G Guevara Member Aug 25, 2017 #9,301 New Survey: 78% of US lovers live heartache to heartache Spoiler love is a battlefield.
P parrotbeak Member Aug 26, 2017 #9,302 Taylor Swift: Republican Taylor Swift: Replicant Taylor Swift: Repugnant
F Fat4all Banned Aug 27, 2017 #9,303 Switch is nearing its 200th day of release, come post your thoughts and impressions!
F Fat4all Banned Aug 27, 2017 #9,304 Switch is nearing its 201st day of release, come post your thoughts and impressions!
S Schlorgan Member Aug 27, 2017 #9,306 Places you will not start your business and why. Perennials, here are all of the industries you've killed.
Places you will not start your business and why. Perennials, here are all of the industries you've killed.
E Earthbound64 Banned Aug 28, 2017 #9,309 How Not To Dispute a Grade You Got (That's pretty much what the thread is an example of) Most Amazing Skyliner?
How Not To Dispute a Grade You Got (That's pretty much what the thread is an example of) Most Amazing Skyliner?
E Earthbound64 Banned Aug 29, 2017 #9,310 How many Tabs do you have open? Cheating on your Berber (video) The Monty Python Problem
A Auctopus Member Aug 30, 2017 #9,312 The realisation that I have Mad Cow Disease is driving me crazy
E Earthbound64 Banned Aug 30, 2017 #9,314 Hey I just met you And this is crazy But I'm having weird "drunk urinations" In random places...maybe?
Hey I just met you And this is crazy But I'm having weird "drunk urinations" In random places...maybe?
E Earthbound64 Banned Aug 31, 2017 #9,317 Quitting cold turkey - depressing? I "want" to "talk" about super easy mode or story "difficulty" in "game"
Quitting cold turkey - depressing? I "want" to "talk" about super easy mode or story "difficulty" in "game"
L Linkstrikesback Member Aug 31, 2017 #9,319 Brexit |OUT3| A £99 case of bottled water? Spoiler May or may not remain a parody idea...
E Earthbound64 Banned Aug 31, 2017 #9,320 Shocking news: Study shows many women require stimulation to have an orgasm Brenton Thwaites To Play Lead Dick In Titans TV Series Disloyal_Man.exe Disloyal_Man.tar.gz
Shocking news: Study shows many women require stimulation to have an orgasm Brenton Thwaites To Play Lead Dick In Titans TV Series Disloyal_Man.exe Disloyal_Man.tar.gz
F Fat4all Banned Sep 1, 2017 #9,322 Browny said: Are you afraid of the darks? Spoiler An OT about washing. Click to expand... woof not bad
Browny said: Are you afraid of the darks? Spoiler An OT about washing. Click to expand... woof not bad
E Earthbound64 Banned Sep 1, 2017 #9,323 Trump chafes under Kelly's tight leash (NSFW/L) Trump treasury secretary won't commit to putting Donald Trump on $20 bill Hypothetical question: There's a red button? (That's all. Just a red button. Hypothetically.) How often do you "mow your lawn"? Woman does pregnancy photo shoot covered in 20,000 beads Woman does pregnancy photo shoot covered in 2 bees
Trump chafes under Kelly's tight leash (NSFW/L) Trump treasury secretary won't commit to putting Donald Trump on $20 bill Hypothetical question: There's a red button? (That's all. Just a red button. Hypothetically.) How often do you "mow your lawn"? Woman does pregnancy photo shoot covered in 20,000 beads Woman does pregnancy photo shoot covered in 2 bees
P parrotbeak Member Sep 2, 2017 #9,324 Putting teens to sleep would save the country roughly $9 billion a year (WaPo)
paparazzo Member Sep 2, 2017 #9,327 Mini rant, why do old men find it funny to tell me how women aren't the worst?
E Earthbound64 Banned Sep 2, 2017 #9,328 "Houston": "Toxic" waste sites flooded ; EPA surprisingly not around cognitive dissonance in vore porn
"Houston": "Toxic" waste sites flooded ; EPA surprisingly not around cognitive dissonance in vore porn
E Earthbound64 Banned Sep 3, 2017 #9,331 Greatest. Wrapper. EVER. Coca-Cola Is Dead. Long Live 'Pepsi-Cola'
A Alcotholic Banned Sep 3, 2017 #9,332 parrotbeak said: Obama is a 1/1 Unicorn Gundam Click to expand... I'd like to know more about this.
E Earthbound64 Banned Sep 3, 2017 #9,333 Wayne Rooney gets an IUD Neighbor wanked outside completely naked...
H hateradio The Most Dangerous Yes Man Sep 4, 2017 #9,335 I wish you would all put the original threads. Some of them sound interesting. 😕
E Earthbound64 Banned Sep 4, 2017 #9,336 Earthbound64 said: Neighbor wanked outside completely naked... Click to expand... hateradio said: I wish you would all put the original threads. Some of them sound interesting. 😕 Click to expand...
Earthbound64 said: Neighbor wanked outside completely naked... Click to expand... hateradio said: I wish you would all put the original threads. Some of them sound interesting. 😕 Click to expand...
E Earthbound64 Banned Sep 4, 2017 #9,337 So the SWAT Kats are outside my apartment. Friend has been recording our intercourse without me knowing We don't have to pay red light district tickets?
So the SWAT Kats are outside my apartment. Friend has been recording our intercourse without me knowing We don't have to pay red light district tickets?
davepoobond you can't put a price on sparks Sep 4, 2017 #9,338 Trump to announce end of DACA outside my apartment
B Browny Banned Sep 4, 2017 #9,339 Ross from Friends has been recording our conversations without me knowing.
E Earthbound64 Banned Sep 4, 2017 #9,340 Facing possible jail time for doing what I feel like... Facing possible jail time for doing something wrong... 1000 years later, are home printers still a dumpster fire? 10 years later, is the home printer dumpster fire still going? What, if any, are the social implications of saying no on a boat?
Facing possible jail time for doing what I feel like... Facing possible jail time for doing something wrong... 1000 years later, are home printers still a dumpster fire? 10 years later, is the home printer dumpster fire still going? What, if any, are the social implications of saying no on a boat?
N NateDog Member Sep 5, 2017 #9,341 Miyamoto BANNED these Nintendo characters from having girlfriends. You won't believe what happened next
Miyamoto BANNED these Nintendo characters from having girlfriends. You won't believe what happened next
G Guevara Member Sep 5, 2017 #9,342 Syrian troops close to breaking 70000-year long ISIS siege on 3 civilians
E Earthbound64 Banned Sep 5, 2017 #9,343 Could you intercept an IBM (Irritable Bowel Movement) with another IBM? Florida Gov. Declares State Of Emergency Over Hurricane Irma (Up: now a Cat 5 cable) Florida Gov. Declares State Of Emergency Over Hurricane Irma (Up: now 5 Cats) Cock GAF: What are you having? A man is crowdfunding for a replacement widow
Could you intercept an IBM (Irritable Bowel Movement) with another IBM? Florida Gov. Declares State Of Emergency Over Hurricane Irma (Up: now a Cat 5 cable) Florida Gov. Declares State Of Emergency Over Hurricane Irma (Up: now 5 Cats) Cock GAF: What are you having? A man is crowdfunding for a replacement widow
E Earthbound64 Banned Sep 6, 2017 #9,345 (Tap) Spinal from all over the world contains musical notes UPS stole my Nintendo, B****
F Fourmyle of Ceres Member Sep 7, 2017 #9,349 Galactic Empire looking to build a second DS in North America, will add 1179k jobs