As a Symmetra mainSymmetra is getting a big overhaul it seems, shields are going to getting reworked for sure. And they want to look at her teleporter and viability overall.
in quick play, don't kill me
As a Symmetra mainSymmetra is getting a big overhaul it seems, shields are going to getting reworked for sure. And they want to look at her teleporter and viability overall.
Mei will get a lot more use now that she counters quite a few of Sombra's stuff, so hold on to your butt.People love complaining how OP Sombra is before she's even out and yet think Mei is totally ok. She is the number one reason I'm close to quitting this game.
People love complaining how OP Sombra is before she's even out and yet think Mei is totally ok. She is the number one reason I'm close to quitting this game.
Her ult is completely broken right now (how quickly you can get it). You don't even need to test this shit in PTR, just nerf it already. I had a game today in QP where I had my ult twice in the same fight. I was like "again, what the hell?
Almost every pro game has her now because of her ability to completely isolate players and her high damage right click plus super fast charging ult that is better than graviton and her ridiculous stalling abilities.
Hero Time Played Pick Percentage
Ana 30:05:54 98.21%
Lucio 29:16:39 95.53%
Zarya 27:38:11 90.18%
Reinhardt 24:55:01 81.30%
Mccree 14:10:56 46.28%
Reaper 11:18:03 36.87%
Mei 11:07:46 36.32%
Genji 9:20:06 30.46%
Almost every pro game has her now because of her ability to completely isolate players and her high damage right click plus super fast charging ult that is better than graviton and her ridiculous stalling abilities.
Most of them don't know, I don't know how they could know about the skin without knowing the date.Do people even know that the Genji skin doesn't come out till next week? I had three different requests for Heroes of the Storm parties.
i love it when i pick mei and someone complains that we don't have enough damage
like, really?
Like, on her own? Compared to every other dps characters she really doesn't.
What she's great at is enabling your team to get picks.
Though I've so often outdamage the junkrats on my team that i often wondered wtf are they doing.
the team was rein roadhog reaper mei lucio zenyatta
reaper was complaining that the second dps (me as mei) wasn't enough damage
i don't know how you can look at that comp and say that
also i'm good at landing right clicks which is more than enough damage
Sometimes it's hard to consistently take down a good/great Pharah one on one even if you're soldier or mccree.
You basically need elite aiming because those great pharahs don't miss much and know how to use their mobility, and then you have to worry about the rest of the enemy team.
Got a 5-kill with Mei....I'm starting to really like her. She can be a lot of fun
Is the Symmetra update still coming mid November?
I hope they don't change her too much. I really enjoy her. I'm in top 150 with her in Competitive. lol
It's mid-November at the earliest. I'm betting we don't get it with the other stuff. Maybe not even this year depending on how significant the changes are.
They're doing the basic things I missed in Sym, in Sombra though. Good damage, solid health, and immediate escape options (so she's viable in a fight. I hate the hide/seek shit Sym players pull) and speeding up the health packs/denying them from the enemy team is waaaaay better than +25 shields. Especially if you're playing with a competent team that will actually feed themselves.
I just hope they do justice to Symmetra.
Blizzard doesn't love her so much, that her turrets/portal don't even turn GOLD with the golden weapon. Only her gun is gold.
It's super lame and makes me sad.
I just hope they do justice to Symmetra.
Blizzard doesn't love her so much, that her turrets/portal don't even turn GOLD with the golden weapon. Only her gun is gold.
It's super lame and makes me sad.
You... want flamboyant gold turrets?
Golden turrets would be too shiny and would give off their location from far away.
3 most played of the current season.Can someone tell me why people on the competitive leaderboard have 3 characters next to their names? It doesn't seem to be their 3 most played characters, so what is it?
Why are those top two so much better than final :/
Damn you Blizz...
After this and the Sombra ones I'm convinced that if I saw a concept art page for all 23 characters I'd want a previous scrapped version more than what we got for every one of them.
To me, Sombra seems to be more utility than an actual dependable DPS character. Where can she fit in the regular 2/2/2 comp? She is most comparable to Mei, and the Ice Queen outputs much more respectable damage on her own.
Why are those top two so much better than final :/
Damn you Blizz...
After this and the Sombra ones I'm convinced that if I saw a concept art page for all 23 characters I'd want a previous scrapped version more than what we got for every one of them.
God, the money I would drop for an Overwatch artbook...
Speaking of, any word on if we'e getting any OW novels?
Dragons Still the best.
It also has the most views
Shimada brothers stay winning.
With Sombra gaining views like crazy, not for long i guess.![]()
It's a character reveal.
The view rate will drop drastically by Tuesday if not sooner.
Ive been watching the Sombra videos and Sombra is far from OP lol... I think people just see that she has a various amount of different abilities unlike 3-4 that most heroes have and think shes overpowered.
She seems incredibly easy to counter and her HP sucks.
Objection.jpgReleased 8 months ago:
Lol, i guess ARG and Sombra Hype worked then.
I still think that :"Alive" is one of the best tho.