Do you guys think a hero with the ability to steal or deplete meter would be good? Lol
Why stop there? Let's get a Rubick in here. Pretty sure everything would be fine.Do you guys think a hero with the ability to steal or deplete meter would be good? Lol
This has got to be the most persistent complaint related to balance in this thread and it's so off-base every time.
If Mercy is hiding for res, great! It's 6v5. Don't burn too many ults when you kill the enemy team because you're probably going to need to kill some of them again.
If Mercy isn't hiding for res, great! Kill Mercy then work on the rest of the team.
She's invincible because res was terrible when she wasn't. It's a great change that pulled her out of the nether of beyond useless in KotH and increased her general usefulness across the board.
Do you guys think a hero with the ability to steal or deplete meter would be good? Lol
Do you guys think a hero with the ability to steal or deplete meter would be good? Lol
There are only a couple of maps where Mercy can do this without really exposing herself and there are far more maps where other ults have the potential to similarly prolong the game with little opportunity for recourse.That's cool and all except the parts on point B/near the end of payload maps where she can fly out of spawn and hit 5 man rezzes with no issue and since she gets her ult so fast she can do it constantly on the final defense.
Rez was not the buff Mercy needed
You might have to wait a bit since there was a free weekend last week.
Yeah I noticed![]()
Do you guys think a hero with the ability to steal or deplete meter would be good? Lol
If I recall correctly, any placement game you leave counts as a loss regardless of what the actual result is.Umm, is it possible that I disconnected during a ranked placement match, rejoined and won, yet it was counted as a loss? Because looking at my placement bar that's what's showing.
There are only a couple of maps where Mercy can do this without really exposing herself and there are far more maps where other ults have the potential to similarly prolong the game with little opportunity for recourse.
Having said that, stall comps are definitely a problem. Ironically, though, Mercy isn't really a great enabler of the stall comp since she's so easy to kill. Honestly, if she hits two fat rezes next to spawn on the same push and those rezes actually made a difference that means your team has categorically failed to deal with the Mercy and it's your (plural) fault.
Having said THAT, it's supposed to be hard to take the last point or push the payload to the end, and you've picked an edge case here (albeit one that doesn't really exhibit the potential of res to be a strong ult). You could similarly argue that Blizzard, Death Blossom or even Molten Core require nerfs because all three of those are extremely potent in that situation. Also, five man resses happen like once in a thousand games.
Mercy is really just not that strong of a character. She has loooots of ways to be dealt with, particularly when she's not played well.
That's cool and all except the parts on point B/near the end of payload maps where she can fly out of spawn and hit 5 man rezzes with no issue and since she gets her ult so fast she can do it constantly on the final defense.
Rez was not the buff Mercy needed
If you don't buff damage boost or res, what does she become? A flying Ana? Tanks everywhere (again)? No thanks.I'm not saying Mercy is necessarily strong. I'd like to see her buffed, honestly. (just as long as its not damage boost or ressurect). Ressurect is, to me, the least fun ability in the game to play against and a buff to it just fills Mercy more into the less versatile role of 'rez bot'.
I think this is a decent criticism of D.Va ult but I can't imagine many plat (for example) Mercies having the decision-making and spacing to really utilize res at a level even approaching optimal.IMO Rez is a fucked up ability because at low-mid level play it just destroys people, but at high level play it's held in pretty poor regard right now. It's just a noob trap and a pub stomper all in one ability.
If I recall correctly, any placement game you leave counts as a loss regardless of what the actual result is.
There were a lot of complaints about this in season 1.
Though I think the ability itself is pretty good at GM/Master level, where there's still not as much coordination as pro play. So big rezzes still kinda own.
I don't think many players realize how bad it is to res your team after they've been, say, wiped by a grav.From my own experience, any rez bigger than 3 is usually an autowipe for whoever got rezzed :T
2 man rez is optimal with 3 man coming in clutch every now and then. Any more than that and you just get set up on for free every time.
I don't know. Maybe people just haven't seen how easy it is to make that backfire on the ressing team.
I don't think many players realize how bad it is to res your team after they've been, say, wiped by a grav.
I don't know. Maybe people just haven't seen how easy it is to make that backfire on the ressing team.
Well, my experience is anecdotal from watching Eevee/Blinky streams, and their big rezzes though rare are usually game saving. *shrugs*
Do any PS4 gaffers that are around gold/platinum play?
I'm glad I'm not a loser. This game reminds me every day how sad some people's lives are when a Hanzo complains about being killed by Pharah, I say literally "No one can know that unless you make callouts", and then he proceeds to whine and complain and ultimately throw. Like, I'm on an alt. I don't give a shit. Grow up.
Why is it my job to tell you that?
Why is it my job to tell you that?
I miss Pooh's Mercy. Bastard abandoned us. He doesn't even post here anymore.
I like how Steevo's smurf account win streak of 51 ended in a game where he begs a Hanzo to switch while the Hanzo argues that his DPS is the only thing keeping the game alive.
Why is it my job to tell you that?
The problem with the mercy Rez being invincible is she doesn't have to LoS it anymore. Seems like they should've taken away her invincibility if she's rezing through walls anyways.
Brainwashed is the leading theory.Just played a Mystery Heroes game where there was a Bastion and two Mercies who just amped and healed him at all times and nobody could get close enough to the point to kill any of them, and when they did the Mercies just rezzed each other or the Bastion.
Why does ND like this mode again?
Brainwashed is the leading theory.
Brainwashed is the leading theory.
Me Pinku and Owzers just spent over an hour to get 3 3v3 wins. But it's kind of fun. I dont mind it.