Mei bridge countered lmao
We didn't do it Reddit
Mei bridge countered lmao
Zarya might be the only champ you can't play on pure mechanics alone. You need good game sense to get energy with consistency.Got an absolutely sick penta-kill as Zarya tonight and popping graviton surge after making their D.Va waste her DM on my grenades. Then turned a corner to see bastion sitting there for the team kill as the payload rolled in.
Feels good man.
Zarya has definitely replaced D.Va as my main. She was the one I wanted to play the most when I saw the game/art. She's just difficult to learn to play as when you first start.
Zarya might be the only champ you can't play on pure mechanics alone. You need good game sense to get energy with consistency.
Is he playing Tracer
Is he playing Tracer
iddqd really IS the best McCree in the world.
Those plays cemented it again.
wait until aKm shows up again :>
I wanna see those two just go at it sometime.
Oh yeah he's from Rogue right? can't wait to see them again.
So here's a question -- is Bastion legitimately bad?
I've always kind of wondered this, but the main reason why Bastion is so bad is because he's a single fixed target to get mowed down by enemies who have learned where he is. But maybe everyone's sort of playing him wrong?
What I want to know is if his recon/walking mode is bad. It has a self heal and a hitscan rifle, and while I haven't had a good chance to try him out to test this, maybe Bastion is intended to be less of a camp and more of a mobile character than what we know of him today. What if he's meant to be a less mobile 76 that just has the ability to bunker down and let loose?
Or maybe I'm just crazy.
Wow. They full held Envy. Wow.
The one time they pull out the symmetra they get stomped. Now they ain't gonna play her again lol
Sym is awful against Tracer. Felt like a weird pick to me.