Vault Dweller 111
Wow Shadowburn
you play mei so close enough
Oh thanks i thnk i remember that.It's from the historical defeat in Rio's soccer WorldCup semi-final(or final? I don't remember) against Germany, final score was 7-1.
solo queing Junk's Revenge is so frustrating. Not even about skill, its people with horrible game knowledge. Blowing ults too fast, not focusing on Mercy, Ana nano boosting Hanzo or Mcrees on purpose or Ana's not knowing Ana's bullets heal (this last one just happened) smh
Er...who would you nanobooost other than McCree?
Er...who would you nanobooost other than McCree?
solo queing Junk's Revenge is so frustrating. Not even about skill, its people with horrible game knowledge. Blowing ults too fast, not focusing on Mercy, Ana nano boosting Hanzo or Mcrees on purpose or Ana's not knowing Ana's bullets heal (this last one just happened) smh
You can nanoboost soldier in a pinch to clear especially if you get swamped under Zombadiers, but yeah the flow is typically Boost McCree so he can ult, Sleep the hero target, Hanzo ults and then you Biotic the hero target if it's Roadhog or you biotic yourselves if it's anyone else. Soldier should be on crowd control in the meantime.
Soldier especially when using his ult usually melts Reaper or Roadhog. The ulting McCree's arent bad but it's just Soldier is better for that
You not allowed to wear skins on the World Cup or something?
Everyone got the basic skins...
Hmmmmm seems weird this is my first overwatch pro game I've watched and damn now I know what real coordination looks likeNope, default skins only. Seems to be a rule that a lot of major tournaments have implemented lately.
Hmmmmm seems weird this is my first overwatch pro game I've watched and damn now I know what real coordination looks likehaha
Anyone got a VOD for Sweden vs Spain?
The entire reason I don't do voice chat to even listen to advice or call outs anymore.Yeah, it isn't fun playing a support hero when you have those types of players complaining about every little thing. It's a good thing that I play Competitive Mode with people I know that I can have a good time with, because holy shit, I wouldn't be able to tolerate that douche lord.
The entire reason I don't do voice chat to even listen to advice or call outs anymore.
I still think it's a bad idea to let a few bad apples make people never enter team chat, especially in comp. Like mute someone if they're being a dick, but a lot of us really want to try to play as a team and it blows when you see that a teammate isn't even in voice chat to hear what you're saying, let alone talk themselves.
That's letting the trolls win, and letting the very small minority ruin it for everyone else.
idk man, Soldier was always more consistent for me. didn't even know his ult can get stronger outside of speed
I mean yea. You can do whatever you want. I bought the game so if I want to play attack Symmetra in comp and put a teleporter off a cliff, I can. My personal advice would be to not assume the worst about people and mute on a player by player basis instead of never giving yourself a chance to meet any cool people.I also paid for the game and deserve to not be abused if I don't want to. The option exists for a reason.
Although I also just tend to stay away from competitive, and it solves most of my problems.
Likewise.I've still had people go out of their way to message me about how shit I am.
I just laugh at those people.
Too many people to mute, the toxicity is that high when it happens more often than not, and I don't need the verbal abuse throughout the match. It's especially cringeworthy when there's a girl on the mic, and there's this guy constantly hitting on her the entire game.I still think it's a bad idea to let a few bad apples make people never enter team chat, especially in comp. Like mute someone if they're being a dick, but a lot of us really want to try to play as a team and it blows when you see that a teammate isn't even in voice chat to hear what you're saying, let alone talk themselves.
That's letting the trolls win, and letting the very small minority ruin it for everyone else.
Wow I would be happy if that many people talked in my games.Likewise.
Too many people to mute, the toxicity is that high when it happens more often than not, and I don't need the verbal abuse throughout the match. It's especially cringeworthy when there's a girl on the mic, and there's this guy constantly hitting on her the entire game.
Too bad muting people is buried under a convoluted mess of menus and options.I mean yea. You can do whatever you want. I bought the game so if I want to play attack Symmetra in comp and put a teleporter off a cliff, I can. My personal advice would be to not assume the worst about people and mute on a player by player basis instead of never giving yourself a chance to meet any cool people.
They're not the sort of people I would want to engage with at all. It's one of the reasons I don't bother with the microphone. Discussion can't be a one-way street.Wow I would be happy if that many people talked in my games.
Was out ToT'n with the kids...did US win?
Damn that sucks, seemed like they were gonna be tough to beat.
Now who am I gonna root for? I fuck with akm, is his squad in this thing?
well they were "tough to beat" and its not like they are eliminated
So when exactly does the Halloween event ends? As soon as we hit November 1st?