epmode said:my new xp system simply doesn't play system shock 2. or torment.
Schmackos said:Age of Empires 2 gave me a lot of joy.
Also yay for Operation Flashpoing, Freespace 2, AvP 1 and 2, Red Alert.
good guess.Mrbob said:Do you have a nvidia card?
if this works, you'll be my best friend forever. i won't be able to try it out for a few days, though.Mrbob said:If you do you may have to revert back to older drivers to play these games.
6.8 said:I have to say that Doom 2 and Tie Fighter's Collector's Edition are the two best PC RPG ever made!
SteveMeister said:I wasn't aware that either of these games were RPG's -- even in the loosest sense of the term.
mac said:Have we all forgotten?
Buggy Loop said:So many passed on the game because it was from ION storm, that it was based on the quake2 engine (not technically good but they did marvels with the engine), and that it had a buggy release and then the team was disbanded, eleminating any possibilities of a patch.
AeroGod said:Anachronox has the best story, atmosphere, characters, and script in any game ever made. Period. Ill stand by that statement untill the day I die because I seriously doubt it will EVER be surpassed. If youve never experienced it, you gaming career will forever be tarnished by a gigantic VOID of emptiness. You're missing out. Give or take the "RPG" elements, they were ho-hum, it wouldve worked just as good if not better as a straight up adventure title without the combat elements and dated and boring RPG system. Still, that was impossible to ruin the game in the least bit.
A fansite actually created a Anachronox movie using in-game cutscenes and video they made of certain parts of the game. That kicked major ass. Im unable to find it anymore though.
epmode said:my new xp system simply doesn't play system shock 2. or torment.