Yep, and you know what that means!
Yep, and you know what that means!
Yep, and you know what that means!
It´s impossible to have a fallback plan since there are so many "what ifs" but personally (ps4/xbox one) I have never seen anyone harrased and force to quit.
Besides, you can just turn off the microphone and avoid harrasment if you want. DDosing also shouldn´t be an issue on console. Reducing the SR lost for your team if someone quits, is a great idea as well. Especially since many times your team is actually winning and someone just bails out of nowhere.
Yep, and you know what that means!
If they reduced the SR loss for leavers, 6 stacks would be the only way to go.
I'll leave this match if we start to lose. You leave next losing match. Kor leaves the one after that. We only all stay if we're going to win.
Symmetra is getting buffed. She has voice lines about augmenting and boosting shields.
I'm elated that you're so eager to celebrate my completely meaningless ranking up that may not actually happen.Yep, and you know what that means!
What was suppose to happen on the 23rd?
NX reveal and my boy Nocturnaowl leveling upWhat was suppose to happen on the 23rd?
If it's not me and Lik alone it doesn't work.![]()
i'm like bacon: I work with everything! ;P
What's the consensus on gaining rank? I'm looking at 50/50 win/loss and I'm consistently losing rank. Not much, but I'm almost always gaining around twenty to twenty five for wins, but losing twenty five to thirty on losses, even on games I go four golds with a close loss. Is this the norm and I have to get a lot more wins than losses to gain and keep rank, or what? It's incredibly frustrating. Feels like playing Competitive is like playing against the house at a casino.
I play a lot of support and it gets old fast. Especially on solo queue. When you're on main supports like Lucio and Mercy, Overwatch is an FPS where you can't FPS. Lucio's shots are hard to hit with and don't feel that powerful when you do. You're just there to stay on points, speed boost, heal and occasionally boop. It's necessary but not as engaging as one of the other characters. Mercy doesn't shoot (or if she does, something's gone wrong) and it's more engaging than Lucio's play, but it's still support in solo queue--hoping that the team you're supporting is good enough to warrant you being their healer. Feels like one in three games I play support I'm babysitting people who couldn't win a 3v1 fight against a Mei.
There's also the belief that supports don't get as much level gain. Not sure if it's true or not.
Now with a good team, support is perfectly fine. All those gripes just disappear. Shame you never know when one of those will come along in solo queue.
That was a crazy game, but we won.
Also, I finally broke 2400!
WTF with that gif
This is how I'm trying to approach competitive mode. I've lost my first two placement matches so far but it was still fun and I did my best. I learned my lesson in Splatoon not to take this kind of thing too seriously or personally.I'm right there with you. I main support and mostly solo que so it's always something new and different. My philosophy has become that I can't afford to worry about my SR. I just need to focus on doing my best and having fun and supporting my team the best I can.
I placed 3000 just from the placement matches!
And just went on to lose 13 games in a row now putting me at 2450!
I'm sorry. This is my fault.
I must now take it upon myself to kill xaosslug, to restore my family's honor.
Dunno why I'm arguing with some random in YouTube comments about why I think Widow is useless. Dude is defending her even tho she sucks right now. Guess there really is a defense force for everything including shitty heroes. Posted my final thought and not gonna even respond anymore. He even mentioned that I'm making assumptions and it makes me look bad. Lol
If Widow really was so amazing then she would be picked more, right?
The first rule of YouTube comments is never look at YouTube comments.
Dunno why I'm arguing with some random in YouTube comments about why I think Widow is useless. Dude is defending her even tho she sucks right now. Guess there really is a defense force for everything including shitty heroes. Posted my final thought and not gonna even respond anymore. He even mentioned that I'm making assumptions and it makes me look bad. Lol
If Widow really was so amazing then she would be picked more, right?
The first rule of YouTube comments is never look at YouTube comments.
I don't think she's useless. Someone on my friends list is absolutely incredible with her. One could argue why not just play mcree if you're that good. But if you're that much of a beast you can use widow then it just shows she's not crap, just takes immense skill to make her look top tier. I personally like her on the team because I really like utilizing that ultimate of hers. I feel it's very useful.
Zarya and winston are like OTP.
Well, I posted a comment in a Lost Unit video and it got a lot of upvotes so i eventually got replies from people for it. This dude thinks Widow is still viable if you're "skilled". Yea, I think we can say that for any hero but she's useless.
The problem with her right now is unless the player is extremely consistent at killing with her, the objectives will be lost anyway. I haven't seen many good Widows and even when I do encounter great Widows who kill often, they can't hold the objectives at all.
It's mainly for KOTH.I tried this three rounds and we quit. We got recked. My friend isn't really an experienced zarya. But fuck. Maybe this is good on defending maps, but on attacking payload maps, we did not succeed. at all.
The pros made her work quite well, so I guess there must be something useful there. Seems like Blizzard needs to find a way to make her easier to use or more useful at lower skill levels.
It won't affect us console scrubs!She's barely in the meta that people like to follow. Maybe her upcoming buff will help.
I'm sorry. This is my fault.
I must now take it upon myself to kill xaosslug, to restore my family's honor.
She's barely in the meta that people like to follow. Maybe her upcoming buff will help.
No, it's seriously good for a lot of maps. There are people who would opt winston + zarya in lieu of a reinhardt on certain maps. Thing is you have to have really good synergy with each other, and it's basically a case of focusing down targets, learning when to barrier winston to extend his time on the field as well as building your own energy, etc. etc. Also you really need to have your DPS actually take advantage of all the distraction and safe space winston is providing.
I meant back at the beginning, before she was nerfed. Widow was the meta.
yea, i guess so. I was pretty much referring to her current state.
I tried this three rounds and we quit. We got recked. My friend isn't really an experienced zarya. But fuck. Maybe this is good on defending maps, but on attacking payload maps, we did not succeed. at all.
Yep, and you know what that means!
This is where I tend to have trouble as Winston. Of course, I also tend to forget that the team actually has to catch up to me as well.
That's why for winston I tend to just hang back a bit on solo Q. Can't really risk initiating the fight and no one is following you.
Half the roster is useless in the game as it currently is. I wish we could just get massive balance changes like weekly or something.