Unless I am getting barrel-stuffing range headshots with Reaper, it feels like I am shooting Nerf darts.
I could imagine a change to him soon. His pickrate must be (?) pretty low.
Playing on PC because...well, I bought it at launch, might as well.
First CTF game, captured the flag with D.va and just defended for the rest. Easy win, free box. Never have to play it again.
Speaking of which, I hope that there will be maps that are designed around CTF, along with some QOL changes that can make it a more pleasant experience.
True but if you knew your mom was cooking you dinner why would you join a comp game :3
Also had the most stereotypical Mercy main ever in my last game of the season
First round he said phrases such as; "I'm literally the only good person on this team"
"PROTECT YOUR FUCKING MERCY GOD" (as we were all getting overwhelmed and were trying to protect him)
second round he switched to Widow to throw and then left halfway through that
Speaking of which, I hope that there will be maps that are designed around CTF, along with some QOL changes that can make it a more pleasant experience.
Had to end the season on Anubis, but at least we won.
Fun season, not my highest ranking, I don't think always playing a large stack that's always comprised of different people is the best way to climb. But it is super fun. This turned out to be my most played season yet.
We seemed to get better as the season went on. Maybe next time we can get some of our people into master.
Good stuff Gaf.
Your Winston is spicy. I want to see it more often next season.We're going to make dive comp be a thing we do.
We're going to make dive comp be a thing we do.
there need to be a loooot of QOL changes to make it a more pleasant experience, and they basically already made the maps designed around CTF lol
I doubt they'll put any more effort in to that shitshow
Proud owner of the glorious golden Torbjorn hammer.
I wasn't planning on getting a golden weapon for a while because I think most of them ruin the weapon designs along with looking tacky but Pharah's with Frostbite looks pretty cool. Zarya Frosted with a gold weapon may look cool as well and if Reaper ever comes back in the meta I have both El Blanco and Mariachi and gold weapons look amazing with those.
Or I could just get golden nuts for Zen. Edit: lol^^
Gold weapons look stupid af. I would never use them.
I think a lot of them look great.Gold weapons look stupid af. I would never use them.
hot take:reworked bastion postnerf is in an even worse spot than og bastion
which shouldnt surprise anyone with blizzard
I don't think Dva is as bad as people say. I like that the dashboard of the Mech is gold. I got mine a couple days ago.I'm also salty D.Va and Winston gold guns look like poop since they were my best heroes this season
No Hanzo?![]()
I only buy golden guns for heroes who I climbed with in Comp. QP doesn't apply.
I don't think Dva is as bad as people say. I like that the dashboard of the Mech is gold. I got mine a couple days ago.
I get another golden gun in 3 wins (so next season's placements). I'm either going to get Ana (who I play in Comp) or Sombra (who I don't).
I kind of just want to get Gold Sombra and spam her in QP.
I use Wasteland Ana and gold gun for that looks terribleI get another golden gun in 3 wins (so next season's placements). I'm either going to get Ana (who I play in Comp) or Sombra (who I don't).
I kind of just want to get Gold Sombra and spam her in QP.
Yeah I'd settle for even trading CP for credits lolI stand by them looking nicely colour coordinated with both Junebug (mainly for D.Va's own attire) and B.Va.
The rest though, they can be a bit rough.
I actually expected by this point we'd have other options for CP usage but I guess not.
I'm using carbon fiber and the gold and black looks cool. Still want her anniversaries skin, which admittedly doesn't look as good with gold.I stand by them looking nicely colour coordinated with both Junebug (mainly for D.Va's own attire) and B.Va.
The rest though, they can be a bit rough.
I actually expected by this point we'd have other options for CP usage but I guess not.
Winstons gold weapon is great with the reg skins, underwater, and new year. Not so great with yeti or explorer.
The day I invent the machine that can smack people through the internet is the day OW mystery heroes will finally be tolerable. How the fuck can idiots be this bad? Do people just play with music blasting so loud they can't hear footsteps or something?
Sorry about that!I use explorer ;_;
I play Mystery Heroes with no sound, sorry lol. That's my "fuck it" mode, especially since most of the time the winning team is the one that lucks into a great team comp.