I never got any of the quad kill trophies from assists. Even the Genji one when it said "Quadruple Kill" once. All mine had 4 killing blows. Wish I got them with assists. Did you get them recently?
I can tell you now after spending 20 hours getting Genji's quad kill, you definitely need to get the killing blows during dragon blade. I don't know if dash/reflect work but eliminations don't count. You have to be on the kill feed. I went countless times getting 4-5 eliminations during dragonblade but never got the trophy.
I know this is an ironic PotG, but I'm still pretty pleased with this PotG I got as Symmetra a couple months ago:
I don't know what to tell you guys. I'm not home until later this evening but I'll find the screenshots from when I got the trophies. I am barely in the kill feed. I remember very specifically when I got my Genji trophy a Pharah ulting on my team got most of the killing blows.
If you were duo queueing, what two character choices do you think would make the biggest impact for the team?
Does playlist matter?
Can you get achievements in the Weekly Brawls at all?
Only QP and Comp.Does playlist matter?
Can you get achievements in the Weekly Brawls at all?
They were a duo queue together.There was a Junkrat on our team?? The Roadhog was awful. Even in the POTG, he hooked Reaper after his death blossom had killed 3 people and he only had like 150 health left so he died to Reaper anyway.
I'll be on in an hour and hopefully my internet will be a bit better. It just seems to shit the bed when it's the evening or weekend. Sky are just terrible, will probably switch to Virgin if they can't sort it.
Sorry just saw this message. About to go off now.Just got on if you wanna group up. I'll try my best to play better than yesterday haha.
I don't know what to tell you guys. I'm not home until later this evening but I'll find the screenshots from when I got the trophies. I am barely in the kill feed. I remember very specifically when I got my Genji trophy a Pharah ulting on my team got most of the killing blows.
Is it worrying if matches take 3 min to find sometimes on ps4?
Also, how donI gain currency and that purple currency
Also, how do I tell what level my individual hero is
1. Probably not, it happens sometimes. Also, most people are playing ranked probably.Is it worrying if matches take 3 min to find sometimes on ps4?
Also, how donI gain currency and that purple currency
Also, how do I tell what level my individual hero is
Yeah matchmaking is pretty bad. Put up against a team 400 average higher with three 4200s (one was 8 and one was 11 on top 500). Lost 25 points.Isnt 6 randoms against 2 randoms and two 2man teams a bit unfair?
Kings Row. Attack. Defense B.
Bastion is murdering us around the corner on the far end. he's tearing my Rein shields to shreds, and I have to continuously find cover while poor Mercy tries to keep us all alive.
And through all this we have a god damn Pharah and Soldier 76 who are allowing this to happen for what seems like ages.
I wanted to message the Pharah at the end of the losing match. But I didn't want to be that person. Just really frustrating that they were letting Bastion do this. He was out in the open. Few rockets or helix rockets would have killed him in no time.
playing a game after being away after 5 weeks and reducing my dpi from 2000 (LOL) to 800 and playing as ana was pretty painful. hello everyone.
I think it was Kor who said this, but 6 randoms have a much better chance at having better communication because the two groups of 2 might be in group chat.Isnt 6 randoms against 2 randoms and two 2man teams a bit unfair?
Maybe trophies are glitched for you lol.
I saw a video where a guy got the deflect trophy for only one deflect kill lol.Hell, maybe they are. I got Genji's deflect trophy and Hanzo's scatter arrow trophy without the killing blows for both kills
So is Torb considered underpowered like Widowmaker and Symm? I want to use these guys but am afraid of hurting my team
I like using torb. What nerf did widowmaker get on console?
Will be playing later tonight, hoping to join up with some people. If you play quite a bit, feel free to add me. I use voice chat and im pretty good xD
psn: jorgejjvr
I had a mostly successful day keeping a calmer mind about matches, though I suppose it helps that even on the losing side I could tell the team was solid and I'd performed well myself.
Almost back to my season high of 2922...
But of course I can't escape the daily tilt, it's nigh on impossible and as usual Anubis Point B on attack is the culprit.
Trading in yesterdays cowardly Rein we have cowardly Zarya whose allure to the central path is just too strong where she spends practically the entire game just dancing around blowing bubbles and achieving nothing.
A match where on no less that three occasions I enjoy the following scenario
"ready for transcendence"
"group up with me"
*gets ignored but by chance two or three others follow down the left path*
*throws discord on the biggest threat, pops my ult LET'S GOOOO*
And then no one follows, they just stand in the doorway shooting pew pew shots
Do people still not understand Zen's ult? why the hell are people so averse to pushing with it? WHY? WHY? WHY?!
Same match includes A Roadhogg spending an entire ult on a single enemy twice, one of which was Junkrat.
In conclusion
Torb is only good on attack payload with a rein
I had a mostly successful day keeping a calmer mind about matches, though I suppose it helps that even on the losing side I could tell the team was solid and I'd performed well myself.
Almost back to my season high of 2922...
But of course I can't escape the daily tilt, it's nigh on impossible and as usual Anubis Point B on attack is the culprit.
Trading in yesterdays cowardly Rein we have cowardly Zarya whose allure to the central path is just too strong where she spends practically the entire game just dancing around blowing bubbles and achieving nothing.
A match where on no less that three occasions I enjoy the following scenario
"ready for transcendence"
"group up with me"
*gets ignored but by chance two or three others follow down the left path*
*throws discord on the biggest threat, pops my ult LET'S GOOOO*
And then no one follows, they just stand in the doorway shooting pew pew shots
Do people still not understand Zen's ult? why the hell are people so averse to pushing with it? WHY? WHY? WHY?!
Same match includes A Roadhogg spending an entire ult on a single enemy twice, one of which was Junkrat.
In conclusion
On a lighter transcendence note there was one event I just had to bust out laughing to my friend over the mic about, we're about to lose point A on Hanamura, I pop desperation Transcendence leaving it up to a Torb to try and take advantage of the near invincibility to take them out.
But instead of firing his gun his plan is to drop a turret on the point and start hammering it, I almost had tears of laughter in my eyes witnessing this incredibly bizarre plan which of course failed immediately as his turret got massacred, maybe he thought his turret could achieve tranquillity?
Will be playing later tonight, hoping to join up with some people. If you play quite a bit, feel free to add me. I use voice chat and im pretty good xD
psn: jorgejjvr
I had a mostly successful day keeping a calmer mind about matches, though I suppose it helps that even on the losing side I could tell the team was solid and I'd performed well myself.
Almost back to my season high of 2922...
But of course I can't escape the daily tilt, it's nigh on impossible and as usual Anubis Point B on attack is the culprit.
Trading in yesterdays cowardly Rein we have cowardly Zarya whose allure to the central path is just too strong where she spends practically the entire game just dancing around blowing bubbles and achieving nothing.
A match where on no less that three occasions I enjoy the following scenario
"ready for transcendence"
"group up with me"
*gets ignored but by chance two or three others follow down the left path*
*throws discord on the biggest threat, pops my ult LET'S GOOOO*
And then no one follows, they just stand in the doorway shooting pew pew shots
Do people still not understand Zen's ult? why the hell are people so averse to pushing with it? WHY? WHY? WHY?!
Same match includes A Roadhogg spending an entire ult on a single enemy twice, one of which was Junkrat.
In conclusion
On a lighter transcendence note there was one event I just had to bust out laughing to my friend over the mic about, we're about to lose point A on Hanamura, I pop desperation Transcendence leaving it up to a Torb to try and take advantage of the near invincibility to take them out.
But instead of firing his gun his plan is to drop a turret on the point and start hammering it, I almost had tears of laughter in my eyes witnessing this incredibly bizarre plan which of course failed immediately as his turret got massacred, maybe he thought his turret could achieve tranquillity?
It's almost like people are hypnotically attracted to a glowing enemy Reinhardt shield, some guys just can't help themselves from following the main path and firing at it.Ugh, so many matches in solo queue, I see my teammates go rushing up the center every single time. Not just on Anubis, but pretty much any map where there are flanking routes to the point; nope, down the center every single time. Like, it's not Volskaya or Eichenwald where there's really only one path to Point A; you have so many options on how to go, all of which have a lot more cover and are easier to deal with than charging right up the middle.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was the reason some people are wary of following the ult into battle.A lot of people don't understand it. I've played a lot of games lately where the Zen pops it to counter a D.Va ult - which alone is silly if you're not just blowing it to save your own skin - and half the team sticks next to him, dies and I'm standing around a corner nearby, shakin' my head.
"the iris wasn't embracing me enough to survive that exploding tire!"a lot of peeps think Zen's invulnerability = the entire team is invulnerable if close enough. LOL I've had team members RAGE that the Zen wasn't 'close enough' to them and that's why they died... xD
never join team chat.
a lot of peeps think Zen's invulnerability = the entire team is invulnerable if close enough. LOL I've had team members RAGE that the Zen wasn't 'close enough' to them and that's why they died... xD
yea, all quad kill trophies require it.
For anyone that might be interested, I finally made the navigation controller work on PC. It is not a satisfactory solution for all FPS games as it constantly swaps between controller and mouse/keyboard and it requires a lot of trial and error configuration but, luckily, it works fairly decent in Overwatch (and I tried several heroes). Really, I was struggling to jump while shooting and since I use this, I feel like I have improved suddenly.
Nevertheless, I will still save money for the one that was linked in the prior topic if it does not have these problems, but for 9 it was worth the risk and I am going to enjoy OW a whole lot more from now on.
Hell, maybe they are. I got Genji's deflect trophy and Hanzo's scatter arrow trophy without the killing blows for both kills
Not true. I got the Genji trophy and I only got 1 last hit. Teammates finished off the other 3.
I have seen many players bunny hopping around the maps NOW I ALSO CAN. I could even pick Lucio and Ok, maybe that is still too much. The controller scheme in its current status is not perfect either.how would u jump? can you bunny hop?![]()
I have seen many players bunny hopping around the maps NOW I ALSO CAN. I could even pick Lucio and Ok, maybe that is still too much. The controller scheme in its current status is not perfect either.
Oh man, now I do want the other controller.
Y'all can keep your diamond ranks, your thousands worth of cp, and your glorious golden skinned weapons.
I have my plat trophy yo.
...And nothing to show for it![]()
I have assigned recharge, jump, hit and crouch in the navigation controller (plus the movement in the analogue stick) while the abilities, ult and shooting are applied to the mouse.i mean with your motion controller