Fuck, then I'm screwed, I only did a few of them and likely won't be able to do many of them, those feats suck!Wolf Akela said:That was for the Japanese version. For the English versions, you had to do feats. I think 50% for all feats?
Fuck, then I'm screwed, I only did a few of them and likely won't be able to do many of them, those feats suck!Wolf Akela said:That was for the Japanese version. For the English versions, you had to do feats. I think 50% for all feats?
AwShucks said:voice acting "talent"?
That was talent? One of my bigger complaints was how bad most of the voice acting was in this game. I didn't mind the atrocious story as much as I did the voice acting.
RiderKairuu said:Currently on Chapter 3 and I still don't know wtf is going on!
Lain said:Fuck, then I'm screwed, I only did a few of them and likely won't be able to do many of them, those feats suck!
TheSeks said:God, Chapter 5'sbattle is doing my head in. I can get past round one by diving like a maniac and using the supplied guns as available. But round two starts and my bodies start to hit the floor and there is no reinforcements as far as I know for that part of the battle. FFFFFFUUUUUUCK.Reaper
How the fuck do you get past the second part with so few bodies? ARGH. My guns don't put a dent on it and the key for the first round is pretty useless with it moving at twice the speed it had before.
Nevermind. Neat idea to throw you for a loop for the second round, but fucking annoying with the camera. Forgot I had sniper rifles to abuse and use for quick damage, whoops. At least after abusing those (fighting the camera to get damage) the boss became manageable. Dive to a body on the otherside, potshots and pray. They notices you, dive to the other side once he's close. Pot shots and pray. Rinse and repeat while slowly damaging them through five health bars. :|
And there's apparently a glitch that you can use to cheat:Cheap, but I can see that making the hardest PE3 mode less hard.Pause while locking on and firing. Hold the lock-on and fire buttons while in pause to do damage through the pause and once you unpause after 10 mins or so you'll probably have a dead boss.
Geez, that was tough.turns the game into a run and gun and dive through bodies shooter while praying they don't do enough damage to your bodies to where you can continue to battle. It took me at least fifteen attempts due to getting to one last body (no reinforcements?), running around dodging their basic attacks and then they throw out a petrify attack I can't dodge and die to due to no body to overdive into. :|Hyde
Beat it, finally. But still, fucking annoying.
Aru said:Lol, took me 6 hours and a half to reach and beat the boss of episode 1 on hard mode.
I started the game on hard mode because it was pre-selected on the new game screen
Well, took me too much time because I exited the episode, thinking I would start back on the last chapter I was in but no. You have to start all over :/
Oh well, doesn't matter. I enjoy the gameI just hope enemies are getting more varied later in the game. For level design, I expect nothing else than corridors (because Tabata is a corridor game maker XD Maybe he'll prove me wrong with Type-0 though
pancakesandsex said:I did that too, put it back to normal for the first playthrough or you'll tear your eyes out.
Aru said:Yeah, actually there were 2 bosses at the end of episode 1, I only beat the first one in hard mode but couldn't beat the second
So I started over in normal mode and catched up in 1 hour and a half IIRC. Strangely, the game kept track of my previous game and is displaying the count of hours of my 2 games.
I thought this happens only when you choose new game+.
pancakesandsex said:The chapter 6 fight is even more fun, but there is a trick to it.Use the surrounding bodies to build up liberation, and then when Hyde surrounds you and you can't dive anymore, pop it and quickly eliminate all the bodies, which will make him vulnerable for a while. You'll have to do it twice tops on normal assuming you can do damage to him properly afterwards I was able to take the bodies out the first time with the handgun and only had to liberate the second time he did it.
Arklite said:If you just want to see it you only need to complete one certain feat per episode. For example, Episode 1--Chapter 1: finish "Wad Annihilation" feat. Check the showers at Episode 2 start.
Eteric Rice said:So basically, from what I'm reading, I should just pretend that this game doesn't exist and that Parasite Eve 1 & 2 are the only ones?
Because I haven't heard much good about this.
I don't know, you could actually play the game and see for yourself.Eteric Rice said:So basically, from what I'm reading, I should just pretend that this game doesn't exist and that Parasite Eve 1 & 2 are the only ones?
Because I haven't heard much good about this.
dubc35 said:I haven't picked this up yet but still plan to eventually. Rpgfan put up another review of it on Monday for any interested.
Aru said:Also, it's too bad they don't explain.why the SWAT team attacks Aya and the others. Every other thing is kinda explained, maybe except for a few High Ones selection ?
Lain said:Fuck, then I'm screwed, I only did a few of them and likely won't be able to do many of them, those feats suck!
TheSeks said:Second time, no difficulty required.
Go for a certain feat during a chapter and then visit the shower the next chapter. I can't tell you as the difficulty and chapter changes the feat that wants to unlock the shower scene. GameFAQ's has a list, IIRC.
Yes, the infamous shower scene can be viewed in game only if you fulfill
certain requirements. The requirements are that you obtain all achievements
for at least one episode. After that, the shower scene can be viewed any time
during mission transitions by interacting with the shower. The shower scene
can also be unlocked in the video log only if you tediously beat the game 50
times. Have a fun time beating the game 50 times on any mode... you pervert.
TheSeks said:This is what made me scratch my head at the end.The singer was related to Eve through being a schoolmate/friend, but if that was the case why was Monsig and Theo a high-one? Eve didn't know them, neither did Aya AFAIK.
The other spoiler bit is the major "WTF, you didn't explain this!" bit along with that plot twist for what pisses me off about the story.
Rahxephon91 said:I haven't played PE2, but it's coming to PSN hopefully soon, so I'll try it out. I do wonder if they made a PE3, how would it play?
Aru said:Just about to finish my second playthrough and I think you are mistaken on some points.
There are only 4 high ones, the 4 people that were at the church at the moment when Eve "awakened" and her memory was split: Hyde, Thelonious, Gabrielle and Kyle. Although Kyle should have died from the bullets, maybe he was resurrected thanks to that ?
Ginger is not a high one, neither is Blank.
I wasn't sure only for Blank but now I am.
Oyashiro said:Do weapons just level up as you use them? If so, which types of weapons should I focus on? I think Im on Chapter 2 so far and I have everything at level 1 and assault rifles at level 4.