How does a 2 person kill self destruct beat a graviton+barrage quad kill for POTG?
Depends on who it killed, whether or not the enemies were on the objective, how much damage was actually done, etc.
How does a 2 person kill self destruct beat a graviton+barrage quad kill for POTG?
How does a 2 person kill self destruct beat a graviton+barrage quad kill for POTG?
The SD only killed our lucio and reaper.
The graviton gotten a riptire, rein, dva, lucio, ana
Both were on the payload. Only difference was the Dva one was right before the checkpoint.
Maybe they changed the potg weight somewhere again like how Mercy would get potg for single res?
I could see Blizzard making a short about the conflict between Lucio and Symmetra, maybe even the revolution.
I wanna see an Australian map. Loads of landmarks/cities they could use, assuming they resist the urge to go all Mad Max on us.
A moonbase sounds great as well.
It's possible those enemies weren't at full health or were damaged by someone else at the same time.
D.Va also could have shutdown an ult without it being super apparent
How does a 2 person kill self destruct beat a graviton+barrage quad kill for POTG?
Would love a Horizon base, though I wonder how they'd depict the berserking gorillas.![]()
If we get an Australia map (which is likely, Blizzard said they wanted to do one after all), it's very likely going to be Junker themed, rather than Sydney or something.
I also expect more of the old Overwatch bases to be added (Watchpoints Grand Mesa and Antarctica in particular to give 76 and Mei a "home map" seems very possible).
Would love a Horizon base, though I wonder how they'd depict the berserking gorillas.![]()
No lies: I bought 2 lootboxes last night to get 3000 gold and buy the Roadhog skin...
When I opened them the clock was 12:00 and the boxes were fucking normal and I couldn't buy it anymore.
I'm down for that. I imagine it'd be some sort of scrapheap, or maybe a derelict plant that produces explosives or something.
Antarctica would be a sight to see. I would like to see something from the Caribbean as well.
Just hit 2900. Then came across a legit good team, which I assume was full of twinks. All low level. All diamond.
They destroyed us. Still, so close!
I would be down for a moonbase map ONLY if it does not have a shitty low gravity gimmick.
I've noticed many McCree players like to spam they need heals. Probably more than Reapers.
Yeah, pretty much.I've noticed many McCree players like to spam they need heals. Probably more than Reapers.
Well they're one of only 2 offense without a way to self heal (biotic field, soul eater, rewind). I hear it a lot from Pharah and Junkrat too.
Spamming heals is unnecessary. imo. The prompts show up so if the healer can't make it then just retreat and look for heal packs.
Yeah, when you need heals, walk up to the support and get in their line of sight - and if it's an Ana, stand still!
It literally took all season....Solo and duo-queuing this season has been horrendous for the most part.
And don't spam need healing if you're a flanker behind the enemy lines.
You're not gonna get healed from back there.
It literally took all season....Solo and duo-queuing this season has been horrendous for the most part.
Highest lvl I've seen so far. What level is that?
It literally took all season....Solo and duo-queuing this season has been horrendous for the most part.[IMG][/QUOTE]
[quote="Kor of Memory, post: 222630587"]Congrats. You're probably super close to Top 500. :D[/QUOTE]
If he's from America region, not really.
Optimus is at low 3700 and still didn't crack top 500. Last time I checked the nº 500 player was at 377X I think. Slightly lower on Europe.
Congrats. You're probably super close to Top 500.![]()
You got top 500 at 3598? Dafuq??? I thought Top 500 starts from high 3700s on PSN?
You got top 500 at 3598? Dafuq??? I thought Top 500 starts from high 3700s on PSN?
Edit: Oh, different regions.
Spamming heals is unnecessary. imo. The prompts show up so if the healer can't make it then just retreat and look for heal packs.
If he's from America region, not really.
Optimus is at low 3700 and still didn't crack top 500. Last time I checked the nº 500 player was at 377X I think. Slightly lower on Europe.
You got top 500 at 3598? Dafuq??? I thought Top 500 starts from high 3700s on PSN?
Edit: Oh, different regions.
I'm in the US.
As I understand it, the Top 500 rankings aren't necessarily related to the SR of each player.
I actually got my Top 500 before I even hit 3500.
Otherwise if you looked at the Top 500 leaderboard, all their SRs would be pretty much in order from highest, to lowest, but it's kind of a scattered mess.
Not getting healed while playing Reinhardt really sucks though. I wish healers like Ana, Mercy, Zen always prioritize him, since he's there to prevent the damage from being even worse.
Never noticed this since I generally only see the last page.
I'm in the US.
As I understand it, the Top 500 rankings aren't necessarily related to the SR of each player.
I actually got my Top 500 before I even hit 3500.
Otherwise if you looked at the Top 500 leaderboard, all their SRs would be pretty much in order from highest, to lowest, but it's kind of a scattered mess.
Weird. So what makes people get the top 500 icon?
It's such bullshit when you take point A on first push and then the match gets cancelled because some asshole on the other team quit
To dwell some more on the maps: I don't think Lijiang Tower "belongs" to Mei, and is likely going to be the home map for Liao, whenever they are released.
I'm also not sure if Temple of Anubis is considered Ana's map (alongside being Pharah's).
And I reallllly wanna know more about Zarya. Currently beyond her being Russian military, and Volskaya's involvement in defending Russia from the Second Omnic Crisis, there's no overlap between the character and the map. I wonder if she has some ties to Volskaya, or something happens there.
some players will do some questionable shit to take you out. I had a Roadhog literally jump off the side on Ilios and TRY (he missed) to hook me w/ him. xD