Sorry my stats are off D:99.7 Pwner COME ON.
Wait I don't use that username on here/or on psn lol, are you from ign?
Sorry my stats are off D:99.7 Pwner COME ON.
The console version is 60fps 99.8% of the time
How dare you.
Just started playing on PC. Played the beta on PS4 and liked it, but wanted to try it on PC before purchasing because I prefer to relax on my couch with a controller instead of using mouse/kb. They're getting my money.
So a question: what characters should I be playing? I've been using mostly Zenyatta, Lucio, and a bit of Junkrat. All feel good on pad. I tried Ana because I liked the abilities, but sniper on pad without the auto aim from the consoles ain't great. What other characters would be good for a pad player on PC?
What characters do you play?
Though honestly I think people tend to overestimate the difficulty curve of going from console to PC. Especially in overwatch where there are quite a number of characters where the skill comes from gamesense and overall game knowledge moreso than aiming.
Also part of the fun is getting better.
The console version is 60fps 99.8% of the time
reinhart, winston, symmetra, mei, mercy, reaper
reinhart, winston, symmetra, mei, mercy, reaper
I only fire Mercy's gun if I've got absolutely nothing else to do, which is very rarely the case.I'd say mercy does get benefit for being reasonably good at aiming, because the best mercies juggle between dealing damage and healing, but yeah, I think you'll be fine. DVa benefits for from being good at tracking but she's not super precise.
I only fire Mercy's gun if I've got absolutely nothing else to do, which is very rarely the case.
I have been told it's quite good actually.And how's your mercy. >_> <_<
I'm the least qualified to judge because I'm a terrible mercy.
my 1hr of mercy
i have no shame
im a battle mercy lol
I see people commenting on how populated certain modes are, where do you see this info?
It's what the bars mean in the Arcade Mode menu.
I join 3v3 games in progress all the time so noCheers I see it now!
Is 3v3 supposed to just end when someone leaves, it keeps happening in the final round too.
I'm in that same range. What platform are you on?What the hell is going on this weekend? Everyone i've been grouped up with save one game has been consistently horrible. No mikes, no grouping up, dropping down from 2480 to 2300 and I am just leaking points.
What the hell is going on this weekend? Everyone i've been grouped up with save one game has been consistently horrible. No mikes, no grouping up, dropping down from 2480 to 2300 and I am just leaking points.
I'm on ps4 too, I've been grouping up with gaffers a lot recently and every game has been fairly close.PS4. I think I'm done. I just lost two quick play games in a row too, just got utterly blown out.
Can you not push-off with Lucio after getting hooked by a Roadhog anymore? There's a delay now where it doesn't work. That fucking sucks.
I don't think you ever could.
Probably did it against bad roadhogs previously.
This is a witch hunt and I do not like it.
She really should be defense instead of offense.Sombra is just so good on defence. I've played her twice now with a full hold on first point. Ended up gold elims with 15-16 and 0 deaths each time.
Disagree. I think she works really well on offense in the right hands.She really should be defense instead of offense.
Well I guess I'm not the right hands then cause I'm really shitty with her on offenseDisagree. I think she works really well on offense in the right hands.
She really should be defense instead of offense.
What do you mean? McCree is equally good on offense as he is on defense imo. He's just a pure dps dude. Hanzo I don't know which side he's better on since I usually just play him in qp but that's on defense.Well, she's as much a defense hero as McCree is. She's like the Hanzo of offense
I dunno, I've played with hanzos at my level that are pretty effective.
Honestly, hanzo isn't a bad pick. I'll take having him as a teammate over a lot of other characters.
Yeah, like I get why the Hanzo hate exists but I doubt a platinum Hanzo is gonna be the same as a 3 stack Hanzo in qp. His ability set is pretty good and he can dish out great dps.I dunno, I've played with hanzos at my level that are pretty effective.
Honestly, hanzo isn't a bad pick. I'll take having him as a teammate over a lot of other characters.
Huh, why's that?Hanzo is pretty much only used offensively in high level play. Same for Widow.
Just wait until you see my attack Symmetra.
I didn't buy the ps4 version just to avoid that.
Huh, why's that?
Someone said earlier Ana is the best healer in the game. What? Am I doing something wrong with her? I can't even get gold for healing with Ana when there is a Lucio on my team.