I speedboost solo Q all the time now.
I take a "You guys better know how to work with this because that's what I'm doing" approach and it works more than it doesn't.
Can you elaborate on that?
I decided to play competitive finally. Doing my placements and so far:
What time is the Overwatch Open?Whoever said "strafing is broke in this game" was right btw. Kind of funny.
I've been out of it lately so I can't really play much, but watchign stuff evolve has been kind of hilarious. Game is at such a weird place right now that I don't know what to make of it. Overwatch Open is tomorrow though. I wanna see some dumb shit.
Whoever said "strafing is broke in this game" was right btw. Kind of funny.
What time is the Overwatch Open?
btw pretty sure it was Seagull that said that iirc
Do you mean just ADADing? What's broken about it?
did they push further than you? or did they reach the location your team got to with lower amount of time?
It was the city where you have to capture the point, then escort it. Neither of us got the point captured. Would it maybe count it if they captured the point further along, but never got it...?What mode? Are you sure it wasn't just a draw? It has the same color scheme as a loss when it shows up and makes the same losing sound effect, so did you mix it up with that? Kind of dumb that they don't have neutral sounds for draw instead of making it sound like you lost.
Lol Bastion with Golden Guns on Nepal who refuses to swap.
Yeah, I really don't have a good explanation for you other than I see people inexplicably drop kills to dumb movement like that, and I know I've done it too. Probably some weird animation and movement thing, I just notice that for some reason in this game in particular people get murdered by strafe sometimes.
Also, I got what I'm pretty sure is my first Zenyatta POTG ever. Then I got another one in the following match! Nothing terribly special, but proof that it is possible.
Golden Guns were a mistake.
Yup. Anytime I see someone with a Golden Gun 99% of the time they refuse to swap.
I have a Golden Gun for my main (Zarya) which I rarely ever get to see because I'm always on Zen/Lucio/Mercy
You better drop some coins on a Highlight Intro if you're gonna be beasting Zenyatta. I like the Harmony and Discord one.
Golden Guns are overrated.
I'm gonna spend mine on Golden Balls.
Had a comp match where we lost the first two rounds. Then we all agreed to go 3/3.
It worked amazingly well. Sure not the best implementation of it but it went better than expected
I speedboost solo Q all the time now.
I take a "You guys better know how to work with this because that's what I'm doing" approach and it works more than it doesn't.
really? I cant play lucio at all in solo q anymore because no on ever stays grouped by me. Goes for most healers, but most healers have a way to heal teammates who are far from them.
You guys on PC? I listen to directions well and I'm fiending to play against better comp. I end up in solo que as a healer in most games.Yeah. I remember yesterday I told antitrop to just try speedboosting in and basically, yep. People follow, they have to. The issue is when they pick a super passive comp.
I really want to get a PC 6 man who outplay their ranks, but that's really easier said than done. It's one thing for someone to say "I'm not really 2500" and being freshly placed there vs being stuck at a rank forever![]()
so the gm players (from twitch stream) are grouping together and once in game they leave the group. they said its so that they gain more sr points? any1 know if this is true?
I didnt know you could get points off a Draw? Every other time I have gotten one its just been neutral gain, but I just got like 35+ points from one. (And I was playing Support too, mostly Power Boosting our Roadhog who was melting people)
Is anyone else lagging like crazy?
I didnt know you could get points off a Draw? Every other time I have gotten one its just been neutral gain, but I just got like 35+ points from one. (And I was playing Support too, mostly Power Boosting our Roadhog who was melting people)
Is anyone else lagging like crazy?
Have you been on a winstreak or something? Maybe that's part of it.
Also did you just get off? I was gonna see if you wanted to group up, lol.
Best highlight intro in the game.You better drop some coins on a Highlight Intro if you're gonna be beasting Zenyatta. I like the Harmony and Discord one.
Best highlight intro in the game.
Seems legit XDJust had someone rant in voice chat that Bastion is good, Torb is good, but both on Defense is terrible. Does that make sense?
Another argument for not thinking you're all that great (or god forbid, carrying your team) because you get Gold Medals:
I was Zen on Numbani. 4 Golds, 1 Silver. We got steamrolled and I spent most of my time dead- 8/7 k/d (Gold elims). Pitiful healing (under 1000- Gold), pitiful objective time (Silver), pitiful damage (1100-ish- Gold), not pitiful but not good objective kills (3- Gold). Truly one of the worst games I've had as Zen, and I was the lone card.
The medals do not change the fact that I played very poorly. That my team was (much, much) worse does not change the fact that I played very poorly.
My D.Va the game before had 26/4 k/d, big damage, and hung out around the objective messing fools up in an easy win. 3 Silver, 1 Gold.
Just had someone rant in voice chat that Bastion is good, Torb is good, but both on Defense is terrible. Does that make sense?
They're kinda both bad but the theory is sound!