Finally got the Oni Genji skin. Goddamn that was boring. Please Blizzard, never lock an Overwatch skin behind Heroes of the Storm again. Thank you.
anytime they need some surge in player count, i bet they will keep doing this, lol
Finally got the Oni Genji skin. Goddamn that was boring. Please Blizzard, never lock an Overwatch skin behind Heroes of the Storm again. Thank you.
They need to release a laughing and sitting emote for Sombra, I need to giggle as I hack poeple.
They need to release a laughing and sitting emote for Sombra, I need to giggle as I hack poeple.
In the early stages of the Sombra meta, seeing that hacked skull icon on my screen just means, "turn around and start shooting NOW".
They really need to change the 3 vs 3 rules. Like once your team selects a hero, they can't select them again in the match. This would add an interesting degree of strategy imo. The meta for 3 vs 3 is going to stagnate with the Roadhog/Mei/Ana floods.
I think Sombra works best as a +1, jumping into fights that are already progressing and disrupting the opponent. If you try to initiate you'll just die.
In my limited experience I found hacking Roadhogs and Reapers mid-fight had a dramatic effect on the outcome. No hooks, heals or running away for you. But yeah her damage is awesome and her gun is easy to use, so no point in hacking someone that you can just kill.
sure, ill log into GAF around that time so we can group up. I still need to download the game lol
Finally got the Oni Genji skin. Goddamn that was boring. Please Blizzard, never lock an Overwatch skin behind Heroes of the Storm again. Thank you.
Btw I was right about Zarya. They did change the way her ticks work this patch and she is probably overall stronger than before.
They said they buffed Pharah even though she's directly nerfed. They said they nerfed Zarya even though she was directly buffed. Blizzard I need you to stop doing this.
It was mentioned earlier, but wow the comp games on PS4 have completely gone down the toilet. It's like I'm playing quickplay with the 4 instantlock dps, no one wanting to play healer and being constantly split up. Not to mention so many sore losers and sore winners. Even had a game where half the team threatened to throw the game if I played Symmetra. It's always the Zarya mains too I've noticed.
Can you explain what you mean?
They buffed Pharah's mobility and some damage, but they nerfed the knockback. The knockback was a very important part of her being able to fight since it allowed her to disorient anybody from the first hit while she set up the follow up. Without the knockback, a lot of her hard match ups got harder and she's worse off in a lot of fights. Regardless, Blizzard communicated this as an overall buff and people are out there being all happy, only to find that there's a very high chance the mobility will not make up for her fighting ability being way lower.
It was mentioned earlier, but wow the comp games on PS4 have completely gone down the toilet. It's like I'm playing quickplay with the 4 instantlock dps, no one wanting to play healer and being constantly split up. Not to mention so many sore losers and sore winners. Even had a game where half the team threatened to throw the game if I played Symmetra. It's always the Zarya mains too I've noticed.
While I understand the reason why they had to do it, it still sucks that you don't feel as powerful as before. Now you have no choice but to use the ult in close-quarter situations, as most of the characters (sans Genji or Winston) are too slow to properly utilize it.nano boost nerf still making me sad
They only nerfed the "minimum explosion knockback". If you hit your targets directly or close to that, it still has knockback. I don't think it's that big of a deal.
On the other hand the buff she got is amazing, you don't even touch the ground anymore once you start flying.
I just wish that while in the air you could move left/right way faster.
While I understand the reason why they had to do it, it still sucks that you don't feel as powerful as before. Now you have no choice but to use the ult in close-quarter situations, as most of the characters (sans Genji or Winston) are too slow to properly utilize it.
Knockback's still very usefull and now she's way more fun to play. At least for me. The mid-air mobility allows her to be more suitable for me. I'm slightly better now with her but the most important thing is she's more fun. Well and "perfect" balancing asidewhich is just an approximation and cannot be something absolute and perfectit's still about the fun. I don't say it wasn't enjoyable to play with her but it definitely got better. And her being able to stay MUCH longer in air and being able to maneuver in air is a buff. When you say they nerfed the knockback it seems pretty break even.They buffed Pharah's mobility and some damage, but they nerfed the knockback.
Knockback's still very usefull and now she's way more fun to play. At least for me. The mid-air mobility allows her to be more suitable for me. I'm slightly better now with her but the most important thing is she's more fun. Well and "perfect" balancing aside–which is just an approximation and cannot be something absolute and perfect–it's still about the fun. I don't say it wasn't enjoyable to play with her but it definitely got better. And her being able to stay MUCH longer in air and being able to maneuver in air is a buff. When you say they nerfed the knockback it seems pretty break even.
My imagination, or has everything about the game's loading sped up? From startup, to loading into a match, to loading new characters up on the hero select screen, etc.?
It's amazing.
Before I do the Nexus challenge tonight, could someone explain or link how I link my PSN account and my BNet account as I play Overwatch on console.
As far as Zarya goes, they did nerf bubble so she gets less bonus damage from charge. But they also changed the ticks on her beam. Now if you pull the beam off a target it automatically gives you the damage that was calculated rather than waiting for the tick to happen. So it's actually way easier for her to stack on tons of damage compared to before. Despite saying she is nerfed, the beam change means that the loss of charge doesn't matter since she's more than likely dishing out more total damage than before.
Gotcha so you're talking about how the server calculates damage etc. vs an actual modification to her hard-coded output numbers.
Yeah, but it was way too strong before. I'm glad they adjusted ult build time, though. They are still available a lot, but I feel like it's made people really think about when they'll use it.nano boost nerf still making me sad
Yeah. In practice her raw damage numbers are down due to less charge available, but her ability to consistently deal damage to smaller/mobile targets is much better. It's another trade off that might invalidate the nerf. The only time it's going to suffer is her melting tanks by a bit or in the case where Zarya could easily get all ticks correctly regardless.
Another way to phrase is that the patch nerfs great Zarya players and buffs average-to-below-average Zarya players.![]()
the HotS quest for the skin was honestly a breeze. I'm glad it didn't involve playing Hearthstone, lol
I am sure they'll do it in the future, maybe they'll even tie something to wow...
So what's the quickest way to do the Genji skin? Aren't the games like 30 minutes each? I really don't want to play HotS for 7 hours.