Well, the game has to find a similar 6 stack, but it has to find one that's equal skill. The system was probably having trouble finding a game like that and after, say, 6-7 minutes the game just throws that out so they don't have to wait in queue forever.Nearing Diamond rank. Duoing with a friend. Queue up and it's a 6 stack vs. our duo queue and solos.
Why the fuck does the matchmaking allow this to happen? Could it really not find anything closer to a 6 stack that it was like "Yeah, this makes sense"? Sure enough it was a loss with the other team having better coordination.
Nearing Diamond rank. Duoing with a friend. Queue up and it's a 6 stack vs. our duo queue and solos.
Why the fuck does the matchmaking allow this to happen? Could it really not find anything closer to a 6 stack that it was like "Yeah, this makes sense"? Sure enough it was a loss with the other team having better coordination.
Eh, I doubt it. All 4 of these are completely different games and appeal to different audiences. They shouldn't affect this games population very much, especially since this game still has a very large population. I doubt those games will change too much.I would think this is going to be more common once Destiny RoI comes out and any subsequent release of other games (BF1, CoD:IW). Active player counts will go down in OW, get ready for wonky match making...
I swear there are way more leavers in S2 than I ever came across in S1. Like people leaving after we lose a round of KOTH and there are still two more to go. I had one earlier where the opposition had two guys quit after they attacked (and took it about 3/4) then quit when we steamrolled the first point. I probably see a leaver every 3 games when before it was every 10 or so in S1. IDK if it's because the ranks seem way more broad. A lot of diamonds that were early 50s in S1 etc.
I've seen maybe ~3 leavers in 100 games I've played in S2. I guess it's all up to luck.
Nearing Diamond rank. Duoing with a friend. Queue up and it's a 6 stack vs. our duo queue and solos.
Why the fuck does the matchmaking allow this to happen? Could it really not find anything closer to a 6 stack that it was like "Yeah, this makes sense"? Sure enough it was a loss with the other team having better coordination.
were you on a winning streak, bruh? When I hit a 10 game winning streak in soloQ the game threw a 6 person group at me. Amazing. xD
I always laugh when I see clips of Reins charging the Dva ult instead of putting up their shields. I wonder what's going made them decide to do that lol?Also goddamn had a really derp moment yesterday. Haven't played roadhog in awhile, and while I was throwing my hook out, Dva ulted and I dragged it into my team. ;_;
Luckily we won and that didn't end up being potg, but maaaaaaan.
*insert moving on up music*
Fucking bullshit that Mei can contest cap or payload when in indestructible and unmovable ice cube. Fun to lose because of that bs.
You act like the cube has infinite time. What's the point of giving her 2000 health, when would you ever take down all that health in the few seconds she's in the cube?Yes she is the only one that can solo contest a point without any counter available at all. She shouldn't be invincible but maybe get a huge armor like 2000 hp. Same for the ice wall actually. That way she could efficiently stall a smaller group but not a whole damn team just by herself.
There is a downhill after every peak.
Also yes, please give me 2000hp that I can get on cooldown every few seconds. That sounds super balanced.
You think zarya getting extra 200HP every 10secs was bad.
How many teams are going to take out a 2000 health ice block when she's only in it for a few seconds? It takes longer than that for some teams to take out a Rein shield.I mean, you already get invulnerability. That's literally infinitely more than 2000HP.
*insert moving on up music*
I wasn't agreeing with him or anything. Just pointing out, a 2000HP change wouldn't really be any more overpowered than what we have now. Either way, we're not breaking through that damn ice.How many teams are going to take out a 2000 health ice block when she's only in it for a few seconds? It takes longer than that for some teams to take out a Rein shield.
Don't do this to me man.
Surround her and kill her when she comes out. Boom, you just countered her. If she's going into ice block, there is a very high chance of her dying right after.I wasn't agreeing with him or anything. Just pointing out, a 2000HP change wouldn't really be any more overpowered than what we have now. Either way, we're not breaking through that damn ice.
Personally, I just believe that there should be SOME kind of counter to Mei going into armor lock. There's that one image that suggests that players with the right abilities should be able to move her, like Lucio's blast gun or Pharah's concussion thing. Just as long as we can do SOMETHING about her, because right now, there's just straight up nothing to be done, in any situation.
I wasn't agreeing with him or anything. Just pointing out, a 2000HP change wouldn't really be any more overpowered than what we have now. Either way, we're not breaking through that damn ice.
Personally, I just believe that there should be SOME kind of counter to Mei going into armor lock. There's that one image that suggests that players with the right abilities should be able to move her, like Lucio's blast gun or Pharah's concussion thing. Just as long as we can do SOMETHING about her because right now, there's just straight up nothing to be done, in any situation.
Surround her and kill her when she comes out. Boom, you just countered her. If she's going into ice block, there is a very high chance of her dying right after.
Just wait and kill her.
Like, that's all there is to it.
If I ever survive a 6 v 1 stall I know I've played against a pretty bad team.
You get that solo Kor? Fuuuu
That's not really a counter, that's just waiting out the delay. If your team has the time to do that, then she was going to die no matter what she did. A counter would mean "Oh, she did that? Well, she just activated my trap card." A lucio being able to walk up and blast her off the edge or atleast out of the objective would count as that.
Part of the game is that there are some situations you just can't get out of or can't do anything about. I accept that. However, with Mei's ice block, there is NO situation in which you can counter her. At worst, it's a neutral move that does nothing but pointlessly delay the inevitable for no great gain.
I'm not saying it's even overpowered or anything. While I think the health regain is a bit annoying, the situation where her stalling actually saved the game is very rare. However, I just think the game is more interesting when everything has atleast one counter you can pull off in rare situations, vs no counter at all.
There is though. Ana grenade completely blocks out her healing in the ice block.