Faced a team that had 5 supports and a Widow on Oasis, probably the best team comp I've ever seen on Overwatch.
Zen would discord someone then everyone else would hang off Sym healing her as she dived in going for whoever Zen would discord while Widow took shots from range. My team had no idea how to beat this so started arguing to make people change to match what they were doing. Which obviously failed.
People then trickled, lost every fight, argued more while one guy kept jumping off the map killing himself over and over. I love Overwatch Competitors :|
5 supports and widow? What SR is this
And all three are incredible. Before today Tracers best skin was an epic.
I'd trade everything Tracer has for three skins as good as Nioh, Power Ranger, and Blackwatch. We have Graffiti so that's one.
The quality is way more important than the quantity.
Buttchin when are you gonna join the darkside like me and jam and Komaru and go PC?
iunno, can't afford a PC right now. Plus I kinda like the console fam
I just think Sombra is long over due, but then again she's still garbage. So no point in giving her a skin that encourages people to play as her.
It still boggles my mind when people pick Reaper on long-range / mid-range tunnel maps. There's probably a way to sneak close, but it's tough.if Sombra is garbage what the hell is Reaper
Everyone complaining about too many Tracer skins is secretly just salty they aren't good with her.
There I settled this entire argument.
Should have waited for a sleep clip where the team didn't die and the round didn't end in a loss :^)
Eh. Reins fault team died. I did my part and that's what's on highlight here.
Not sure what I'm supposed to take from this clip lol
Guess he couldn't make it back in time![]()
Speaking of which, I've seen a lot of nice Winston / Symmetra barriers to guard against D.Va bomb lately.
the thing about quality over quantity is she gets those chances to have trash
the other heroes dont get the opportunities for skins to be good or trash like she does. look at zarya. all trash legendaries. imagine if she got as many chances at new legendaries as tracer did. shed probably have something good by now
Pooh is losing but doing fun things in the process.Not sure what I'm supposed to take from this clip lol
Pooh is losing but doing fun things in the process.
If you're gonna lose, lose on console with us. Everyone has been on farming lootboxes.
I gotta make it to 25 quick so I can place and get credits towards an eventual gold weapon on PC.
Also I just opened my 10 Nexus lootboxes. Zero legendaries and 3-4 epics. Wtf is this shit.
Alright, but come back before Event is over.
Also I just opened my 10 Nexus lootboxes. Zero legendaries and 3-4 epics. Wtf is this shit.
6/10 missing major swag. 5/10 cause you ran away could of at least styled on that Genji or tried to keep the hog alive on point.
Everyone complaining about too many Tracer skins is secretly just salty they aren't good with her.
There I settled this entire argument.
The blinding white background is really bad, both for the menu and especially for the lootbox screen.Also the new menu screen/art while good is hurting my eyes.
So fucking bright with yellow text wtf
They need to add a dark theme for itThe blinding white background is really bad, both for the menu and especially for the lootbox screen.
Faced a team that had 5 supports and a Widow on Oasis, probably the best team comp I've ever seen on Overwatch.
Zen would discord someone then everyone else would hang off Sym healing her as she dived in going for whoever Zen would discord while Widow took shots from range. My team had no idea how to beat this so started arguing to make people change to match what they were doing. Which obviously failed.
People then trickled, lost every fight, argued more while one guy kept jumping off the map killing himself over and over. I love Overwatch Competitors :|
one day Orisa will get an emote worth using