Enemy team has widow hanzo junkrat mei soldier and symmettra. We don't take point a.
Edit: they took point a.
A Genji+Winston dive comp would've rekt that team. Surprised no one tried it at diamond level.
Enemy team has widow hanzo junkrat mei soldier and symmettra. We don't take point a.
Edit: they took point a.
A Genji+Winston dive comp would've rekt that team. Surprised no one tried it at diamond level.
A Genji+Winston dive comp would've rekt that team. Surprised no one tried it at diamond level.
One single Tracer could win this game.
We had both. the genji and winston kept going after mei and symmetra I guess. That and whenever I respawned I saw the reinhardt on point by himself and everyone split up. Temple of Anubis by the way.
Found a nice way to start the game. Give out candy as Ana to people in halloween outfits/Mei and tell them they get candy for being scary.
Got the team laughing and pretending to eat candy with the Reinhardt getting excited and then putting on a deep voice afterwards.We played really well and were coordianated but ended up throwing the game away![]()
Let's hope that Sombra isn't the only thing we're gettingin Blizzcon.
New PvE brawl would be great, with Sombra controlling the omnics or whatever.
I feel so happy aright now. So purdy.
Apparently there's gonna be an official announcement to Overwatch League on Blizzcon.
And before someone asks: no there's no Sombra here. In fact there is no Sombra anywhere. Sombra is not real. There never was a Sombra before.
Seriously though, that junkrat spent all game on attack shooting into large open areas where his grenades are easily avoided and couldn't even get a rip tire off because our pharah kept hunting him and destroying his riptires.
At some point you gotta know that things won't work out.
I am being super mean now though, so I'll stop for now.
To be generous, that junkrat did really well on defense stopping our advances. We got through at the end though.
Leave Junkrat alone
15 SR for victory, -34 SR for the defeat after that
I love you game but go fuck yourself
There are reasons for those numbers.
OMG these korean fan animations about overwatch are so good.
The korean fandom is really doing some good stuff.
Mei wall health needs to drop. How else can you counter mei walling anyone off?
Seriously though, that junkrat spent all game on attack shooting into large open areas where his grenades are easily avoided and couldn't even get a rip tire off because our pharah kept hunting him and destroying his riptires.
At some point you gotta know that things won't work out.
I am being super mean now though, so I'll stop for now.
To be generous, that junkrat did really well on defense stopping our advances. We got through at the end though.
OMG these korean fan animations about overwatch are so good.
The korean fandom is really doing some good stuff.
OMG these korean fan animations about overwatch are so good.
The korean fandom is really doing some good stuff.
I don't know what this is. Would this be a PC only thing?
Leave Junkrat alone
15 SR for victory, -34 SR for the defeat after that
I love you game but go fuck yourself
I dunno man. They have Junkrat, Hanzo, Mei and Widow. You either get one shotted or Junkrat/Hanzo accidentally kill you.
Yeah that sucks. I've seen videos of Winstons and Genjis on diamond not flanking/diving together. It's really weird. Both of them could easily take out a team if the Genji is good.
People shitting on Junk again?
Congrats. I just hit 3000 myself (and taking a break probably until the Christmas event). I don't know whose golden weapon to buy as my first.
OMG these korean fan animations about overwatch are so good.
The korean fandom is really doing some good stuff.
People shitting on Junk again?
Actually Hanzo on high levels is pretty scary and viable. Junkrat still isn't though.Eh, every video game needs a scapegoat or three, so people love switching back between Junkrat, Widow Maker, or Hanzo with their hatred. .
Actually Hanzo on high levels is pretty scary and viable. Junkrat still isn't though.
It's a good thing not everybody plays at high levels.
Junkrat Defense Force - Rip-Tire or Die!
I saw today a hanzo doing a 1 v 6. He was on my team. Feelsgoodman.It's a good thing not everybody plays at high levels.
Junkrat Defense Force - Rip-Tire or Die!
Junkrat is fine. People shat on Bastion until pros starting using him well in Comp. Don't blame the hero, blame the player.
I still have nightmares when a whole team of Junkrats had fired their Ult's in different directions.
Actually Hanzo on high levels is pretty scary and viable. Junkrat still isn't though.
Fuck Eichenwalde. Unbalanced as fuck. Wtf was Blizzard thinking with that map?
He is used in some maps by the "pros", 1st point Dorado/Anubis/Eichenwalde (last point here too). Probably more, can't really remember right now. He's really fun to play with IMO, even though I rarely use him.
Fuck Eichenwalde. Unbalanced as fuck. Wtf was Blizzard thinking with that map?
I still have nightmares when a whole team of Junkrats had fired their Ult's in different directions.
Fuck Eichenwalde. Unbalanced as fuck. Wtf was Blizzard thinking with that map?
What I don't get is the people who think it's a good idea to camp the spawn point instead of holding back and defending one of the easiest choke points to defend in the game. More importantly, I don't get why they're always on my team.
Had a game recently where there were three Junkrats on Attack on Dorado. The game was basically - hold the team for X time, our entire team dies from three Rip-Tires from all different angles, they push a good distance until we come back and wipe them, rinse repeat.
We managed to win, but even as a Junkrat player I occasionally get Rip-Tire PTSD.
Had a game recently where there were three Junkrats on Attack on Dorado. The game was basically - hold the team for X time, our entire team dies from three Rip-Tires from all different angles, they push a good distance until we come back and wipe them, rinse repeat.
We managed to win, but even as a Junkrat player I occasionally get Rip-Tire PTSD.
Eichenwalde is basically the skill barrier for learning how to push the point as a team, especially the first capture point. You usually know after the first fifteen seconds whether or not you're going to take the point.
What I don't get is the people who think it's a good idea to camp the spawn point instead of holding back and defending one of the easiest choke points to defend in the game. More importantly, I don't get why they're always on my team.
OMG these korean fan animations about overwatch are so good.
The korean fandom is really doing some good stuff.