I will never get this fucking 1v1 lootbox
I made a tutorial and posted it to Reddit and Youtube:
that's the exact opposite experience I got with that game
R6: Siege is the most toxic community I'm a part of lol
anyway in theory the more you play the more balanced your QP matches will be since it'll get your MMR right
Ya. It's pretty loose, but it does have one.Is that right? So qp has a matchmaking algorithm?
It's a legendary! 500 Gold!
lol someone was destroying as various DPS classes in quick play so I sent a sarcastic "which keyboard and mouse adapter are you using :^)" and got this reply
One of the reason you make alts to play with friends. Fresh accounts so that the match making will not skew the mmr to more experience players and making it unpleasant for newcomers to play.I played some QP last night with friends who are trying it out for the Free Weekend and I got immediate flashbacks to the first few weeks of Overwatch.
Bastion's destroyed, Hanzo's Ult regularly killing 3+ people with no set ups, players trickling into the fight to their death, nobody stands behind the big Reinhardt rectangle, etc.
I tried to support my friends being a healer and realized that it was pointless with how quickly they can die. Other teams rarely had a healer too, it was 5-6 DPS on either side often.
LiK joined us too for a game last night and it was rough -- my friends were getting annihilated with the other team having 3-4 experienced players, haha.
It's weird after making a post about how this was the most toxic game I've ever played, I haven't encountered any since.
What is that song? I feel like I've heard it before.
The new 1v1 is such garbage. Roadhog is an option too often, and it's just so much easier to win with Roadhog vs squishies. I won three games in a row playing nothing but Roadhog. The dude tried Soldier 76, McCree and then finally a Roadhog himself to try to defeat me.
I'm a shit Roadhog player. I played him a lot during hook 1.0, but now I've no idea where to aim, how long the range is or anything with the current Roadhog. I still win all the time.
Maaan, the time of Hanzo, McCree and Widowmaker 1v1's were so much fun and thrilling. Now it's just a game of picking Roadhog and instantly winning.
That fun super close match from last night with GAF. That other group was probably on a similar skill level.
Win 3-0 in elimination. 6 kills. 0 deaths. 600xp.
Join a game at 2-2. Win. 0 kills. 1 death. 1700xp.
This xp system needs work.
So any advice on getting triphies like getting 3-4 deadeye kills at once?
It's a shame we lost three in a row but their hog and zen were disgustingly good. Of course you shared one of the few we lost![]()
luck mostly tbh
they also kinda get harder the more you play because players start avoiding ults better
I think that's one of the ones I still don't have but I don't play McCree much, I had it all lined up once and a Widow crit me :/
Seems like such an insane trophy. And yeah, it fees too late for me because everyone is so good and aware
Cant imagine how many hours I need to get that lucky and then theres like a bunch of other trophies with similar luck
Seems like such an insane trophy. And yeah, it fees too late for me because everyone is so good and aware
Cant imagine how many hours I need to get that lucky and then theres like a bunch of other trophies with similar luck
So any advice on getting triphies like getting 3-4 deadeye kills at once?
Mei is going to put an ice wall in front of you.- Ask your Mei to put an icewall underneath you when you ult.
- Ask a Zarya and a Sombra to combo their ults, then let you kill everyone.
- Use your ult after a Mei or Rein ult.
- Or, the easiest way, use your ult when everyone is distracted, such as when someone uses any form of ult, overtime, or when your Rein charges in.
Mei is going to put an ice wall in front of you.
Unless you're god-like with Mei, don't play her in Comp. Been fucked over too many times cuz of her fucking walls. Thanks for blocking my Ult. Thanks for blocking me from killing off someone. Thanks for blocking me from escaping.
Call for a wall cancel immediately. Even good Meis have shit happen sometimes and build a wall that prevents a kill but saves the Mei. We can break our walls for you to do your thing though. Wish people would just use the mic to ask for a wall cancel instead of just groaning followed by complaining.Unless you're god-like with Mei, don't play her in Comp. Been fucked over too many times cuz of her fucking walls. Thanks for blocking my Ult. Thanks for blocking me from killing off someone. Thanks for blocking me from escaping.
Call for a wall cancel immediately. Even good Meis have shit happen sometimes and build a wall that prevents a kill but saves the Mei. We can break our walls for you to do your thing though. Wish people would just use the mic to ask for a wall cancel instead of just groaning followed by complaining.
Call for a wall cancel immediately. Even good Meis have shit happen sometimes and build a wall that prevents a kill but saves the Mei. We can break our walls for you to do your thing though. Wish people would just use the mic to ask for a wall cancel instead of just groaning followed by complaining.
So any advice on getting triphies like getting 3-4 deadeye kills at once?