I had an 80% winrate with Symmetra in Season 4. She's ridiculous right now, even on attack.
Wtf has everyone done placements? I can still group with people who've done placements right
I thought you were a Symmetra main.
Good advice. Lol at soldier switch. Usually if I can get the roadhog to go for a heal then its a win. He just takes so dang long to kill sometimes.
Wtf has everyone done placements? I can still group with people who've done placements right
If they're above a certain rank you can't but I think that's masters and no one has gotten there yet. No one from the como stack last night finished placements so there's still lost of people to play with.
If they're above a certain rank you can't but I think that's masters and no one has gotten there yet. No one from the como stack last night finished placements so there's still lost of people to play with.
You kept pulse bomb on triangle? I switched it to L2 pretty quickly, though if you prefer to blink with L2 and not L1 I guess placing it on L1 would make sense too.I'd say what I do to this Hog here. These are The Three Methods:
1. Solo, no pulse bomb. Keep out of his effective ranges (there's a deadzone between his M1 and M2), bait the first hook and count the seconds till its cooldown's up.
2. Pulse bomb. Wait until he huffs, load him with one solid spray and bomb him.
3. By this time the Hog is so scared of you he'll pop his ult in hopes of soloing you. Tracer + her team wrecks him easily.
4. Hog switches to Soldier to counter you. Pulse Bomb him again. Why? Because it's hilarious.
Even so Im feeling like the chances of getting one shotted by his primary fire is alot lower than a pretty much guaranteed hook death. Its more of trying to negate the hook (which is instadeath) and risking cqb fights while trying for max damage. I can try to fight roadhog a little bit farther back, but like others are saying, you can't react to the hook you can only bait and hope for the best. The more hooks he throws out the more times you flip the coin. Is the hook hitbox still ridiculously huge like reins shield?I've seen a lot of Tracers doing that lately because my hook is on cooldown. They usually die to a normal shot when they could easily have a chance if they were more cautious. Hog spread isn't as awful as it used to be, but they seem to forget about that.
Good to know. Didn't you make it to gm lol?
Diamond actually, unless they changed the rules.
I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall.
What are the best youtube channels to teach you to be better with each character? I feel like no matter what I do the opponent is always there to immediately counter me in advance.
I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall.
What are the best youtube channels to teach you to be better with each character? I feel like no matter what I do the opponent is always there to immediately counter me in advance.
Are you looking for channels that focus on one hero or for channels that teach a number of things in Overwatch? If you can be more specific on the type of content and the heroes you want to improve with I can swing you some recommendations.
Annnnd below 3K. Get a team with a Winston trying to go against a Bastion and a Pharah refusing to switch off when a Zen/McCree were handling her.
You kept pulse bomb on triangle? I switched it to L2 pretty quickly, though if you prefer to blink with L2 and not L1 I guess placing it on L1 would make sense too.
Annnnd below 3K. Get a team with a Winston trying to go against a Bastion and a Pharah refusing to switch off when a Zen/McCree were handling her.
Your Overwatch and Overwatch Central have hero specific ones. Good tips.
Did all my placement matches for my alt account that got to Masters last season. 5-5. Ended last season at around 3200+. 3134 now. Fine with that. Just need to decide on what golden weapon to get.
Will do placements for my main which ended at low Plat last season. Unless I play like crazy for all 10 matches, I'm probably looking at Gold for that account once placements are over!
Rein anddddddddddddddddddddddddddd someone else? Some healer person who can bring you back to life?
Winston at least?
Soldier ain't a bad switch. I can consistently kill Tracers with Soldier altho that's just me.
Your Overwatch and Overwatch Central have hero specific ones. Good tips.
Maybe I should go back to basics to start from scratch. Characters I like using:
Lucio, Mercy, Bastion, D.Va
I'd like to be better with Reinhardt since he is always a pest to me-but whenever I try him everyone somehow gets through my shield and kills me immediately.
I recommend Your Overwatch ONLY for basic level knowledge. That channel gets drug through the mud by Competitive Overwatch reddit for their content in regards to high level play. Overwatch Central is good though especially when they bring in pro players to talk about specific heroes.
When I play as Tracer, I try to stay as far away from Soldier as possible. I'd rather challenge a Hog than a 76 honestly. One wrong blink and a burst + helix rocket turns you into a splat on the pavement.
A Really Good Soldier, Hanzo or McCree are the worst for me. For some reason I tend to get the better of Really Good Widows (no idea why), but a Hanzo who can pick me out of the air with a headshot? Like wtf am I supposed to do against that? (Wait for someone on my team to realize the Hanzo is carrying, go Winston and dive together, that's what.)
Soldier's a really tough one when he's on point. All you can do is avoid him 'till his attention's elsewhere and burst him down before he notices you.
Gotta start somewhere. They've started doing more advanced guides in recent weeks. Helped me a lot so it works for me. I also like the hosts in general.
As a Soldier player my tip is just go up in my face and I will have trouble aiming at you. We're not like Hogs that can have some accidental one shots up close unless you happened to get a helix rocket to the face.
Save the clip.
Placements don't matter, I don't understand why everyone here is giving them any weight. You're going to place within 100-200 SR of what you ended the previous season. If anything, knowing when to stop before the season is over is better for you than what you actually place. It doesn't matter if you go 0-10, placements are usually a shit show anyway, just get them out the way.
I ended the season @ 2900's (PC), and did my placements last night and placed @ 2700's. Not a huge deal, if I really belong in diamond I'll make it there pretty quickly.
As a Soldier player my tip is just go up in my face and I will have trouble aiming at you. We're not like Hogs that can have some accidental one shots up close unless you happened to get a helix rocket to the face.
This is correct but I'll add an asterisk here and say that it is best to push when his abilities are on cooldown. A Soldier without his helix lacks a lot of burst and without his healing station can't sustain in any fight.
Placements don't matter, I don't understand why everyone here is giving them any weight. You're going to place within 100-200 SR of what you ended the previous season. If anything, knowing when to stop before the season is over is better for you than what you actually place. It doesn't matter if you go 0-10, placements are usually a shit show anyway, just get them out the way.
I ended the season @ 2900's (PC), and did my placements last night and placed @ 2700's. Not a huge deal, if I really belong in diamond I'll make it there pretty quickly.
Then get rid of them.
Placements don't matter, I don't understand why everyone here is giving them any weight. You're going to place within 100-200 SR of what you ended the previous season. If anything, knowing when to stop before the season is over is better for you than what you actually place. It doesn't matter if you go 0-10, placements are usually a shit show anyway, just get them out the way.
I ended the season @ 2900's (PC), and did my placements last night and placed @ 2700's. Not a huge deal, if I really belong in diamond I'll make it there pretty quickly.
Idk I ended the last season 2100 sr. just went 1-9 in placements and I'm at 1269 sr...
RIPIdk I ended the last season 2100 sr. just went 1-9 in placements and I'm at 1269 sr...
This is correct but I'll add an asterisk here and say that it is best to push when his abilities are on cooldown. A Soldier without his helix lacks a lot of burst and without his healing station can't sustain in any fight.
Youre pc and on discord. Be active and ask question. Usually the best is to show us some vod and we critique it and give you pointers for improvement.Two seasons ago I ended at 1850. I went 5-5 in my placements. It put me down at 1400.![]()
yo, that's a massive drop....
And junkratWhen I play Tracer, I only worry about McCree's goddamn flashbang. Fuck that thing.
When I play tracer i only worry about blinking into walls.When I play Tracer, I only worry about McCree's goddamn flashbang. Fuck that thing.
Worth noting: Tracer can easily burst through Healing Station, Lucio's normal heal aura, Zen's Harmony and even Mercy's beam if you're on point with headshots.
Once I see that Helix go off it's like a McCree who just used his Flashbang: lunch.
And junkrat![]()
Maybe they have some algorithim going but 10 matches is a lot. I wish Placements was only 5 matches.
Yup, placements should only exist for new players imo.
Idk I ended the last season 2100 sr. just went 1-9 in placements and I'm at 1269 sr...
"Easily" depending on your aim and the Soldier's ability to dodge.
Soldier is consistently the character I have the most trouble with on Tracer and I play at high masters.
Going up against him 1v1 is fine yeah, it's just dying to random traps and nades as Tracer that tilts me lolI played enough Junk to know how to counter him 1v1 thankfully. Still get caught when it's a major team fight tho.