I just bought this... ah whatever.
Okay, just had the weirdest damn thing happen in competitive play.
We absolutely stomp on Attack on Eichenwald, 3 to nothing. I had been playing Lucio on Attack, and switch to Mercy for defense. As I'm running to the point alongside our Zarya, something seems off. I look around and see a Zarya, a Reaper... and no one else. I check the stats screen, and everyone else has locked in their teams, but... none of the other players are there.
And as the match goes on, it's fairly obvious that the other team is having similar issues. I only counted three among their numbers, too. After the first respawn, the Reaper on our team just stops moving and doesn't budge again until the match is over. So it's just me and Zarya against three enemies, no idea what happened to the other players.
Despite both of us switching to Lucio and Tracer at the end, we can't manage to hold them off 2v3, and it goes 3 to 3. I had had chat turned off, so I have no idea how the other person was even reacting to this, but I guess at some point we decided to say "fuck it, this match is messed up anyway" and picked Torbjorn and Symmetra when we rolled to defense again. And amazingly, we actually held them off. But despite our best efforts, the enemy team picking Torbjorn, Bastion, and Reinhardt was enough to hold us off on Attack (I would have picked Pharah to try and hit the distant turret, but she was one of the characters that our departed teammates had picked, and was still locked up), and it ended as a 3-3 draw.
And on the end screen with our team, it just showed me and the other player, not even any spots for the other folks who vanished. Weirdest damn match I've ever had.
The "hold right-click" rein mind games can get pretty intense though.
Blizzard's being DDOSed right now. A bunch of people got DCed from their games. That's probably what happened to your teammates.
This is generally the strat that the pros use, so I imagine it would suck for pubs lol.In solo-queue plat / gold comp, I've been on three teams that pull back to the second arch on Dorado defense and just cede the first half of the first CP... but the strategy never seems to pay off. It always seems like they push through us more easily than when we try to hold them at the first arch, and we've got a lot less time to get back from spawn if we get killed.
I've also never been fortunate(?) enough to have the other team do this to us when we're on attack, so I'm not quite sure how it would feel on the attack side. Has anyone had any luck with this strategy?
Usually all Blizz games bite it when BNet gets DDOS'd, so Diablo time is unlikely.
Welp, guess I'll boot up Pac-Man or something.
Tried to test if D3 works, won't even boot up as it chokes to trying to connect![]()
In solo-queue plat / gold comp, I've been on three teams that pull back to the second arch on Dorado defense and just cede the first half of the first CP... but the strategy never seems to pay off. It always seems like they push through us more easily than when we try to hold them at the first arch, and we've got a lot less time to get back from spawn if we get killed.
I've also never been fortunate(?) enough to have the other team do this to us when we're on attack, so I'm not quite sure how it would feel on the attack side. Has anyone had any luck with this strategy?
<sensible chuckle>
In solo-queue plat / gold comp, I've been on three teams that pull back to the second arch on Dorado defense and just cede the first half of the first CP... but the strategy never seems to pay off. It always seems like they push through us more easily than when we try to hold them at the first arch, and we've got a lot less time to get back from spawn if we get killed.
I've also never been fortunate(?) enough to have the other team do this to us when we're on attack, so I'm not quite sure how it would feel on the attack side. Has anyone had any luck with this strategy?
Note that reunited actually countered them with 4 tanks 2 supports.
The central pillars of the snowball remains the same though. Ana builds ult by the tanks eating poke, and then rein bullies everyone until he gets earthshatter, rinse repeat.
Also reunited ran 2/2/2 on numbani which showed the comp's weakness in mobility.
It's unbelievable how fast Ana builds ult in this comp.
In general she builds it way too fast for power it gives. Comp like this just pushes it to another tier.
In solo-queue plat / gold comp, I've been on three teams that pull back to the second arch on Dorado defense and just cede the first half of the first CP... but the strategy never seems to pay off. It always seems like they push through us more easily than when we try to hold them at the first arch, and we've got a lot less time to get back from spawn if we get killed.
I've also never been fortunate(?) enough to have the other team do this to us when we're on attack, so I'm not quite sure how it would feel on the attack side. Has anyone had any luck with this strategy?
The technical issues we were experiencing earlier have been resolved. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Which is why I like her a lot in time-limited pushes.
Ana Ult charge needs a nerf
Have any console players had luck setting up an account on the Overwatch forums? I put my B.net account in, but it doesn't work. I assume you have to own the game on PC for your PC account to work?
My brain is falling apart not being able to say what I think in some of these threads.
There is a guy who has made 3 threads on the front page about nerfing Genji. I'm not even kidding.
And he's a Mercy main, someone that Genji counters.....
What did you do to get your account logged in? I have a b.net account, but it won't let in.works for me now. found out about a a day after S1 ended and I was checking the forums for people's feedback. i was even able to make new threads.
What did you do to get your account logged in? I have a b.net account, but it won't let in.
I'll try again later, I probably just don't remember my password or something lol.
RIP, that'll do it lol. I haven't done that yet.yea, just my usual BNet account. nothing else. your BNet is linked to your PSN account right?
What portraits? The character profile icon thing? I just use the training bot lolAnyone find the characer portraits to be severely lacking? Looks very pre alpha
I hope they get better and clearer designs. Guys like Zenyatta look downright terrible
Anyone find the characer portraits to be severely lacking? Looks very pre alpha
I hope they get better and clearer designs. Guys like Zenyatta look downright terrible
What portraits? The character profile icon thing? I just use the training bot lol
Hook doesn't pull them as far so 200 health heroes don't die to the shotgun blast after the hook nearly as often.What nerf did roadhog get?
What nerf did roadhog get?
I'm assuming he's talking about the hook change that was supposed to be a buff. It was supposed to fix a problem with the hook, which it did, but it also made previous bugs with Hog worse and created a couple more.What nerf did roadhog get?
Hook doesn't pull them as far so 200 health heroes don't die to the shotgun blast after the hook nearly as often.
Beta character models were much better.
Clear. minimalistic, perfect.
What portraits? The character profile icon thing? I just use the training bot lol
when your make juuuust enough posts for the wall of shame
I never understand why the hog doesn't shoot you when they do that. Yeah it seems pointless, because they're dead either way, but you're getting ult charge by shooting them. It's amazing how many hogs don't realize this.huh, I had been noticing it was less effective than the beta
there have been a few times where zero suit d.va has survived a hook + shotgun...
I just discovered the strategy of hooking someone on a platform facing the abyss though lol. Some dude did it to me, once you get hooked you're automatically dead.
Honestly, is it really that big of a deal? They're clear enough that you can tell which character is which and it's not like you're constantly looking at them.No, the hero portraits are terrible
Just had a terrible comp game at Eichenwald, we defend and our team picks Junkrat, Torb and Hanzo, I can accept these picks but not all 3 at the same time. We asked our Hanzo to switch on attack and he did but he sucked, then I checked his profile. He only has played Hanzo. Level 40 and he only played Hanzo. Enough comp for tonight I guess.
You have really good aim, I watched your game on QP in Lijiang and you were wrecking the other team with D.Va.without mech lol
Today was a nice day, I finally got a winning streak (5 games) playing mostly Soldier. I also win more SR (~30) when I play dps/tank instead of support (besides Zenyatta) and lose less SR (~20) if I don't win the game. I wonder if it's because of the medals.
The last match I played today on Hollywood was very funny, I had two mistakes that led my team to be wiped out twice lol. Thankfully we still won.
Got Play of the Match with Zenyatta and an Epic vote to go with it. Killed a Lucio diving onto the point with a few seconds left, which just barely charged my Ult to full, just in time to Transcendence through the enemy Reaper shifting in behind Lucio to Death Blossom for a potential Quintuple Kill.
It wasn't an especially spectacular play, the match was an easy 3-0 victory without anyone pulling off any big multikills, but it feels nice to get POTM as a support other than Mercy.