omg, Junkrat play in pro overwatch... this is amazing. xD
er what? he's not that uncommon on defense, especially dorado
Harryhook on this Mccree
i don't watch that regularly, and when I do he's never used. T__T
Yep, Team Canada is doomed. It's all over. Pack it up, mates.
Brazil's top voted guy is a youtuber who barely plays overwatch and was placed 40-ish on season 1 and 2480 on season 2.
Damn, I should start getting that Brazilian YouTube money with my slightly above average play.
Damn, I should start getting that Brazilian YouTube money with my slightly above average play.
I was really hoping they'd win against Spain cause there was no way they were gonna beat Sweden.
Damn, I should start getting that Brazilian YouTube money with my slightly above average play.
Can you not wraith form out of a Roadhog hook any more?
I don't think I'm playing comp on weekends ever again. Lost over 100 SR points in 4 games, 0-4, and have been paired with people who seem to have no idea what they are doing. Back to under 2500 now.
If I get anywhere near my season high (2584) again, I think I may just stop playing comp entirely - since season 3 will take into account where you finish, right? Not your high? I fought hard to get my Platinum and I'd really like to get the credit for it going into next season.
no, this comp can't be real. don't do this to me seagull
I climbed this in two days, maybe diamond is possible after all ;_;
Quit if you lose two times in a row or you'll be losing most of what you've gained if you insist during a lose streak, like I did.
That's some hefty gain, congrads.
Btw. the world cup should have its own thread maybe, deservedly so.
Only got to watch 1/4 of the USA vs Germany match from when talespin got that bomb combo on route 66 :/
Some of these teams look like random solo q on the weekends. Terrible.
Whoever decided for it to be popular vote that included youtubers should get a demotion. lmao
You'd have to ask Buttchin and Vault.Are you entertaining to watch though?