Seems like they're doomifying it like we got with Shadow Warrior 3.
I'm probably in the minority here, but I'm not a fan of the recent doom games. Maybe Doom 2016 but even then, these games took their root gameplay of "run through a map and shoot shit" and turned it into "here's an arena, stay in here for 10 minutes and then move to the next arena". In addition to this annoying change in environmental design, they decided to make the primary focus of these games on managing your ammo and a layer of rpg mechanics as the icing on the shit cake. My final gripe (which is more of a personal one) is that someone thought a cooldown boost mechanic (instead of just running) was fun, when it's just irritating.
I'll stick to the imitation boomer shooters. Some of them also have their own sprinkling of the above, but in much more manageable doses.