Some of the years could be off by 1. I fact checked a couple by checking the release dates. Everything past 2000 is probably in my Newegg or Amazon history. Might have been one CPU from Fry's, can't remember. Definitely grabbed a case there at least once.
I could probably put video cards to most of them from memory. The builds in the 90s and I guess that Athlon 1800+ spanned my school years (the Franklin was more of a 'family' computer). The 486 was a Packard Bell straight from Best Buy, but after a few months I wanted a sound card and later a CD-ROM so I figured out how to install them myself. From there it was all self-built. Those older builds still stick out in my mind more because I associate them with specific games I was looking to play, and specific summer breaks from the school.
My worst build was definitely that Pentium D 805 with an ATI x1800xt. Those might individually be the worst CPU and the worst vid card I ever owned, smash them together and they were a Voltron of failure. Should have just waited a little bit and gotten Core2Duo and Nvidia 7900GT. Despite that, Battlefield 2 ran real nice on it. Worth it for that alone. Of course, the Xbox 360 came out and kind of cucked it as well. Not that it was the place for Battlefield... buuuut after running the demo of COD4 on it and comparing it to Xbox 360 I got real sad. And got a 360. With Gears. And MW.