Yaweee said:Why is that not cool?
Yeah, that comment doesn't make much sense to me either. It makes it consistent between games and easier for people that have played multiple games to go "oh, I know what type of attack that is."
Yaweee said:Why is that not cool?
I know what you mean! I am playing through both FF12 and 13 at the same time! They share spell names too! That's some utter bullshit!Big B said:Looking at some gameplay videos and realized that spell names are same across SMT?? not cool since I'm going through devil summoner.
joelseph said:Come on now, you have to follow this information up with HOW you got it for $11.00!
Volcynika said:Yeah, that comment doesn't make much sense to me either. It makes it consistent between games and easier for people that have played multiple games to go "oh, I know what type of attack that is."
Big B said:I guess, it's just Same Name Fatigue. Imagine if you played 4 FF games and then within a year you play another one where not only the monsters are similar but items are too. Just a bit tiring I suppose.
Big B said:I guess, it's just Same Name Fatigue. Imagine if you played 4 FF games and then within a year you play another one where not only the monsters are similar but items are too. Just a bit tiring I suppose.
Wait till you hear the final boss battle theme.Pappasman said:This could quite possibly be my favorite battle music I have ever heard in an RPG.
Also the mall's music is really good too.
Truth.shidoshi said:What fatigues me is playing an RPG that has a completely new system for spell naming and trying to remember it all. If a developer is going to feel the need to have wacky names for their spells, I'd prefer them to then keep those names standardized across the series.
Unless your series name is "Shin Megami Tensei" or "Phantasy Star", asking me to care enough to remember whatever silly naming scheme you've come up with is really pushing it.
Lyte Edge said:P3P is my first time playing Persona 3. I know that the game is missing the animated cut scenes from the console version, and the way you travel around/interact in the non-dungeon portions of the game is different, but is that all?
What are the differences between P3P and Persona 3/FES? Someone said that although P3P doesn't have the extra epilogue story from FES, it has the dungeon. Is that true?
This is also the first J-RPG I've had any interest in (and actually like) in years.
-It may seem like a great idea to flip your Persona for better ones by fusing, but hold onto them for a little bit, because higher levels mean more skills... and better skills that can be passed on to the fused Persona.darkjedi187 said:any pointers for a first time persona player.
darkjedi187 said:any pointers for a first time persona player.
The combat is all about exploiting the enemies' weaknesses, so analyze everything and keep a stable of personas on you that have a wide variety of types of attacks. Likewise keep in mind what your personas are weak and strong against and be ready to fuse a persona that is specifically strong to specific things for some of the later boss battles.darkjedi187 said:any pointers for a first time persona player.
Fimbulvetr said:Judgement
Castor Krieg said:Whose S.Link is that? It's not listed in the OP.
darkjedi187 said:any pointers for a first time persona player.
I made sure to do that as soon as I could. I played about 2 hours of FES before making the decision to wait for P3P because it had direct control of all party members.Aquavelvaman said:Also be sure to set the tactics of all your party members to direct command or else the AI will have them do everything.
Probably 50~60 hours due to all of the speed improvements. The PS2 versions were around 70~90 for most people. I think I recall somebody playing the JP version finishing it on Beginner mode in around ~15, when fast-forwarding through most of the cutscenes.Princess Skittles said:What's a good time frame for how long this game is for normal play, not OCD play?
Hmm, not sure if want.Yaweee said:Probably 50~60 hours due to all of the speed improvements. The PS2 versions were around 70~90 for most people. I think I recall somebody playing the JP version finishing it on Beginner mode in around ~15, when fast-forwarding through most of the cutscenes.
Princess Skittles said:Hmm, not sure if want.
Yes it's a game over when the main character dies regardless of who else is alive.Charmicarmicat said:I posted this near the beginning of the thread with no response... Is it still game over if the main character is killed?
Yes.Charmicarmicat said:I posted this near the beginning of the thread with no response... Is it still game over if the main character is killed?
Well, that's a little reassuring.Whoompthereitis said:The structure of the game is such that you can put it down for a month or two and pick up right where you left off. It's not like some RPGs where you boot it up after a sabattical and find yourself on some world map with no recollection of where you are or how you got there. The game is very linear in story progression, which helps a ton.
Whoompthereitis said:The structure of the game is such that you can put it down for a month or two and pick up right where you left off. It's not like some RPGs where you boot it up after a sabattical and find yourself on some world map with no recollection of where you are or how you got there. The game is very linear in story progression, which helps a ton.
Should have changed your us address to somewhere that charges no tax for online transactions, like FL (I think)shahkur said:Alright, finally download from US PSN for $43.53. Bullshit tax. I've bought quite a few games from the UK PSN in the past without any tax. But oh well. Not had a chance to play it yet. Question: The woman that sings the new songs in this. Is she the P4 woman or P3 woman?
darkressurection said:Alright, so I am coming from having played P4 and I am a little confused on the game structure. So in P4 there was a time limit for each dungeon, is there a similar thing in P3 for each "block"?
Also, in P4 is was very clear that when you hung out to do an S Link, you were giving up a day in the dungeon. In P3 does S Link stuff have a detrimental effect before going into the Tartarus. Like do you get more tired or anything like that?
Thanks for the explanation. Thankfully I got to the top of Block 1 with like 5 days before the first full moon.Peff said:I don't think there are actually time limits, but it's best to reach the limit of each block in the Tartarus before the next Full Moon, because that day a story event takes place and if you can't advance in Tartarus it usually means you can do it with relative ease.
In Persona 3 you don't really sacrifice Social Links if you go to the dungeon, but getting tired affects a lot of stuff. You might perform worse on the activities or exams, you can't fight well... so you have to decide when you go carefully. More often than not you can soldier through the first few days after each Full Moon to get to the top of the next block, but for some Social Links you have to go to Tartarus at night to avoid getting a telephone call for example.
Melhisedek said:My first contact with Persona games, what difficulty should I start with? (haven't played SMT games at all except for the latest DS one)