No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

No.No.No. He may have been a drone, but the fashion sense was windy city swag.
Yu could learn a thing or two.
Soooo... I've never played a Persona/SMT game before. I like fighting games a lot and don't mind anime elements as long as the game is fun. Should I stay away since I have no idea what's going on with this game or pick it up since I like fighters?
Thoughts on this matter would be great.
Rent it and see what you think? Just watch videos and see if it appeals?Soooo... I've never played a Persona/SMT game before. I like fighting games a lot and don't mind anime elements as long as the game is fun. Should I stay away since I have no idea what's going on with this game or pick it up since I like fighters?
Thoughts on this matter would be great.
If you like fighters / ArcSys games by all means pick it up! Even potentially could lure you into eventually playing through persona 4 in the future lol
That's not too bad if it's true.
With this game, you're better off being a fighting games fan rather than a Persona fan.Soooo... I've never played a Persona/SMT game before. I like fighting games a lot and don't mind anime elements as long as the game is fun. Should I stay away since I have no idea what's going on with this game or pick it up since I like fighters?
Thoughts on this matter would be great.
So Stores again?
Not seeing the date change tho, but I guess we can expect it somewhen between end of August-Early Sept.
I recently bought BlazBlue on a whim to check it out. It's actually very fun and surprisingly deep and easy to do cool combos and stuff. I'm of intermediate skill at best but I still have fun with it. It's the only Arcsys game I've ever played but P4 Arena caught my eye.
Is there a place where I can find high res SMT/Persona wallpapers?
Well, I suppose she could crush people.
With all jokes aside, we really do need another more orthodox grab character. Since Kanji is a bit too combo / grab based which I think is why people kinda dont like using him. Though his grab does do an insane amount of damage for a single move.Well, I suppose she could crush people.
EDIT: New Version 2 (Full body~)![]()
Oh, one more question before release. Has anything been said about the differences between the two versions? Any problems on the 360? Only have a stick for that..
Oh, one more question before release. Has anything been said about the differences between the two versions? Any problems on the 360? Only have a stick for that..
360 has busted online.
360 has major lag issues that the developers are looking into. Don't know that there's much difference between the versions other than that and things that are safe to assume. 360 version will probably have a smaller community, but better netplay in general once they patch whatever issue is going on now. PS3 will probably have a bigger community and more high-level anime fighter dudes.
360 online is messed up but the same thing happened with BB. Should be fine once games out.
Ah okay, thanks for the heads up. I'll probably just stick with 360 if there's a fix incoming, it looks like there's enough SP content to keep me occupied.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I'd like to get it on PS3 for the larger community, but I don't have an arcade stick for PS3 and can't afford to get a new $100+ stick for a long while.
Apparently this isn't that bad to play with a pad.
Was driving me crazy though for challenge mode till I got my stick. But then again Im not like a top tier fighting game player![]()
The days of old school SNK fighting games made me sad. Esp trying to do the raging storm.
Ah the pretzel
When's the first GAF tourney guys?
Ugh it can't be worse than MvC3. My freaking left thumb was black and blue until I got a stick.
Went to Gamestop to pay off my preorder and the guy at the counter said they were doing a midnight release. He said a lot of people were wanting it so they are going to stay open till midnight on monday.
Hmm... to cancel Amazon or not...
Lol, some of challenges in BB are far and beyond the ones in MvC3. I know because I've done all of the MvC3 ones and I may never finish some of those BB ones since I can't wrap my head around some characters like Carl.
From the small fraction of what I've seen of P4A's mission mode it doesnt seem too difficult but there's gonna be tricky stuff, especially since all of the characters play completely different.
BBCS doesn't even ease you into the trial either. I remember doing one of hakumens trials. The easy shit like moves, supers, etc and then the next combo has you doing jump cancels and tking one of his moves into a long ass combo. It was only challange 3. THREE.
fuck that game.
Went to Gamestop to pay off my preorder and the guy at the counter said they were doing a midnight release. He said a lot of people were wanting it so they are going to stay open till midnight on monday.
Lol, some of challenges in BB are far and beyond the ones in MvC3. I know because I've done all of the MvC3 ones and I may never finish some of those BB ones since I can't wrap my head around some characters like Carl.
From the small fraction of what I've seen of P4A's mission mode it doesnt seem too difficult but there's gonna be tricky stuff, especially since all of the characters play completely different.
CS EX fixed that a little. The challenges are more spread out.
Lol, some of challenges in BB are far and beyond the ones in MvC3. I know because I've done all of the MvC3 ones and I may never finish some of those BB ones since I can't wrap my head around some characters like Carl.
From the small fraction of what I've seen of P4A's mission mode it doesnt seem too difficult but there's gonna be tricky stuff, especially since all of the characters play completely different.
That makes no sense that they'd do a midnight release for P4:A. I love the series, but it can't have that much widespread appeal.
Hopefully the online issue on 360 won't take long to be fixed. I'm not going to go through the hassle of switching my preorder now when it's already fully paid off. Plus I know a couple people getting it on 360 as well.
God damn half of the Japanese voice cast are annoying as fuck. My poor ears![]()