Haha, brilliant title. I don't know if I will get it since I didn't really hear good things about the game.
Wait this comes out today too?
Hopefully Gamestop lets me get this and Devil Summoner Soul Hackers in about 30 minutes.
EDIT - Oh, that 1st post...
They're not releasing fancy package like they did with The Last Story?
They're not releasing fancy package like they did with The Last Story?
Really great game. I highly recommend it to anyone who is on the fence.
Neal Ronaghan said:In some respects, Pandora's Tower shares similarities with Shadow of the Colossus, and while it doesn't ascend to the high barometer of that game, it is worthy of the comparison. Pandora's Tower's greatest triumph is its off-kilter story and premise, but the gameplay backing it up, which is a fusion of Zelda, Castlevania, and the aforementioned Colossus, is still strong. If you can put up with some technical limitations and have the stomach to see a crying vegetarian teenager eat grisly beast flesh, this parting Wii salvo is definitely worthwhile.
Game is available today at EB in Toronto at least, not sure about the rest of Canada.
Even given the irresistible pull of the narrative, Pandora’s Tower isn’t quite up to the standard of other recent Wii RPGs. Yet if at times it seems ugly, confused and repetitive, at others it’s creative, gripping and wonderfully atmospheric. Ganbarion’s game may be no classic, but like Nier, this is rich enough in ideas and narrative force to potentially become something of a cult favourite in years to come.
Just a reversible cover for this one
For anyone who bought this already, did we get the reversible black cover, or is it just the white/plain?
Picked my copy up. It "felt" like the last real release for the wii. The guy behind the counter, who is usually on top of everything gaming-related, didn't even know that there was a release on the wii, and thought I came in to pick up injustice.
He also told me that I was the only one who pre-ordered it. And this is a store that does, what I would imagine, pretty high sales on average for Ebgames/Gamestop.
I is sad.
On the plus side, they did have 12 other copies come into the store, so I guess there won't be any initial shortage of them.
edit: and no, there is no black background wii logo, which would have been awesome
the reversible cover is the same one that Europe got (it's just art, no logos)
But we DID get a reversible cover in the NA version? If so then despite the white cover art that's pretty slick. Is it just the regular cover art without the various Wii case art elements?
No time or cash for this, but would hate to lose out on a limited run of the game and be stuck with another Xenoblade situation.
Last Story ultimately got a second run or something; and cheaper too! It's everywhere now for $30. Hopefully that happens here too.
Yeah, I believe it's this:
Skyward Sword was probably it, I don't think Nintendo has ever actually been the last one to release something for their console.