People who dislike Radiohead are stupid


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I'm glad we've come to the consensus that In Rainbows is actually their best album, because it is.


I'm glad we've come to the consensus that In Rainbows is actually their best album, because it is.

Yeah it's on of their best for sure..accessible, layered, deep. Just great sounding album. Just cant help preferring the weirdness of A Moon Shaped Pool The King of Limbs and Kid A

Best version

Audience was like.. wtf is this lol

Those (3 separate) drums alone.. complex yet "not loud? Sorry non english speaker hard to explain
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They didn't get good till the bends. Creep sucks. But the bends was really good and since ok computer they've been godlike.

As far as people who don't like radiohead being stupid, I'd like to see some evidence. Like you, I believe it intuitively. But I think we should keep in mind that until some proper controlled tests are done we don't know if they are stupid or how stupid they are.
People who don't like (insert artist name here) are stupid and have no taste.



I can't get into Ammesiac and Kid A. Is there something wrong with me?

Well.. No. And Yes. And no.

I don't know music so forgive me but I'd say Kid A and Amnesiac went into a more experimental electronic route. More or less??

I distinctly remember experiencing Kid A for the first time. I was 14/15?? Took me a couple a listens to even grasp what was going on. Kid A is what Dark side of the Moon was from Pink Floyd to me. And I'll cherish it until my death. Amnesiac while having some great songs felt very mechanical and detached. Still does.

Kid A is brilliant from start to finish imo. If it doesn't click that's fine. Nothing wrong.

Amnesiac’s alienating and cold quality is what I love about it.

Imo Kid A is ruined by How to Disappear Completely. It just does not belong on that album.


Amnesiac’s alienating and cold quality is what I love about it.

Imo Kid A is ruined by How to Disappear Completely. It just does not belong on that album.

Lol. It's one of the best tracks of the album man. Damn.

I'm so surprised you just said that !! =P

Well... How to dissapear completely REALLY spoke to me and still does. So that's a factor but still.. w h y
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not tag worthy
No. I just don't want to listen too music that will after a while make me want to commit self half. Yes a few of the songs in isolation are great to listen to. But fucking hell. Stop whining Mr Yorke


No. I just don't want to listen too music that will after a while make me want to commit self half. Yes a few of the songs in isolation are great to listen to. But fucking hell. Stop whining Mr Yorke

I get that.

I'm dissociated, depressed, daydreaming and melancholic so it resonated and always will with me. I'm used to comments akin to yours and again, I get it. But yeah, what resonates, well. Resonates.

Edit: Awwwhhh yeah an excuse to post a classic

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not tag worthy
I get that.

I'm dissociated, depressed, daydreaming and melancholic so it resonated and always will with me. I'm used to comments akin to yours and again, I get it. But yeah, what resonates, well. Resonates.

Edit: Awwwhhh yeah an excuse to post a classic

Don't get me wrong squire. A few of their songs will make you feel and ponder introspectively But too much of them.thays dangerous for me Well after I just feel like I'm living in a ken loach/it's grim up north movie

Though I admit to getting into them for ok computer and also I love creep.
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