Well I finally picked it up for $36. Will post impressions later.
^That's shameful, man. Why didn't you spend the extra $4 to get a brand spankin' new copy?
$36 but without the cover art? Why is there no cover for something that costs almost the same as a brand new copy?
I've been playing some and currently just finished the 4th tower. Gotta say I'm enjoying it a lot especially Elena. Thus far she's a great character and her curse coupled with the time limit is a outstanding.
I like the voice actresses line delivery of 'what's up.'
I like the voice actresses line delivery of 'what's up.'
Now imagine the voice of Mamiko Noto coming out of her: pure perfection.They really did a great job with Elena. I was actually surprised how much they made you care for her without it feeling forced or getting in the way. I think it helps that there is so much variety in the things that she does and the way she her attachment grows is so natural and sweet. So much more effective than some BS escort mission or half-assed co-op system.
Whoa dude, that's bogus as hell. You should just return that shit and order off of Amazon. Fuck that.
I'm thinking about it to be honest. It doesn't bug me too bad, but it irks me that since they charged it as used basically, they get all my money. I bought it for XSEED's profit, not theirs. (My dad said he looked like everywhere in Des Moines and this GameStop was the only place that had it) if that makes sense? I feel like I should do my part considering they brought it over. That's the main reason I got it, I wasn't even that interested in playing it. It's pretty good though.
I guess I just don't understand how they could "lose" the case and whatever else so soon. Did somebody return it to them like that, or were they just using the actual case as a display case and were too lazy to give you the proper one, or what? It just seems fishy as hell that something so new would have no other options than that. What's the quality of the disc?
The final boss and credits are simply amazing imo, so hopefully you can look forward to it and hopefully not totally disagree.The worst part of the game is the music though hands down. Its the first time in a long while where I'm playing through the game on mute. There only seems to be four tracks for the entire game: dungeon/boss/home/merchant. None of which are enjoyable past the first listen. Ugh.
Aeran's inconsistent silence is a little off putting. They would have also done well to make Elena a little disgusting looking when you don't get back before you enter the colored part of the meter.
Elena has 3 different transformations, have you seen them all? The emptier the time meter, the more monster like she looks.
Not sure if its a spoiler or not but is the last transformation where she still has a human face but has basically everything else monsterized? This game is super fun. I'm at the second tower, but I need to sleep. It's almost 5 AM!
Elena has 3 different transformations, have you seen them all? The emptier the time meter, the more monster like she looks.
It was their last copy and it was in this case...
No artwork, but it still has the manual. I could print out the artwork I suppose and put it in the black case.
Exactly how I feel. The moment I see the meter dip a little to far, I run right back to the observatory haha.I've avoided that on fears of getting the bad ending.
Not sure if its a spoiler or not but is the last transformation where she still has a human face but has basically everything else monsterized? This game is super fun. I'm at the second tower, but I need to sleep. It's almost 5 AM!
Also, the whole "unh" while nodding to say "yeah" thing.. I feel bad for translators, I don't think there's ever a way to make that work well for westerners. That and constantly saying the other person's name followed by ellipses.
sigh....ran into the 11/12 tower bug. Tried the whole cutscene trick. Nothing.
Was there anyway not to run into this? I ALWAYS SOMEHOW RUN INTO INFAMOUS GAME BREAKING BUGS. It was just getting real good too...
It locks you out of both towers? The 11st always locked on me but I was able to get into the 12th using the eat meat, sleep till 7, talk to her for cutscene, enter 12th dungeon, then transfer to 11th from 12th. There were 3-4 breakfast scenes to go through so it was enough for me to get through the dungeons.
But yea, no way to avoid it as far as I know. Which makes it a pretty horrendous bug.
They really did a great job with Elena. I was actually surprised how much they made you care for her without it feeling forced or getting in the way. I think it helps that there is so much variety in the things that she does and the way her attachment grows is so natural and sweet. So much more effective than some BS escort mission or half-assed co-op system.
I was able to get into Tower 11 every time it froze up on me by going back to 10, immediately returning to The Observatory, saving, then selecting Tower 11. I never got this to work with Tower 12, but it's worth giving a try.Ya, tried both. I always gave her meat, cue to next morning and she's still sleeping, so I wait till she wakes up, talk to her, save, then leave. That has failed in getting into either tower. Unless i'm doing something clearly wrong...
Personally, i liked how the writers weren't afraid to make her scary or flawedMany female characters of this type feel like they are put on a pedestal, but i didn't feel like it with Elena.i'm talking about the scenes were she started to enjoy the Magisters' meat, to the point she even started to demand it.
This game is fantastic! Didn't know much of what to expect other than I wanted to support Op Rainfall, but I am seriously loving this game. Halfway through the third tower and everything about it is just really awesome. Thanks so much to Xseed for bringing it over here! Also, don't know why they even bothered with Classic Controller support; the game was obviously made with the pointer in mind, and it's really satisfying shooting the chain and yanking beast flesh out!
On another note, has anyone else tried playing this on Dolphin? Having a 52 inch plasma screen makes my Wii games look like ass, so I transferred my save file over to Dolphin and I can't play the game for 5 minutes without the Wiimote disconnecting. I don't think it's my bluetooth dongle; I've played other games entirely without ever getting any disconnects. I tried turning the Wiimote speaker off, but still no dice. Anyone else having this problem?
I loved it. It was much better than Xenoblade in my opinion, and I'm just now getting to The Last Story, but so far, PT is my favorite of the three Project Rainfall titles.I picked it when it launched, but I decided I'm going to wait till I actaully want to pick up a Wii U in a year or two to play it. Whats the general opinon on the game so far?
Partially with you on the Japaneseness issue timetokill. Too many moments of 'just fucking say something dude'. However, when he actually says something it's weird and kind of interesting... Not in content, but I've twice asked myself 'wait, did the protagonist just talk?'. It's a little surreal and almost played against the stereotype..?
Maybe I'm over-thinking it?
The voice acting is ace here. The sparseness and focus of it helps entrench the characters. Both Mavda and Elena are simple but balanced foils. Mavda's art/character design can't be praised enough.
I'm really early in the game still, Tower 2. The system is starting to show its colors and challenge and I'm working towards playing it right. The rogue-like comparisons are very apt as far as I can tell.
More people need to play this game. It's way out there and actually risky. Feels like the PS2-era - where there was actually a mainstream wild-west for game ideas.
It really is the best example of the kind of mainstream game I expected to see more of on Wii. Nothing amazing about it technically but the game design and appropriate use of Wii's controls make for a very compelling experience.Partially with you on the Japaneseness issue timetokill. Too many moments of 'just fucking say something dude'. However, when he actually says something it's weird and kind of interesting... Not in content, but I've twice asked myself 'wait, did the protagonist just talk?'. It's a little surreal and almost played against the stereotype..?
Maybe I'm over-thinking it?
The voice acting is ace here. The sparseness and focus of it helps entrench the characters. Both Mavda and Elena are simple but balanced foils. Mavda's art/character design can't be praised enough.
I'm really early in the game still, Tower 2. The system is starting to show its colors and challenge and I'm working towards playing it right. The rogue-like comparisons are very apt as far as I can tell.
More people need to play this game. It's way out there and actually risky. Feels like the PS2-era - where there was actually a mainstream wild-west for game ideas.
Definitely one of my favorite aspects about it.
Its just so fresh compared to what's been on consoles as of late.