Peff said:Every Combination Skill is now an item. I guess they did that to prevent people spamming Armaggeddon and Victory Cry, rendering the game a snorefest :lol
Yaweee said:Information from the Japanese release wasn't very specific about difficulty levels, so its not sure what is perceived and what is real as far as tweaks are between Hard/Maniacs, and FES' Hard mode. Most of the new gameplay changes make it relatively easier, if everything else was equal, but the incorporation of P4's knockdown rules are a fairly large difficulty increase. In earlier versions of P3, casting an all-hit spell needed to hit every target with a weakness, but now even hitting one results in another turn. Absolutely devestating, as a *normal* hit from an enemy can take off more than 50% of your health on Maniacs.
Jerk 2.0 said:Okay, I feel better now knowing what kind of resistance the game is throwing at me.
I am still not going to grind though...
The increased chance of missing is quite possibly the worse of the lot...
Yaweee said:I'm not certain of that, though. None of the posts I've read elsewhere (or JP blogs crammed through Google Translate) say anything about hit chance. That's just how it seems to me, and it really isn't that much higher than normal if it is. It could also just be that I'm underleveled-- SMT combat algorithms are based heavily and explicitly on your level relative to the enemy's.
kman3000 said:I just defeated the 5/9 full moon.
When do I gain access to the compendium?
Curufinwe said:I went to the end of the first block of Tartarus in one night without anyone in my party getting tired. Compared to the original P3, it seems to be a non-issue.
I'm glad I'm playing on Hard cause the boss battles are challenging so far, but having to pay 4x in the Compendium is going to suck when it comes to trying to always have a Persona of the right Arcana for S.Links.
mattiewheels said:So is getting tired something you have to plan around, or am i supposed to be preventing it somehow?
Jerk 2.0 said:Ugh, dying is so annoying.
Either I have to forfeit the night, use an expensive item or use a much weakened character.
I need recarm baaad.
Unknown Soldier said:The old trick I used to use was pretty straightforward. Run straight up the floors and avoid every Shadow. Flee from battles if you run into any by accident. Go all the way up to the floor boss and teleport down and save. Then teleport back up and clear the floors to your heart's content.
Also, Homonculus is your friend.
He comes if you draw the death arcana (very rare) or if you spend too long on a floor.DidntKnowJack said:Ok, I'm fairly early on in the game, reached level 7 of Tartarus no problem, but keep running into Death. I was able to run away a couple times, but on the third he killed me very quickly. I know I'm not supposed to fight him this early in the game, but how the hell do you avoid him? What the hell am I missing?
Well, I definitely didn't draw the death arcana. I must have been on that floor too long, though I didn't think I was. But I was actually having a hard time finding the stairs to the next level.ShockingAlberto said:He comes if you draw the death arcana (very rare) or if you spend too long on a floor.
DidntKnowJack said:Well, I definitely didn't draw the death arcana. I must have been on that floor too long, though I didn't think I was. But I was actually having a hard time finding the stairs to the next level.
It's no big deal, I had just saved before that happened, but I wanted to make sure I avoided him the next time I booted up the game.
Thanks, I figured this like seconds after posting that.:lolYaweee said:12h40m, just finished the second month. Really liking it so far. It might be the best of the Persona games.
Like, tomorrow or something. Really soon.
Giolon said:I picked up this game off of PSN today knowing how much a friend of mine at work raved about the PS2 version back in the day.
I wasn't sure how much I'd like it since I wasn't a big fan of Devil Survivor. So far I think it's pretty awesome, though I got a game over after not saving for two hours at the hands of. I can't say Mitsuru didn't warn me. She told me to run away but like a dumbass I didn't. :lolDeath
I feel kind of awkward as an adult roleplaying a highschool student almost of feels creepy as all the characters are going "hey check out those hot girls!" or "hey are you together with so-and-so? She's cute." >.>.....
firehawk12 said:Yeah, it seems to be somewhat broken though as the battle voices are still in English, but that's fine.
Yeah it was a big fat noob mistake.Yaweee said:You can leave from virtually any floor, and return to the same exact floor by going into the main entrance rather than the portal on the side of the lobby. There's no reason at all to ever go more than ~20 minutes without saving.
Yaweee said:You can leave from virtually any floor, and return to the same exact floor by going into the main entrance rather than the portal on the side of the lobby. There's no reason at all to ever go more than ~20 minutes without saving.
firehawk12 said:^
Yeah, you could always leave either via the pads or items/spells.
Here's one thing I've always wondered - for anyone who has played the Japanese version (or undub) of the game, how is Bebe represented?
I mean, the localization makes him into a "weaboo" and then makes him super French as well, which I imagine is a stereotype to annoy Americans who hate French people. I kind of wonder if in the Japanese version he's some super stud European guy or something.
Baloonatic said:You could seriously go back to the same floor you left from by going through the main entrance?
nvm.Blood Boal said:Not anymore..![]()
Some guys have done a 100% perfect undub of the game with all the voices in Japanese. X3.....
Yaweee said:No, not in FES. You could leave via Traesto items, Fuuka's ability, or the one-way portals, but you wouldn't resume at the same floor you left at. That was added in P4, and is now in P3P.
Jerk 2.0 said:After reading some AI horror stories, maybe I should stay away from FES...
I can live with P3P.
Unknown Soldier said:PSA:
For those of you who prefer the original Japanese voice work (hello Fuuka! :lol), an undub version of P3P has been released to Teh Intarwebs! Google for it to get Fuuka's original cute voice! :lol
firehawk12 said:Here's one thing I've always wondered - for anyone who has played the Japanese version (or undub) of the game, how is Bebe represented?
I mean, the localization makes him into a "weaboo" and then makes him super French as well, which I imagine is a stereotype to annoy Americans who hate French people. I kind of wonder if in the Japanese version he's some super stud European guy or something.
Holy Order Sol said:Still can't get over Junpei's voice clip being cut to "Son of a...".
Obviously, you can tell that if that's my only complaint, I'm having a blast playing through this in Maniacs. It's just one of those "why just why" things.
Curufinwe said:No way he can be a super stud looking like he does.
firehawk12 said:Yeah, it seems to be somewhat broken though as the battle voices are still in English, but that's fine.
shidoshi said:Fuuka's English voice is awesome. This is crazy talk.
firehawk12 said:Also, Ken should not be a romance option. What were they thinking?
Ahihiko: "I can't believe I'm this tired!"Unknown Soldier said:*gasp* THE ENEMY! :lol :lol
Unknown Soldier said:But yeah, fuck Ken. Fuck him right up the ass with a rusty broadsword. He had such a stupid side story and the little motherfucker. I can never forgive him for that because of how awesomegot Shinjiro killedwas.Shiniro
hxa155 said:Once you're done, you'll want to play FES just for the epilogue.
ProudClod said:But you should avoid it at all costs.
The Answer is the biggest PoS Atlus has ever made.
Peff said:That was like that in FES too as far as I remember... (we're talking about the All-Out attacks, right?)
DangerousDave said:Some questions:
- The campaign is similar enough to FES to be able to follow a S-Link guide? I heard some things about not being able to study after being in Tartarus, and similar things, that may made the S-Link FES guides obsolete.
- I have P4 option of manually control all the characters?