTH. I don't even care about my rank anymore, it's pointless when something like that can dock you 30+ points regardless of how well you performed your role.
The struggle was real, Sombra almost derailed my progress. Mercy/Ana main. Interestingly I hit diamond exactly one month ago.
So to those that hate 1vs1 do you hate it because you keep losing or because you find it boring?![]()
-Zarya still feels fine. I didn't feel super OP anymore using her, but anybody who plays Zarya tactically/strategically will probably still do great with her. Playing against her didn't seem too different although she's slightly easier to kill now.
-3v3 is mediocre. Right now it feels like whichever Roadhog gets a pick first wins the match for his team. It could be fun with more map variety but I don't think I'll play it too much over 1v1.
if you are lucky enough to get sombra, it's fun to quickly deselect and select her again over and over again to see if people can steal her
I'm surprised at how fun 1v1 is.
1v1 duel is fucking stupid.
Anyone wants to group up for few games in HOTS? But i honestly never played it before and will probably not be sure what to do. lol
Please add and contact me.