genji skin looks dope. need dudes to play hots with ;_;
Co-Op vs Ai? boring.
I wanna muck up games with actual people if I have to play this terrible game!
Enter Junkrat.
As vapid as it is, has anyone seen skins yet?
"Co-op vs. AI, Quick Match, Unranked Draft, or Ranked modes"Co-Op vs Ai? boring.
I wanna muck up games with actual people if I have to play this terrible game!
Maps I think are likely/possible currently:
Other locations: Watchpoint Antarctica
Can you throw your teleporter through Sym's portal without using a charge? So many questions! D:
Holy sheeeeeeet, Sombra's passive lets you know when enemy Ults are up too. God damn, that's so strong
co-op vs ai counts. sweet.
Sombra can also see if people have ults ready.
Whaaaat the fuck.
That gun of hers better be worse than Mercy's because she sounds OP as fuck.
So the new Mei map is for the new mode?
What happens to Translocator if Genji deflects it?
Whaaaat the fuck.
That gun of hers better be worse than Mercy's because she sounds OP as fuck.
Whaaaat the fuck.
That gun of hers better be worse than Mercy's because she sounds OP as fuck.
Goodbye TorbTurrets can't target cloaked sombra.
Goodbye Torb
Can I get Butcher skin for Roadhog pls
lmao can you imagine sticking sombra with a sonic arrow? not detecting her near with one but actually nailing her with one.
They said they've gone back and forth on the beacon being destroyable. I think that'll be a future nerf for her.
Stylosa said she seems like she does a lot of damage
Goodbye Torb
wow. she's more manueverable than genji. what the fuck.
torb counters sombra. the swerve.
Symmetra too, then?
Also, does Sombra have wall climb?