Vault Dweller 111
The exact opposite is true.It's always stupid to see a Genji get a quad kill with his ult and steal it from the enemy Mercy who ressed all 4 and saved the fight.
The exact opposite is true.It's always stupid to see a Genji get a quad kill with his ult and steal it from the enemy Mercy who ressed all 4 and saved the fight.
Or when it goes to a mercy 4 res when they're all clustered together on point and get wiped out with a Zarya and/or pharah/bastion/tracer/genji ultIt's always stupid to see a Genji get a quad kill with his ult and steal it from the enemy Mercy who ressed all 4 and saved the fight.
The exact opposite is true.
It's always stupid to see a Genji get a quad kill with his ult and steal it from the enemy Mercy who ressed all 4 and saved the fight.
It's pretty even in my experience.
Season 4 ends tomorrow, but Season 5 doesn't start until Wednesday. Still, that's a much shorter break between seasons than any of the previous. I think the break between S1 and S2 was like 2 weeks.
You should be happy when I play Mercy, I die in the genji ult so I don't steal his potg.But even if the Mercy 'saved' the fight. Seeing a Mercy crouching in a corner waiting for everyone to die so she can wave her hand, is not fun to watch at all. In that situation I'd still way rather see the team wipe that came right before.
<3You should be happy when I play Mercy, I die in the genji ult so I don't steal his potg.
But even if the Mercy 'saved' the fight. Seeing a Mercy crouching in a corner waiting for everyone to die so she can wave her hand, is not fun to watch at all.
Any Mercy POTG is messed up.
No one wants to see that boring shit.
Season 4 ends tonight at 8 or tomorrow at 8?
Depends if they are more laxed in the finishing sr or not.Need to remember to never play the last week of a season again. Dropped from diamond level to gold level in less than a week.
I'm probably going to get screwed in my placement for next season for finishing this one so low aren't I?
Any Mercy POTG is messed up.
No one wants to see that boring shit.
Any Mercy POTG is messed up.
No one wants to see that boring ****.
Congrats, I'm sure you're right. It still would have been boring as fuck to watch though.I recently had a Mercy POTG when I rezz 3 as the other team was chaining their ults on Honamura. Saved the game.
aww i was hoping people would vote to push it backTime until In-House:
In my experience many people love those types of POTG's. But it's fine if you think so.Booping people in a POTG is pretty boring too.
Booping people in a POTG is pretty boring too.
I got a POTG earlier with Lucio where I booped three people off and I beg to differ.
Was it into the giant hole that screams boops here?
lol onemic and viewtifuljc just destroyed my friend and the randoms i was playing with
sym, rein, 76, dva, hog, and me who was the only support on nepal. we were down 0-2.
switching from lucio then mercy and then back to lucio and then went ana. got back to 2-2 but fml solo healing. if i didn't die to winstons tickle blaster we could have won. but my grenade was 1 second from being ready. me (ana) vs their lucio and mercy lol.
lol onemic and viewtifuljc just destroyed my friend and the randoms i was playing with
But the battle forums told me that DVA was unplayable.
lol onemic and viewtifuljc just destroyed my friend and the randoms i was playing with
Are they still on that?
yeah we did pretty good
our bad b
damn how you gonna let the old guard of BCT run through yall like that
what was this on PC?
I haven't checked in a while, but I'm sure they are still going.
What's a good character to get started on? I've been using Mercy to ease myself back in to KB/M. Orisa looks like an interesting DPS hero. Seems like a fairly daunting game to get into these days.