Good thinking for playing flankers or Winston. Those heroes are super pain and dangerous to follow as healer, not even mentioning that they pull healer away from core group. Situation you describe by using Rein as e.g. is totally on healer and him not doing his job well, place for improvement for them.
I just hate nerfing things that don't need it. Bungie did this with Destiny, and they basically destroyed any "balance" in that game.
I don't want that to happen with this game. Let's buff all the heroes that need it, then, we will talk about nerfing unless there is something that is clearly broken and the majority of people agree it needs to be nerfed and in this case, Zarya is not one of those cases.
Zen: he was a must have in pro games. PRO games. So, yeah.
Torb: pros don't play on console, so Blizz did it themselves, and they fucked up.
Symm: same as Torb
No. Your love and knowledge of the pro scene does not do well when talking about balance changes. Why should the .01% of players decide things for the rest of us? She happens to have amazing synergy when played with one other hero on a coordinated PRO team. And still only hits B-tier. Everywhere else she is well below average in pick rate, and is more in need of a buff than nerf.Ana is fucking nuts. Community perception be damned, that character can be straight nerfed.
I still think Pharah can be a good counter to Zarya since she can way out of her range.
Ana is fucking nuts. Community perception be damned, that character can be straight nerfed.
No. Your love and knowledge of the pro scene does not do well when talking about balance changes. Why should the .01% of players decide things for the rest of us? She happens to have amazing synergy when played with one other hero on a coordinated PRO team. And still only hits B-tier. Everywhere else she is well below average in pick rate, and is more in need of a buff than nerf.
Ana is closing in on Widow and Symmetra pickrates on PC, and I believe the stat sites factor pick rate percentage overall since the beginning of season 1 for competitive.
I also refuse to believe that as of season 2, that Symmetra has a winrate of 62%. At least in the higher ranks. She's a pubstomper but not much else.
Speaking of, I finally found a decent counter to her Nano boost just 30 minutes ago:
Speaking of, I finally found a decent counter to her Nano boost just 30 minutes ago:
Gif version:
I still think Pharah can be a good counter to Zarya since she can way out of her range.
No. Your love and knowledge of the pro scene does not do well when talking about balance changes. Why should the .01% of players decide things for the rest of us? She happens to have amazing synergy when played with one other hero on a coordinated PRO team. And still only hits B-tier. Everywhere else she is well below average in pick rate, and is more in need of a buff than nerf.
Dropping someone off a cliff is great. I never regret charging nano rein off a cliff.
But it does hurt my heart to see both support ults go to waste like that![]()
Dropping someone off a cliff is great. I never regret charging nano rein off a cliff.
But it does hurt my heart to see both support ults go to waste like that![]()
Lol pros said Lucios speed boost was too much, same with Zens discord. And again, the Torb nerf was console so Blizz didn't have the pros for advice and they fucked up. How strange that they fucked up without the pros advice 🤔but the 'pros say boo' about Zen, Lucio, and Torb...
Too bad it's really hard to be in that range when Zens, McCrees and Anas are all over the place.
For Ana, I think she needs very minor buff. Increase on her biotic grenade range, and maybe giver 50-75 shield instead of all 200 hp white health.
Balance changes is where the non separated threads for PC and console matter the most. I like the shared thread but we really can't know where the other line of thinking is coming from. Blizzard should honestly have 100% different balancing for the platforms, but they have no reliable source for how the game is balanced on console so they just say "well give em what PC got and it should be good enough." Yes PC is the main platform and is what the game will be balanced on, but I happen to think that my experience on console is just as important as someone's on PC. So I will continue to futility argue the imbalances in the console game.Plus Pro scene is usually about PC. Ana on consoles is a mixed bag because of less precise aiming.
tfw you have a team member on voice chat that CONSTANTLY says 'frack'![]()
wow ripSpeaking of, I finally found a decent counter to her Nano boost just 30 minutes ago:
Gif version:
If Ana got just plain buffed, I have no doubt in my mind she would be OP.No. Your love and knowledge of the pro scene does not do well when talking about balance changes. Why should the .01% of players decide things for the rest of us? She happens to have amazing synergy when played with one other hero on a coordinated PRO team. And still only hits B-tier. Everywhere else she is well below average in pick rate, and is more in need of a buff than nerf.
30 points away from Master.![]()
Waste? They're almost at the end of the map. The Lucio ult there definitely wasn't wasted. The Zen one probably wasn't needed but better safe than sorry, I would be very surprised if they didn't win right after that.
TBH I hear this stuff about getting 3 nanos per fight, and I'm just asking "why did you let the fight drag out that long in the first place?"
If people use mics, please consider that breathing heavily into it without speaking can be super distracting. Also, don't have a loud music/TV show on in the background either. No one wants to hear that crap.
gonna make a prediction that the game will end up just MMing you with really bad teammates. are you streaming? i wanna see it in action.
You definitely know how the game works, and history has sided with you on what Blizzard decides to change. But they MUST balance separately. Believe me when I tell you that a nerf to Ana would make her completely unusable on console. She is the most fun, unique, character in the game and still can't get into a damn competitive match without people bitching.I mean I see her enabling some pretty insane horse shit that I know once it gets exposure is gonna be everywhere. Hopefully perception changes there.
Remember when I said Lucio was broke and it was a matter of time before he was in every solo q game past a certain point? Ana's probably next. Just because I follow the pro scene doesn't mean I'm not a good and frequent solo q player and I don't understand the game well. I see Ana as the next thing that causes an issue in general. I see 3/3 as an example of how people are going to be abusing the system, etc.
I already said I don't expect 3/3 in solo q, but if the type of strat it represents becomes more accessible to solo q players or does catch on that shows a pretty big flaw in the game. Ana on the other hand is "herp derp immortal Rein every 10 seconds while healing 160 a second from across the map." Solo q players will figure that out.
Also lol at that gif, shit is great. I love all the ways people deal with Nanoboost, it's a pretty fun thing. Just wish it wasn't up literally every minute.
I do too. She doesn't need a buff OR a nerf.If Ana got just plain buffed, I have no doubt in my mind she would be OP.
TBH I hear this stuff about getting 3 nanos per fight, and I'm just asking "why did you let the fight drag out that long in the first place?"
I think Ana is fine where she is.
If Ana got just plain buffed, I have no doubt in my mind she would be OP.
TBH I hear this stuff about getting 3 nanos per fight, and I'm just asking "why did you let the fight drag out that long in the first place?"
I think Ana is fine where she is.
I was a little disheartened to learn that some people are using third party usb hubs to m/kb PS4 overwatch, though. How the hell do you even compete with that? Suffice it to say I'll be watching those death cams with a more critical eye now![]()
If Ana got just plain buffed, I have no doubt in my mind she would be OP.
TBH I hear this stuff about getting 3 nanos per fight, and I'm just asking "why did you let the fight drag out that long in the first place?"
I think Ana is fine where she is.
You definitely know how the game works, and history has sided with you on what Blizzard decides to change. But they MUST balance separately. Believe me when I tell you that a nerf to Ana would make her completely unusable on console. She is the most fun, unique, character in the game and still can't get into a damn competitive match without people bitching.
I do too. She doesn't need a buff OR a nerf.
But at that point, you think the team would see this and go for the Ana first. If your team is allowing 3 nano boosts, you probably deserve to lose that team fight because you're not going for the most important target.The fight probably lasted awhile cause you have at least two pretty beefy tanks and Ana has the most healing in the game right now.
Came across a group of 5 of them two days ago. They were also doing the SKill Rank manipulation thing as well. :/
Edit: they were all grandmasters too.
Should someone who is already doing work in a match be given tools to further assist them?
I still think Pharah can be a good counter to Zarya since she can way out of her range.
I still don't think people get that 3/3 is the most disgusting abuse of the ult system in this game.
You are either brand new to the game, play at a low rank, or have never faced a Zarya with a brain. Either way, almost all of your points are just plain wrong.
But yea, I'm spending far to much energy trying to argue that one of my favorite heroes is op. If they don't nerf her that's fine. Yea, sometimes she'll destroy my team, but way more often I'll be the one doing the destroying.
Can we take a moment to talk about the ult charge system?
Should it charge based on personal performance, or should it be a less variant flat rate? As it is now, it enables snowballing in a huge way, and enables the already well performing players to play even better. Should someone who is already doing work in a match be given tools to further assist them? I've always hated killstreak bonuses in games anyway, I will point out. But the way the system is currently seems to be part of the underlying reason 3/3 is so insane and offense has such an advantage most of the time.
But at that point, you think the team would see this and go for the Ana first. If your team is allowing 3 nano boosts, you probably deserve to lose that team fight because you're not going for the most important target.
I'm not sure about PC. But I think the average nano boost assists with Ana is like 3 per game. It's really not much of a game changer. The fast charge is the only thing that makes it viable.The fight probably lasted awhile cause you have at least two pretty beefy tanks and Ana has the most healing in the game right now.
I can agree that console and PC need diff balancing. I just wish I knew more about console. My main concern right now is less Ana's pure strength and more the way she really enables some strategies that I think are extremely unhealthy. I have no idea how that works on console :/
But at that point, you think the team would see this and go for the Ana first. If your team is allowing 3 nano boosts, you probably deserve to lose that team fight because you're not going for the most important target.
Why? They have already been proving themself better than their opponents, why should they be given even more tools with which to stomp them? If anything, the defenders should charge ult faster so they can fight on more even ground, no?Yes, absolutely.
Probably grouping up with people outside their sr were they doing the skill rank manipulation?
You could say the exact same thing about all of the healers.Good luck getting to an Ana through her whole team. Say you're on Hanamura and you aren't running Genji or Hanzo. How do you go for Ana first? If you even try, her team will turn on you and kill you. Then she gets attacker's spawn advantage and gets back to her team before you get back to yours. Ana is probably the hardest of the supports to focus first in a fight.
I'm not sure about PC. But I think the average nano boost assists with Ana is like 3 per game. It's really not much of a game changer. The fast charge is the only thing that makes it viable.
You could say the exact same thing about all of the healers.