Anyone wanna spare their unwanted Reapers?![]()
I got 4 Junkensteins if you got a Witch Mercy.
Anyone wanna spare their unwanted Reapers?![]()
Really cool looking.
Btw, if you want some POTGs, ask MarioHead3. He has all of them.
I don't know, the art team seems to have something with the legs for the female cast, now that we have the (cyber) barefoot covered, I wonder what's next.I'm starting to believe the theory that Blizzard possibly made that leak intentionally.
I've no time to play today so I got my final Halloween Lootbox last night. And it completely epitomises this whole event for me.
A duplicate Winston spray.
A duplicate Mei spray.
A duplicate Witch hat Player Icon.
A Zenyatta voice line.
Lovely stuff.
Had to buy the Mercy and Sym skins. I only unlocked 2 skins in about 50 boxes. Roadhog (twice!) and Zen's. Absolute garbage.
I don't quite understand.
Seriously guys. I need some help with this.
Literally got to 2999 and have been losing since. Jesus.
Can some one help me out? I some how muted myself when I left a group on the main menu screen and now it shows myself muted in the left hand corner. I can't for th life of me figure out how to get rid of it.
On PS4 btw.
Did we just become best friends?
Another day, another round of games lost because someone thinks they can attack junkrat.
My hate for this character is nearly overtaking my hate for tracer. And this time it's my hate for being matched up with him.
edit: and the next game where I didn't have a junkrat but the other team did? Won it.
Dva nearby?Can you destroy Tracer's bomb? We were in the middle of a friendly Zarya ult and I was firing at tracer, she dropped her bomb but it didn't go off.
I had the same experience with a Mei ult. Was it my gun or Zarya's ult?
As Zen, all the time. Not so much with anyone else.
Dva nearby?
Do you guys think Sombra could possibly be a summoner-type hero? It looks like she's puppeteering the robot, and the two month timer was transmitting to active omnics. Not only that, but the initial leak mentions she lost something to the first Omnic Crisis.
In typical Youtube fashion, every big Overwatch channel is talking about Sombra right after the second leak.
How is it possible to speak for more than 5 minutes based on a single image?
So last day of the Halloween event, I am rank 97, no chance I will get 100 tonight, and all those quick levels, utter disaster
Does that also mean I will miss out on the quick levels if they patch it after the event?
Got a card for 30 obj elims and I had 32 elims in total. Not a single like.
Even though Hanzo sucks, you try playing him and see how many of those head shots you get. It's pretty tough. He's a pretty high skill character (excluding scatters).Literally so sick of these 1-shot Hanzo kills. Headshots should do 150-175 damage max.
Spamming group up while people trickle into a koth point, it's like I don't even exist.
I guess I never encountered a good Mei until now, but she wrecks Roadhog? wtf
Hats off to Blizzard. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with this current Halloween event. The Brawl is so good and I will sorely miss it when it is gone. Not only is it expertly produced it also allows folks to practice with Hanzo, Ana, S76 and Mcree in a way that doesn't screw your team over as you learn the hero. We need more stuff like this and I sincerely hope Blizz takes all of the positive feedback to heart.
I think it has more to do with how they are trying to match people. It wasn't a steady increase to find a match in my experience, just a massive this game dying on console? matchmaking gets longer every day
Should I even try getting the door achievement in the brawl? I got the other 3 already. How hard is it?
is this game dying on console? matchmaking gets longer every day