Bookmarking for when I try acid for the first time.
that's a good way to get nightmares
Bookmarking for when I try acid for the first time.
Can you use a keyboard and mouse on console? I got accused of using one when I was dominating as Soldier.
3v3 with cappa did not go well....I am losing faith in this mode.
Yeah, the PC version is way different than the console which favors controls.Not without converters. And even with such it's nothing like m/k on PC.
It's pretty expensive but it's possible. Usually when someone accuses you of it they're just mad you have better aim than them.
3v3 with cappa did not go well....I am losing faith in this mode.
3v3 is a shit mode.
3v3 is a shit mode.
Oh no that Zen totally deserved those votes guys.
Btw, I had a chance to visit Quickplay off season, after a long time. People's near absolute lack of interest on the objective is amazing, sort of.
-I want a hero that can spam dmg at the choke/break enemy's rein shield quick.
-Gotta do it out of line of sight.
-Don't want rein or it will be a staring.stalling game.
Your's Truly, Bastion
I was counting on my ult to do bunch of killing but didn't happen. Still killed their turret atleast.
Turret mode is still stronk!
I got an off season gameplay.
Attack on Hanamura Point A:
Here's the player ranks
Here's the team comp.
Guess what I will choose in this team comp for attacking?
Hints (My thoughts on picking X hero):
-Not gonna bother asking team to switch their heros. Assuming the 2 randoms are stubborn like the real seasons.
*thus the team is grounded and not flanker type
-Assuming enemy will have a Rein
*What can we do about the choke?
-It's a Platinum game. Anything should work, right?
If you have taken your guess. Review the below spoilers.
Answer is:
Attack Point B:
So we went our way to attacking Point B with the following comp vs enemy comp
It didn't work out. What should I switch to next?
Hints (My thoughts on picking X hero):
-Need a hero that has potential to 1 vs many
*High DPS
-Want precision
-Enemy comp is squishy + 1 tank.
Answer is:
For those who are curious to wanna watch the whole gameplay.
For higher quality because YT compression is crap:
Bsince you have 0 barriers to protect him and not even a Mercy to at least attempt at keeping you alive.oth Junkrat and Bastion were wrong picks, especially Bastion
Looking at the enemy comp you should've have gone with Mei or Pharah, Mei to wall the choke, split them and get some picks to break in or Pharah to flank and pick the Torb's turret and Hanzo then harass the choke, at the very least maybe even Winston to disrupt their backline and cause the choke defense to break up.
Oh no that Zen totally deserved those votes guys.
Both Junkrat and Bastion were wrong picks, especially Bastion since you have 0 barriers to protect him and not even a Mercy to at least attempt at keeping you alive.
Looking at the enemy comp you should've have gone with Mei or Pharah, Mei to wall the choke, split them and get some picks to break in or Pharah to flank and pick the Torb's turret and Hanzo then harass the choke, at the very least maybe even Winston to disrupt their backline and cause the choke defense to break up.
Five gold medals on that Roadhog?
Good gracious what a stomp!
On offense you needed another tank and if you wanted to go something that could flank, diva or winston would have given your team a much needed boost to "damage taken" while also giving you the ability to still push from chokes and flank from the left.
Yeah but I didn't get the defensive assists score card love.
PC or console?They extended the 35% sale to the 7th (two days before the $100 spent get $15 back deal, jerks), is that the best discount I can expect from Blizzard for OW?
I've stated my reasoning. We got grounded comp. Assuming they not changing (You know like if you solo comp and they not changing). Your winston and dva goes in from high. Guess what will happen to your support and dps at the other end? Doesn't look good isnt it?
PC or console?
I think it goes on sale on of more then console but yea I haven't heard it lower then 30 something from all the biggest stores and usual places.
Oh no that Zen totally deserved those votes guys.
No one votes for brain dead easy mode characters. Weird
If anyone is pushing you from the back your roadhog should be punishing them for being out of position unless their whole team pushes, in which case youre flanking from the back to pick off their support heroes anyway. Between Mcree, Soldier and Hog, you had enough dps to take down barriers where an attack junkrat was superfluous-that should be more than enough dps output. If you didn't want a flanker type, zarya would have also been better than a rein if youre worried about a standoff, but really as you said, your team already went grounded so why would that matter anyway? You had a pretty optimal 2-2-2 set up there, I'd say you over thought what was needed to give your team an optimal shot at pushing.
No one votes for brain dead easy mode characters. Weird
well, if I play rein. its gonna be a stand off of two team trying to break each other shield. how long would it take to even make a move?
I just wanted to speed it up, on breaking the enemy shield.
5 gold medals means the zen failed at his job. I mean
No one votes for brain dead easy mode characters. Weird
I think Mcree Soldier and hog would bu more than enough to break down any barriers such as a rein or the like. If that isn't enough someone needs to tell them to focus a bit more on it if its an issue, or you could always start the engagement with a charge once mercy has res or something. I wouldn't be afraid of standoff's unless you know for a fact your dps output is going to be poor or that teammates wont follow up when you break those barriers down.
but here's the thing tho. we can't control how other players do their job. ppl can be stubborn or just bad in Plat or other ranks.
It's more thinking about how yourself can get things done. If I got rein, I feel like my destiny is under your teams hand on if they can break rein shield or not. What if the enemy break my shield first? I'm just trying to take the initiative here, instead being passive.
This is a great decision we're having anyway tho. The should reason I made the post was to have some kind of group decision and also guessing what I did to get things done.![]()
but here's the thing tho. we can't control how other players do their job. ppl can be stubborn or just bad in Plat or other ranks.
It's more thinking about how yourself can get things done. If I got rein, I feel like my destiny is under your teams hand on if they can break rein shield or not. What if the enemy break my shield first? I'm just trying to take the initiative here, instead being passive.
This is a great decision we're having anyway tho. The should reason I made the post was to have some kind of group decision and also guessing what I did to get things done.![]()
Playing devil's advocate here, if you have no trust in your team to get anything done you could severely hamper your team comp and overall team chemistry
the genji just got a vote tho
5 gold medals means the zen failed at his job. I mean