PTR is updating. Hm.
It says Season 3. Is that new?
It says Season 3. Is that new?
*sighs* Humans are still idiots. In 2016.
Why didn't you all just go Rein?Played vs this today, we lost at like last meter.
No.PTR is updating. Hm.
It says Season 3. Is that new?
People still get offended by teabagging in 2016?
It's annoying. There really is no need for it.
Sombra is going to self compile on the 1st.huh. wonder why it barely updated now then.
Teabagging is the nicest form of BM, you guys need to chill out a bit and teabag them back.
My momma didn't raise no hooligan.
One thing that annoys me lately is when a player throws up the "I need Healing!" emote, then folllows it up with a "Thanks!"
I can see you need healing, and more likely than not I'm already healing you by the time you trigger that or I'm fucking dead cause I was being focused by the enemy team. All you're doing is unfocusing yourself from combat or survival going into that emote wheel and picking things. Being thanked is appreciative, but by the time you select it you're probably already half dead again.
I'm sure this isn't a problem on PC due to hotkeys, but it sure is on console.
She failed.
My momma didn't raise no hooligan.
You're nothing but a juvenile delinquent.
All day everyday*sighs* People are still teabagging. In 2016.
All day everyday
But seriously i pretty much only do it after i kill someone ive been chasing or just a few meters away from a health pack. guaranteed tilt��
And if it happens to me i make it my duty to do it back to them.
They should let D.va ride a giant pumpkin next Halloween.
Think we're going to get new costumes for each event or just the same ones again? I've been wondering if Blizzard intends to only give each hero a single Legendary Seasonal Skin (excluding recolors). So for example Mercy won't get another Legendary for any other season cause she already had one for Halloween. It seems like something they'd do. But they want lootboxes being popular, so I suppose they will add more with time.
*sighs* People are still teabagging. In 2016.
Think we're going to get new costumes for each event or just the same ones again? I've been wondering if Blizzard intends to only give each hero a single Legendary Seasonal Skin (excluding recolors). So for example Mercy won't get another Legendary for any other season cause she already had one for Halloween. It seems like something they'd do. But they want lootboxes being popular, so I suppose they will add more with time.
Still holding out for a lunar New year event.
Mei and dva in traditional dresses pls.
That seems like it wouldn't work too well inside that mech.
A Mercy killed me when I was Winston and TBed... At around the start of the match, she was in for a lot of counter TB.And if it happens to me i make it my duty to do it back to them.
*sighs* People are still teabagging. In 2016.
The traditional dress is the meka.
I'm completely done buying lootboxes, and I'm annoyed I didn't know this yesterday before buying some.
Been having so much wins lately playing solo. I'm happy I've finally been getting teamed up with players who PTFO / understand team composition.
So close to diamond.
First of all this encourages people to stop playing the game, which is unacceptable.What the FUCK.
I just found out that Blizzard are patching the prestige system, so that the XP required for each level no longer reverts back to the same as level 1, meaning you'll still require the same amount of XP.
They even outright said the reason is because the current system "encouraged some people to stop playing the game altogether once theyre promotedthe goal of this being to save those first 23 levels specifically for seasonal events."
Yeah, no shit Blizzard. I've already paid for about 200 lootboxes since owning the game; god forbid I also want to try and get a few free ones a bit more easily. Of course you don't want people doing that; you want even more fucking lootbox sales. Because charging triple for the legendary skins and yet still only getting 200 coins back for duplicates isn't cheap enough.
Not only does this fuck people over in terms of lootboxes, but now there's going to be an artifical gap between the levels of players who prestiged before this patch and after. As anybody who prestiged prior to it will be about 10 or so levels higher than anybody afterwards with the same amount of XP.
I'm completely done buying lootboxes, and I'm annoyed I didn't know this yesterday before buying some.
What the FUCK.
I just found out that Blizzard are patching the prestige system, so that the XP required for each level no longer reverts back to the same as level 1, meaning you'll still require the same amount of XP.
They even outright said the reason is because the current system "encouraged some people to stop playing the game altogether once theyre promotedthe goal of this being to save those first 23 levels specifically for seasonal events."
Yeah, no shit Blizzard. I've already paid for about 200 lootboxes since owning the game; god forbid I also want to try and get a few free ones a bit more easily. Of course you don't want people doing that; you want even more fucking lootbox sales. Because charging triple for the legendary skins and yet still only getting 200 coins back for duplicates isn't cheap enough.
Not only does this fuck people over in terms of lootboxes, but now there's going to be an artifical gap between the levels of players who prestiged before this patch and after. As anybody who prestiged prior to it will be about 10 or so levels higher than anybody afterwards with the same amount of XP.
I'm completely done buying lootboxes, and I'm annoyed I didn't know this yesterday before buying some.
What the FUCK.
I just found out that Blizzard are patching the prestige system, so that the XP required for each level no longer reverts back to the same as level 1, meaning you'll still require the same amount of XP.
They even outright said the reason is because the current system "encouraged some people to stop playing the game altogether once they’re promoted—the goal of this being to save those first 23 levels specifically for seasonal events."
Yeah, no shit Blizzard. I've already paid for about 200 lootboxes since owning the game; god forbid I also want to try and get a few free ones a bit more easily. Of course you don't want people doing that; you want even more fucking lootbox sales. Because charging triple for the legendary skins and yet still only getting 200 coins back for duplicates isn't cheap enough.
Not only does this fuck people over in terms of lootboxes, but now there's going to be an artifical gap between the levels of players who prestiged before this patch and after. As anybody who prestiged prior to it will be about 10 or so levels higher than anybody afterwards with the same amount of XP.
I'm completely done buying lootboxes, and I'm annoyed I didn't know this yesterday before buying some.
It hurts them because you stop playing the game.It doesn't really hurt them but hey, they want your money.
It hurts them because you stop playing the game.
I dunno the numbers but I can't imagine a huge percentage of people stopping to play for the level up loot boxes.