Watching a twitch tournament with 4 tanks, Lucio, and Ana...At the rate this is going, Sombra better be a tank buster like Reaper.
Watching a twitch tournament with 4 tanks, Lucio, and Ana...At the rate this is going, Sombra better be a tank buster like Reaper.
Might take a while to get good on PC. Any settings I should be using or any PC specific tips?
With McCrees critial hit% is that a % of all shots or only shots that hit.
The issue is that he's just not gonna get good chances to sword against 3/3. Like, sword isn't killing any tank in an organized fight. He has to kill supports, which means he has to extend into them, and he has to have the ult economy in his favor to get value from sword. Like, yay sword got a Lucio ult. Zen still has his ult, Ana is still doing her healing and having 80 ults, and so on. That's even if the sword is worth it to attempt, which it usually isn't. Not saying it can't be done, but it's pretty unlikely.
FYI for people interested, the best way to fight 3/3 is to do 3/3 or 4/2 yourself, or try to play 3 DPS with a Reaper or something and just focus things down so fast the nanoboost snowball party never starts. That's not exactly stable though. It might be with the nerf maybe.
Watching a twitch tournament with 4 tanks, Lucio, and Ana...
We keep losing ps4 people to PC.![]()
Anyone on PC in Europe playing in Diamond?
I'm still only level 1 on PC.We keep losing ps4 people to PC.![]()
We keep losing ps4 people to PC.![]()
We keep losing ps4 people to PC.![]()
I miss my Summer Games unlocks so much. Especially the Red/White Mercy.I'll never double dip on PC unless there's a really good sale or the cosmetic unlocks carry over.
We should duo competitive tonight. It's been awhile.Not me! 2-man domination.
We should duo competitive tonight. It's been awhile.
Lol sounds good.I might be on tonight. Invite me if you see me on. I don't wanna be a dick but we will need to ignore all other invites/requests. I can only tolerate 3-man max now.
This is what it sounds like to me:
The current mode is that the further you push the stick, the quicker you turn at a standard rate.
The new mode is that most of the range of the stick will be low sensitivity, so you can aim without turning as much, until you mash the stick toward the outer limits of it, when it flips over and lets you turn quickly.
Or something.
We keep losing ps4 people to PC.![]()
A grudge match is waged between players Danny (Danny D) and Aletta (Aletta Ocean) in an abandoned strip club as a sniper class femme fatale is pitted against an assault class grim reaper to prove once and for all whether it requires more skill to quickscope an enemy, or take out a sniper from far with short range weapons. It’s a battle of speed, accuracy, and endurance as the femme fatale, without a team to back her up, must deliver the payload solo. She’s got to go hardcore to get out of this deathmatch unscathed.
My mouse only has options for 1000, 1500 and 2000 unfortunately. What would be the equivalent at 1000? Was using 10 sensitivity so will change it. What about tracer should I keep it the same as other characters. On PS4 I used to have a much higher sensitivity with her.Lower your sensitivity. You should be around 800 dpi and 6-7 sensitivity for starters.
Also don't aim all the time with your wrist, you will do damage over time, rest your arm on your table and use your wrist for precision movements and your whole arm for 180 snaps etc.
Also lower your graphics as much as you can to get the most FPS you can. Ideally you should always be above 144 fps. Keep your monitors resolution.
Brazzers Presents: Oversnatch A XXX Parody (OFFICIAL TRAILER 2016)
It's safe for work. Except for the dildo.
Brazzers Presents: Oversnatch A XXX Parody (OFFICIAL TRAILER 2016)
It's safe for work. Except for the dildo.
40 seconds in.I saw no dildo. I feel cheated.
Brazzers Presents: Oversnatch A XXX Parody (OFFICIAL TRAILER 2016)
It's safe for work. Except for the dildo.
I saw no dildo. I feel cheated.
My interview with Harry and Chips from EnVy went up ;w; I hope it turned out nice
Feels good. Come on over.We keep losing ps4 people to PC.![]()
Not gonna lie, it feels bad having no skins or coins. The olympic ones not so much (except Zarya) since they weren't too good.I'll never double dip on PC unless there's a really good sale or the cosmetic unlocks carry over.
Brazzers Presents: Oversnatch A XXX Parody (OFFICIAL TRAILER 2016)
It's safe for work. Except for the dildo.
Then you obviously have never seen the backside of a dildo.
I was too busy laughing at the costumes to notice a fake penis.
My mouse only has options for 1000, 1500 and 2000 unfortunately. What would be the equivalent at 1000? Was using 10 sensitivity so will change it. What about tracer should I keep it the same as other characters. On PS4 I used to have a much higher sensitivity with her.
Unfortunately I got this monitor a while ago for my PS4/general use at university so its refresh rate is only 60 as I didn't know any better before and PS4 wouldn't go over 60FPS anyway. Should I cap my FPS at 60 then? I am getting around 120 on max settings right now.
Feels good. Come on over.I'll probably still play a bit on PS4 here and there since my girlfriend is still there I guess plus I have nobody on PC yet.
Probably do 5.5 first.Reaper is perfect.
Go for 1000 dps and 6 sens. Play a bit, see what suits you. You should keep the same sensitivity for all characters so you can be more consistent. Don't be alarmed if you have to do a big swipe with your mouse for a 180.
Doesn't matter if your monitor isn't 144 hz. Aiming and movement is more responsive and more satisfying with higher FPS. Lower your settings and go for a stable 144+ fps.
Oh and please get a mic, you'll get a bit of nagging from your team if you're off comms.
Yeah it's pretty nice to have chat. Bit worried about toxicity. Did a few AI games and the genji demanded I ana ulted him and when they were unable to take the first point for a while the junkrat got a bit pissy but in an actual quick game people messaged good job and stuff at the end so evens out.I have no interest in playing Overwatch on my Surface Pro 4. lol
And I know all the unlocks are cosmetic, but I really wouldn't want to start over at square one.
I think I'm happy on console. Thing I would like the most is typing to the chat. Not to coordinate or anything. I just thing it would be awesome to have a line of communication to the enemy team.
Meanwhile at Volskaya Industries...
Brazzers Presents: Oversnatch A XXX Parody (OFFICIAL TRAILER 2016)
It's safe for work. Except for the dildo.
Don't remember the v2.3 but the Sombra text has definitely been there.
Probably do 5.5 first.
Thought it wouldn't display unless I had a monitor capable of doing it? I'll check my settings then to get 144+.
Got a mic just not using it with people who just got the game. Will use it at a later time.
Yeah it's pretty nice to have chat. Bit worried about toxicity. Did a few AI games and the genji demanded I ana ulted him and when they were unable to take the first point for a while the junkrat got a bit pissy but in an actual quick game people messaged good job and stuff at the end so evens out.
There are toxic people here and there, but please don't abandon the whole team chat. Block the bastards and communicate with the rest of us. It's the best way to deal with things.
It won't display 144 hz, but you will notice a big difference in your input.
Yeah, I meant to say to use your mic on comp.
Just checked. That screen is clean in the live client.
The "hacked" screens at the Lumérico plant only had the "Protocolo Sombra". No version number, but the background is a copy paste.
I call this Reaper syndrome.TFW when the enemy team plays a hero better than the guy on your own team.
At the rate this is going, Sombra better be a tank buster like Reaper.
"that's so gay! OMG, this is gay! This is so fucking GAY!" etc
over chat, all the while calling nothing out. Just constant whining when killed, about the S76 "get off my ass, bro. This is so fucking gay!" in particular. So, this is why I need to be on mic? x_x Suffice it to say WE LOST.
The usual number 23.Meanwhile at Volskaya Industries...