Not a word, and yes.I noticed you've been asking for a lot of help. Do you know Japanese/is this really enjoyable for you?
Not a word, and yes.I noticed you've been asking for a lot of help. Do you know Japanese/is this really enjoyable for you?
That's a really good idea, thanks for sharing it! I'll probably end up using it when I'll get a PS4.Best way to play this game for guys who want to look up words as they play is to remote play into your PC and have kanji tomo installed.
If you mean what I think you meanHey guys, dungeon 3. Please help.vault puzzle
If you mean what I think you meanthen you need tothe number pad puzzlesfind notes in the big piggy banks which will tell you the values of the letters above the number pads, the letters on the notes are in english, so you should be able to figure them out, once you got the notes go to the items menu and they will be under key items (green) items, just scroll through til you find something like R=C, those are the right ones.
That's a really good idea, thanks for sharing it! I'll probably end up using it when I'll get a PS4.
How good are characters compared to P4 cast?
Even better way I found is if you want to capture an entire line/paragraph, use a software called "Capture2text"
I just used it and it's better for me. I can just simply highlight and grab blocks of text which I can use later.
I don't wanna read any spoilers, but what about the soundtrack? is it available yet? i can't find quality tracks on youtube.
I was using Kanji tomo but the fact that it uses an English dictionary kind of makes it less appealing for me. I use a japanese to japanese dictionary for lookups and whatnot but Kanji Tomo is good for once in a while use.Capture2text is amazing. But there is another free one, which has a built-in Japanese dictionary. It also has a built-in image viewer. It's called Kanji Tomo.
Edit, just realized that was the original suggestion. I'm an idiot.
Anyways kanji tomo's built-in dictionary gives it the edge for me. Makes looking up names easy as hell.
Nope, you can have as many accounts set as the primary as you'd like, they just can't make a different console a primary without first removing that one as its primary.
You don't actually have to do this if you have at least 2 other persona. I fused a pixie and pyro jack for that part.Need help really quickDo I have to fuse Arsene to move on from the fusion tutorial?
For OCR kanji readings without any remote play stuff, I would recomment iOS + Android app "Yomiwa" which has a free 1 week trial.
It's a lot faster than Google Translate for quick kanji scanning as there's a live mode which shows readings immediately.
No need to take a photo, etc.
Looks like this is on Android too. Says free but it's probably the trial.
IMO if Persona 5 is as good as yall say it is then between it and Catherine alone I feel like we could say the Persona Team is a top 5 developer. I keep checking back here despite not importing the game out of excitement.
Just finished the third dungeon. Quality is still really high. Third boss is crazy, but in a good way.
Does anyone know if Matador learns Mahagaru naturally?
I'm starting to think the UI is too busy after watching some footage. I love how stylized it is but it seems like sensory overload at times and takes up way too much screen real estate.
I don't think it does, as it's a requested Persona. You'll have to create it by fusion.
I'm starting to think the UI is too busy after watching some footage. I love how stylized it is but it seems like sensory overload at times and takes up way too much screen real estate.
Oh hey, doing the Mementos with Spotify makes it much less annoying. Having Falcom music play during battles is quite the experience.
Also, I was fairly late to notice this, but they re-introduced the Nuclear and Psy skills from Persona 2. I was asked to fuse a person with the skill 'Frei', so that had me stand up from the couch in awe. They certainly didn't neglect the series' rich heritage.
Best way to play this game for guys who want to look up words as they play is to remote play into your PC and have kanji tomo installed.
I don't use English definitions as I'm going J to J but this is handy for some.
Just mouse over words and it'll tell you the definition. This won't be much help for those who don't know the words around the words though. You still need to understand the sentence and sometimes the definition isn't exactly the same.
Arrg, such a hard choice. I got to kanji's dungeon already in p4, but I own p4g and a pstv...There's an extensive list of the changes here:
After reading, you can make the decision yourself, though you can generally get a PSTV + P4G for about $60-$70.
Arrg, such a hard choice. I got to kanji's dungeon already in p4, but I own p4g and a pstv...
Arrg, such a hard choice. I got to kanji's dungeon already in p4, but I own p4g and a pstv...
Arrg, such a hard choice. I got to kanji's dungeon already in p4, but I own p4g and a pstv...
There was this song I've heard called (potential spoilers). Have I been spoiled a lot?Shidou, which sounds like a battle-ish theme
It arrived today!
P4 on PS2 is great. Just listen to Snowflakes after you're done P4 and you'll be happy.
I was like
Ah that Social link with tae Takemi ( she's a NPC ) is so awesome by how it starts.
I was likeSince i barely made up a lie for the drugs since it kinda admitted i eavedropped the previous time ( by the way the "my head hurts" answer is pure gold ) , i choose to dive in and drink that red suspicious drink in one go , only to collapse and wake up later , and she tells me that i was comatose , but it doesn't matter now since i woke up !
Now that's a nice and unique way to start a relationship , lol
And not only i like her design , i also like how usefull her s-link is.. even if it's too bad so many items are locked behind that progression.
I would drink absolutely anything that woman offered me.
For OCR kanji readings without any remote play stuff, I would recomment iOS + Android app "Yomiwa" which has a free 1 week trial.
It's a lot faster than Google Translate for quick kanji scanning as there's a live mode which shows readings immediately.
No need to take a photo, etc.
You can also switch between kana and romaji for the readings.
I've been on media blackout, any reception to the game to wet my appetite until February?
A comment by Yoko Taro (Nier Director):
A comment by Yosuke Saito (Nier and Dragon Quest X Executive Producer):