got to season high then proceed to lose 7 in a row....
I think there are quite a number of pretty viable healers and tanks outside of rein and lucio so don't limit yourself just because you feel like you're forced to.
Don't let that happen to season high then proceed to lose 7 in a row....
I think there are quite a number of pretty viable healers and tanks outside of rein and lucio so don't limit yourself just because you feel like you're forced to.
Do people still not know how to counter-pick? There should be no reason a team of 4 D.Va's should roll over a team unless they turned off their brains. I don't understand this.
got to season high then proceed to lose 7 in a row....
Don't let that happen man...
I don't think Zarya is the problem. Its more of brain dead players who don't know how to lay off the shoot button.
2 straight losses and break/QP rule is bummed, I was 1 win away from promotion tooI think I'm gonna stop playing for a few days
It must be humiliating to be killed by a Mercy.
Oh I know, I sometimes play Zarya or D.Va / Ana or Zenyatta instead. Not like it makes that much of a difference though. It still sucks to be stuck playing the healer/tank because nobody else does, even though you want to play a different hero.
I've been barred from playing Junkrat so many times.![]()
Mercy getting 4 killing blows in x period of time should be an achievement.
You can also honestly play mei as an off tank.
I'm not a good Mei at all, I played her for a total of 1 game lol. Which is why I said "fuck around with". I wanna play some of the heroes I barely play in QP, but I feel guilty if we were to do bad cause we didn't have a healer (or proper tank).
Is there a worse feeling than a comp game where you have to play Reinahrdt because its payload and everyone picked their fucking instalock DPS
and Bastion is shredding your shield and none of them do anything about it. Like he was just up there the entire time and NO ONE killed him. He didn't have a Reinhardt shield or anything
like god damn sometimes I wish this game would say 'you're shit dps mate you have to pick reinhardt or lucio now' because nothing hurts more in the game than dps that funnel into death.
Is there a worse feeling than a comp game where you have to play Reinahrdt because its payload and everyone picked their fucking instalock DPS
and Bastion is shredding your shield and none of them do anything about it. Like he was just up there the entire time and NO ONE killed him. He didn't have a Reinhardt shield or anything
like god damn sometimes I wish this game would say 'you're shit dps mate you have to pick reinhardt or lucio now' because nothing hurts more in the game than dps that funnel into death.
Imagine playing as support and having gold in eliminations and not playing as Zen either.
To be fair having gold in eliminations means jackshit. If one of your bullets grazed an enemy that gets killed, you get an elimination, even if you did just 1 point of damage.
Yah, damage is a much more accurate representation of DPS performance. The way Overwatch handles eliminations really makes it sort of pointless as a performance metric, other than if you're shooting the right targets at the right times it should correlate positively with higher damage stats.
Some people only know how to focus on that stuff, though. So I'm a bit surprised they haven't just tossed in a team deathmatch mode for the people who obviously ONLY PLAY THAT ANYWAY.
Zarya in every game
Doesn't matter how the meta changes
Zarya Zarya Zarya Zarya
That's called KotH.
The same can be said about Zen, Lucio and Rein.
Rein doesnt go to KOTH.
Zen and Lucio just got nerfed because they're in every game sooooo
What I thought was a cockblocked ult turned into a nice Quadra.
20 points from diamond and then lose 250 points today. Not a single win, feels pretty good.
Is the Top 500 player icon (the one displayed in the main menu) for season one bugged? I just noticed its unlocked...
Or am I amazing? Im amazing, aren't I?
At this point I'd rather have 6 randoms, or a 3-4 stack than 2 stack. Atleast bigger groups seem to be coordinated and fill out needed roles.
Most 2 stacks just seem to both jump on Offense characters and fuck up the entire team composition when 2 more people do the same.
Even worse is that I had a 2500 and a 2100 in a 2 stack on my last two matches, so one is capable but the other is kinda lost. It worked for the Ana / Rein combo they did though, but none of us got healed.
Now lets see all that on console.
I'm pretty tired of playing on weekends, tbh.
I had a 2 stack of Roadhog and Mercy that seemed to only be good for giving the other team ult charges.
I was at 50 health +armor for like a minute and a half as Zarya, and I ask the Mercy to heal me if she can.
"I have 15k healing, why don't you shut the fuck up."
The worst part is I lost to them in the next match because our new team also had a two stack that refused to listen. We had it in overtime and two people walked into a scatter arrow instead of staying with the payload.
I don't know what it is, I just feel so unlucky. Why do people have to go and sit outside the attacking teams door? Why??? 3 golds and and a silver on Reinhardt with 25k damage blocked, how is this even possible? I don't know what to do anymore, it just makes me want to give up.
I mean, not that it's a 100% foolproof solution, but at some point you gotta step out of what you might consider an ideal composition.
Like, we'll be 2-2-2, but if I'm on support and realise that we just need more DPS and sustain and someone to deal with that damn pharah I'll switch off to soldier. Only 1 support but sometimes you gotta evaluate what your team needs more.
Like yeah, you'll be doing work as reinhardt, but if no one is really utilising what you're used for (i.e. that big rectangle you have) what's the point of a rein? You could be doing better on another character.